A recent survey found that an alarming amount of Americans believe most homeless people they see must be veterans. Though that isn’t true, is there a way to change that stigma? And with at least 76,000 American veterans stranded on the streets each and every night, is there a way to better help them?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 41
Wow, that preconception is startling to learn about -- I wonder why so many Americans think that most homeless people are veterans. Maybe it has something to do with a high percentage of homeless people writing that they are a veteran on their cardboard sign? Specifically, I am referring to a homeless person that writes, "Homeless veteran, please help" -- and drivers-by have no way of verifying whether that person is in fact a veteran.
CSM Michael Lynch
Me and my counterparts have offered many of them jobs and talked with them in depth to find out they weren't veterans holding them signs. I would venture there are more of them with the signs that aren't veterans than are. My opinion is I will ask a question or two and help those I can. Veterans and non-veterans with a job offer it they want to start somewhere.
CPT (Join to see)
That is a very good point, it is in almost town that I have been to. Like you say, there's no way of verifying their identity. I try to help in offering food/non-alcoholic beverage; I usually never give money.
SSG Don Maggart
Because from VA and HUD's own Statistics 34% are or will at some point Homeless CPT Aaron Kletzing
SSG Don Maggart
So Veer are Zee Papers and submit to the VA State will is the cure to Homelessness... I fart in your general direction...laffs
I like to write poetry because it's easier for me to write it than talk about it. I wrote this poem .
Where has all the time gone, where the hell did it go,
I was once looked up to, I was a war hero.
Now I sleep where ever I can, where ever I can find,
My face is so old and wrinkled, life has not been kind.
A half century ago, I served when I was called to go,
I was a combat soldier, proud and brave, ready for the show.
My time in Vietnam prepared me for my life,
Drugs and booze were my strength, which led to my strife.
Today I eat whatever I can find, I sleep wherever I can,
I am the people I hate, I am the one they can't stand.
The life I know of using drugs and becoming a boozer,
Has almost, but not quite, helped make me a total loser.
Then one day it happened, I had not thought of Him in years,
I fell to my knees in prayer and shed a half century of tears.
God told me to rise up, go forth, and again become a man,
Now today, I show others like me, what God will do and can.
© Keith Bodine 06/21/2007
Where has all the time gone, where the hell did it go,
I was once looked up to, I was a war hero.
Now I sleep where ever I can, where ever I can find,
My face is so old and wrinkled, life has not been kind.
A half century ago, I served when I was called to go,
I was a combat soldier, proud and brave, ready for the show.
My time in Vietnam prepared me for my life,
Drugs and booze were my strength, which led to my strife.
Today I eat whatever I can find, I sleep wherever I can,
I am the people I hate, I am the one they can't stand.
The life I know of using drugs and becoming a boozer,
Has almost, but not quite, helped make me a total loser.
Then one day it happened, I had not thought of Him in years,
I fell to my knees in prayer and shed a half century of tears.
God told me to rise up, go forth, and again become a man,
Now today, I show others like me, what God will do and can.
© Keith Bodine 06/21/2007
SGT (Join to see)
I've never been homeless, but I have a few friends who are. I got the insight for this poem from them. Thank you.
PV2 Violet Case
so do you plan to share it with us SGT Keith Bodine. I was sitting here all alone and thinking about the soldiers, thinking about the homeless and about Jesus. And I just began writing and would like to share it. If you dont want to read it that is ok. I still respect anyone who does not want to. But this is Easter and it also affects the holidays our soldiers fought for the freedom families have today for those holidays. Here it is a bit long. I will not share all my poems but this one touched me and felt I needed to put it out there.... It does talk about Jesus tho as many of my poetry does.But this compares a soldier to Jesus and how people should be good are show they care.
Jesus said to be like Him, that is a soldier to me.
Sitting here on Easter thankful for what God and soldiers did give
In comparison of what Jesus and soldiers on earth had to live.
As Jesus like soldiers went out on foot to as many as they could reach
It was about freedom, love, kindness, honor and truth they did preach.
Those are mostly things in the Christian and Military family we all share
Soldiers are like Jesus was willing to die showing others how much they care
Just like Jesus a soldier will go to save in any storm don't you see?
Because of them you have holidays to share and be free.
Some soldiers just like Jesus giving to the last beat of their heart
Are you living and giving as Jesus and doing your part?
Maybe the strength of that lonely soldier was done as a test,
for God to see if you or anyone would ask them to be a guest.
I have often asked God why the military as I have gotten older,
To deal with the things as we have from being a soldier.
It was to give us strength and no to do commands for any kind of a task.
For God knows our hearts and that we will do as He may ask.
