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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Jun 1, 2018
SGT Joseph Gunderson
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Responses: 128
Cpl Mark McMiller
Edited >1 y ago
Trump was duly elected by the people and he's doing what he said he would during the campaign. He's not being tyrannical. Not liking that your candidate lost the election is not a valid reason to rebel. So if anyone rises up against Trump, I'll be backing him.

On the other hand, it appears that the Obama Administration, FBI, DOJ, and Intelligence community criminally worked with the Clinton campaign to shield Hillary from prosecution for her criminal acts while at the same time criminally spying on the Trump campaign in an attempt to prevent his being elected. And now that he has been duly elected, these same bad actors appear to be criminally orchestrating a secret coup to have him removed. If there was ever a good time to rise up and rebel against the government, it would be if none of these bad actors are criminally prosecuted and appropriately sentenced for their criminal behavior.
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
Monty Leverett - Hillary wasn't cleared of anything. Comey laid out her criminal acts and then made up some bullshit about how he couldn't recommend prosecution because she didn't show intent, but the law she violated has no element of intent. And now we're finding out that DoJ ordered the FBI to back off of Hillary and orchestrated the white wash. I believe that all falls under obstruction of justice. Time for some heads to roll.
Monty Leverett
Monty Leverett
>1 y
Cpl Mark McMiller - That's what I was referring to, he basically cleared her by not prosecuting, which we're learning was more than just his decision, meanwhile, with zero evidence, we've had 2 years of "impeach him now dammit" from the DNC
SPC Robert Gilhuly
SPC Robert Gilhuly
>1 y
The good news today, William Barr will be investigating how the fisa warrants were obtained, how it was paid for,...etc. Those bad actors will finally be brought to justice. This is why I stand behind the thin blue line !
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
SSG Ed Delacroix - Is this a open admission that you would commit fratricide? Downvoting for the implication, that's not cool man,.
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1stSgt Nelson Kerr
Voting works more effectively, With revolutions you never know how there will come out, the usual results are dictators and chaos. large scale deaths on both sides are also a reliable result. the last one here cost 600,000 dead and the places where the treason occurred took decades to recover.

Currently I find that, the people calling for revolution, unlike yourself, are people who I would not want anywhere near power and probably not even allowed near sharp objects. It was the same in the sixties but with a different type of clown.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Here is the whole of Article 3 as it pertains to treason

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Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted."

Again, no mention of secession as treason, no matter how you slice it, it's just not there 1SG.

Bottom line up front: You are wrong 1SG, California having a plan for secession was not a lie, as proven by two sources, 1/3rd of Californians supported some form of secession, which disproves your fringe lunatic claim, again supported by a reputable source, and Your claim of secession as treason by virtue of Article 3 of the constitution is demonstrably False, as I posted all of the provided article in regards to Treason, and no where does it mention secession, let alone that it is treason.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
SSG Robert Perrotto Shooting as US Army Troops to implant that secession is waging war against the US. If they left it as a paper exercise that could be ignored it would not have been valid But bit would not have been treason. But when the scumbags started trying to kill US Troops it became treason.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - When did California declare war on the United States? Where was I when something of this magnitude occurred? Did California call up it's militia to oppose the United States? Pretty sure if a large scale, armed, force of troops or militia started firing on US Troops, it would have been plastered on every television in the world. a handful of Idiots, is a pretty good example of the definition of "fringe lunatics" unlike you ascribing 1/3rd of Californias population as "fringe lunatics"

Also, please source your claim that Californian Secessionists fired upon US troops, Forgive me if I am very skeptical of your claims, as the last three you made were outright Fibs.
SFC Robert Strickland
SFC Robert Strickland
>1 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Secession is separation, a withdrawal. Insurrection is open revolt. Since South Carolina was simply trying to withdraw from the Union neither of your inane charges are correct. Show me in the Constitution where secession (READ WITHDRAWAL) from the Union is treason. Prove it, if you can.
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COL Commanding Officer
The answer to when one should revolt is, will be, and always has been two-fold:

1. You have to be right.
2. You have to be able to win.

If you don’t have both conditions, then the discussion is academic. Thank goodness we had both conditions in 1775. Thank goodness the Southern states had neither in 1861. And may we never need either condition again.
SSgt Gregg Coldsnow
SSgt Gregg Coldsnow
6 y
I believe the grunts would follow the constitution and not obey any unlawful order to fire on civilians. I've already heard of one squad leader who, while in formation, was told by his LT that it might come to that. The Sgt stepped forward, laid his weapon on the ground and said that he would not be able to follow any such order. Can't remember if he was reduced in rank or bounced somewhere else. Anyone else hear about this?
PO3 Dennis Bullard
PO3 Dennis Bullard
6 y
At least 33 million people own guns in America. The grunts nor the military would decide the victory. We need to stay united. Even though sometimes it may be hard to do.
SGT Tomas "Huey" Husted
SGT Tomas "Huey" Husted
6 y
But now there are those trying to set a new course into the past. And as in 1861 they stand in the same shoes as the south. Only this time it will not be grey against blue. It will be red against the blue. With the near perverse glee that the blues have taken it upon themselves to rid the world of Trump. The utter rudeness and cruelty the Blues showed at the recent poles showed them for what they are . Unbelievable actions and words. If a call came to protect our Constitution at 'this' time I would continue to fulfill the oath I took over 40 years ago. There can be no other recourse. The Blues are not just trying to regain power they are close to trying to effect a full blown coup. There is more to their words and rhetoric behind the scenes. That is what we should be prepared for. Because legally or Constitutionally they haven't a leg to stand on.
Monty Leverett
Monty Leverett
>1 y
Thank you Major, as this is the point I make whenever someone says any state should "just secede." There was never a right on paper or anywhere else for any member of a nation to leave it, so that state must be right, and able to enforce the move to leave.
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