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Command Post What is this?
Posted on May 3, 2017
CPT Alex Gallo
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Responses: 20
LtCol Robert Quinter
Edited >1 y ago
Great reflection Cpt Gallo. Suspecting I've got a few more years on this earth than you, I was born in the 40s and got to grow up in the 50s and 60s when the influence of men like Mr Haerry was common and prevalent. I've held a theory for a long time that the feeling of progress and moving forward together disappeared primarily due to my generation's war. We had a glimmer of Mr Haerry again after 9/11, but soon fell back into our post vietnam malaise that persists today.
What we lost sight of, I believe, is the promise of our nation as established by the founders and the value of what used to be called the common good. Did our government officials betray that promise during Vietnam? Some did. Were there those who felt that betrayal take to the streets in protest? Some honestly felt betrayed. Were most of the protesters really interested in working for the betterment of our nation and protesting as a result of those betrayals? I think not.
Vietnam made anarchy fashionable. A schism on how to react to those things that were wrong developed and spread to anything individuals felt represented a personal betrayal. Instead of debate and constructive work toward a better society, violence and "symbolic" destruction became the instrument of change for many and it continues today. Adding to the problem is the resentment resident on all sides between those who believe in drama, and those who believe in traditional problem solving. For too many, evolutionary, o even steady deliberate move toward change is not satisfactory and anarchy will bring the immediate change they desire.
Add to that schism, you have the ever present desire for a watergate or pentagon papers revelation that will rocket a newsman or organization to the pinnacle of fame and you've got today.
Until those in our government earn the trust and confidence of the electors, until those who are wronged recognize that physical or psychological violence does not result in attaining their objective, and until those who report our news and form public opinion realize they are not established to direct society, but to inform it, our potential to move forward and progress as we did prior to Vietnam is severely limited.
CPT Alex Gallo
CPT Alex Gallo
>1 y
Hi Robert -

First, yes, I was born in 1977. I also completely agree with all of your posts here. Really, really well said. You may be interested in this article that I published today. Thanks! https://www.google.com/amp/thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/331843-its-time-for-clinton-and-trump-to-shut-up-about-2016%3Famp
LtCol Robert Quinter
LtCol Robert Quinter
>1 y
CPT Alex Gallo - Well said Alex. We baby boomers have had our opportunity to prepare the world for those, like you, who follow. Don't know how well we did overall, but we didn't blow the place up. If that's the bar we set, no doubt you can all do better!
SPC Todd Rhoades
SPC Todd Rhoades
7 y
LtC Quinter, sir my parents are your generation, I had uncles in SE Asia. I don't believe that about the baby boomers as a whole. I believe it is the latter part of them and the early part of my generation. I was part of the massive IRR recall in 91 and for just a minute I saw a change in people, a new pride in our country. Even though some were opposed, everyone supported the troops. What a great sense of pride, not in myself or my fellow soldiers, but in our country as a whole. Then it vanished, to be rekindled, as you said, on 9-11. Then once again it is vanishing. It seems that we can unite when there is a clear and present cause. I think what we lack today is leadership, not by our government, doubt they could lead a thirsty horse to water, but by citizens. Common everyday people, mustering the courage to stand up and find the compromise, foregoing the scrutiny of friends and neighbors that want to side on the extreme.

Courage is what we lack, the courage to be an individual, to be scrutinized by both sides. Only when we find that, as a whole, can we move forward.
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
>1 y
Once the rich had control of more than half of the wealth we no longer controlled the government. They seem to be more than happy with us at each others throats.
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CSM Charles Hayden
United goal: like saying the pledge of Allegiance every day in school? Like compelling respect for the flag of our nation? Like having common prayers for the same God?
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SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
Thanks for sharing
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