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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Nov 3, 2021
Maj Chief, Cyber Integration
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Responses: 12
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SFC Ralph E Kelley
Edited >1 y ago
I went into the Army at 230 pounds. In School I played inside linebacker of a 4-4 defense and tight end. On the track team I ran the 1 mile, 2 mile (ran at state), threw shotput, discus and javelin. After AIT I was 215 pounds and always was in the top 10% on the weekly PT testing. I always maxed the old 500 point and later the 300 point AFRT.
All that being said I spent most of my army career being poked, prodded, weighted, and taped until I was sent down to Gorgas Hospital in Panama to be immersion-tested. After the 3rd time I was immersed the Chief Naval Medical Officer (Rear Admiral) stopped my COC from sending me via written letter to them and to be placed in my files.
It has never been purely about just your weight, but also about your AFPT, body tone, agility and performance ability/capacity. If your leadership calls you a fatty just because of a scale then they haven't read the pertinent regulations. They are more comprehensive than poundage. Weight is simply the first indicator.
SSG Ralph Watkins
SSG Ralph Watkins
>1 y
I am old school. I've see some of the most fit & dedicated soldiers kicked out for not meeting the height/weight standard. The crazy thing is the Army's answer was for them to do more PT. Muscle weighs more than fat & the military hasn't figured that one out yet. One guy was very religious. While everybody went out & partied, he lifted weights. When we would go on alert, he could carry equipment himself that took 4 others to carry. He was good at his job & dedicated to the Army. No, he must be a horrible soldier, a disgrace because he does fit into our pretty little model. They kicked him out.
MSgt Nancy Wilson
MSgt Nancy Wilson
>1 y
Muscle weighs more than fat. I knew plenty of men who failed the weight test, but they were treated like they were MORE FIT. They were not mistreated at all.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
SFC Ralph E Kelley
>1 y
MSgt Nancy Wilson - I won't say I was mistreated but I will say I was annoyed many times by people that barely passed the PT test and couldn't pass the SQT written or didn't understand their hands-on job duties..
TSgt Mike Biles
TSgt Mike Biles
3 y
The last time I was the"proper" weight for my height, I was a Skinny High School Freshman. At my fittest, I would be considered 20 lbs Over (no spare tire-or 6-pack... just right.)
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SPC Margaret Higgins
Maj (Join to see) Ma'am, I happen to have run around the P.T. (Physical Training) track; the fastest; in Basic Training.
Maj Chief, Cyber Integration
Maj (Join to see)
>1 y
Same! I have never run as fast as I did in basic training again lol. Thank goodness the PT charts go down with age :)
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
Maj (Join to see) - I agree. Thank goodness. :-)
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MAJ Engineer Officer
The problem with HT/WT standards is that they’re only good for those who are just endurance athletes (distance runners). They aren’t friendly to anyone who has any muscle mass, and more and more people are becoming hybrid athletes (lift heavy, run fast). It’s beyond time those standards get an overhaul.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
I haven't been close to being within by "legal" weight since I started weight training in 1990. Fortunately, the tape test works out for me. Getting my fat, post Covid ass back into shape, but I will be below 20 percent body fat at 2020 (not quite there yet). My lean body mass is back to around 180, but even the over 40 (and I am a lot over 40) BMI number for my 5'9" is 186.
Knees no longer like the run fast.
MAJ Engineer Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
CPT Lawrence Cable - based on the tape test, I stay around 18-20%, but I’d like to get a more accurate test. The weight the Army says I should be is 195 at 5’11, which is damn near impossible unless I just stop lifting and start only doing cardio. And that’s not happening.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - I ran about 18% by the Tape Test at my highest service weight, about 205. I was over 40 and still scoring 270+ on the 18 year old scale. Never was real fast, the run kept me from Maxing my age group.
MSgt Nancy Wilson
MSgt Nancy Wilson
>1 y
Could not agree more.
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