People often wonder how homeless can survive out in the cold.
Because of the strength Jesus prepared us for as we get old.
If you think, to ask someone homeless to use your shower first might be mean.
Just asking to join you and shower in an honorable way, they are happy to be clean.
If they were once a soldier the shower is where grateful tears would fall unaware,
because they had lost most their friends and have found new ones that care.
To reach out to the person who seems to be alone
Is better then being a fake Christian and throwing a stone.
You can not hide, God knows who all those people are.
He watches us, every one of us from the heavens afar.
So many civilian people don't care what a soldier has to give
or the stuff they go through when they come home to live.
Its because of these soldiers you have free family holidays.
But yet some can walk on the other side and look in discussing ways.
A message to ones really living as Jesus showing all they care.
And by helping others, in any way they can help to share.
Blessings be to them for they may have past a test.
By showing they are good Samaritans and not like the rest.
For soldiers it’s harder to tell inwardly what they may hide.
That is why so many are beginning to commit suicide
Because they do not feel as if people even care,
what happened while fighting for freedom out there.
Just because a few pretend like they are real,
Does not mean this is how the whole world may feel.
As I stop to realize there is something living among and in us.
It keeps me holding on so I can see the face of Jesus.
Instead of pretending like many others that they care,
why not reach out to brothers and sisters to let them no you are there?
So hold on brothers and sisters and do your best to live
So we can see what more Jesus may one day have to give.
The times now that the end is showing its way
and Jesus is coming again another day.
He will need strong soldiers like us to fight.
This time for total life not politics to me seems more right.
Written by: Violet Case.
Notarized Easter of 2015
I do like congressman petersons classes taught me to protect my inventions & designs. Plus I pay for a trade mark lol anyone want to learn more about that please contact me.
Jesus said to be like Him, that is a soldier to me.
Sitting here on Easter thankful for what God and soldiers did give
In comparison of what Jesus and soldiers on earth had to live.
As Jesus like soldiers went out on foot to as many as they could reach
It was about freedom, love, kindness, honor and truth they did preach.
Those are mostly things in the Christian and Military family we all share
Soldiers are like Jesus was willing to die showing others how much they care
Just like Jesus a soldier will go to save in any storm don't you see?
Because of them you have holidays to share and be free.
Some soldiers just like Jesus giving to the last beat of their heart
Are you living and giving as Jesus and doing your part?
Maybe the strength of that lonely soldier was done as a test,
for God to see if you or anyone would ask them to be a guest.
I have often asked God why the military as I have gotten older,
To deal with the things as we have from being a soldier.
It was to give us strength and no to do commands for any kind of a task.
For God knows our hearts and that we will do as He may ask.
People often wonder how homeless can survive out in the cold.
Because of the strength Jesus prepared us for as we get old.
If you think, to ask someone homeless to use your shower first might be mean.
Just asking to join you and shower in an honorable way, they are happy to be clean.
If they were once a soldier the shower is where grateful tears would fall unaware,
because they had lost most their friends and have found new ones that care.
To reach out to the person who seems to be alone
Is better then being a fake Christian and throwing a stone.
You can not hide, God knows who all those people are.
He watches us, every one of us from the heavens afar.
So many civilian people don't care what a soldier has to give
or the stuff they go through when they come home to live.
Its because of these soldiers you have free family holidays.
But yet some can walk on the other side and look in discussing ways.
A message to ones really living as Jesus showing all they care.
And by helping others, in any way they can help to share.
Blessings be to them for they may have past a test.
By showing they are good Samaritans and not like the rest.
For soldiers it’s harder to tell inwardly what they may hide.
That is why so many are beginning to commit suicide
Because they do not feel as if people even care,
what happened while fighting for freedom out there.
Just because a few pretend like they are real,
Does not mean this is how the whole world may feel.
As I stop to realize there is something living among and in us.
It keeps me holding on so I can see the face of Jesus.
Instead of pretending like many others that they care,
why not reach out to brothers and sisters to let them no you are there?
So hold on brothers and sisters and do your best to live
So we can see what more Jesus may one day have to give.
The times now that the end is showing its way
and Jesus is coming again another day.
He will need strong soldiers like us to fight.
This time for total life not politics to me seems more right.
Written by: Violet Case.
Notarized Easter of 2015
I do like congressman petersons classes taught me to protect my inventions & designs. Plus I pay for a trade mark lol anyone want to learn more about that please contact me.
MAJ (Join to see)
The LA area will have a 3-day "stand-down for vets" to address this issue 20-22 December, and is asking veterans to help each other with food, clothing, housing, hygiene, mental health & employment issues.
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