Posted on May 8, 2019
Jasmine Henry
Hey everyone,

Our newborn daughter and I are due for our EFMP appointment next week (they booked us in one after the other). She already had her physical and everything is squared away, no complications. However, during the time my husband went to basic, I was around four months pregnant and inundated with stress (abusive boss at work, handling seven rabbits, small apartment, my direct family not in the country, etc.) and I ended up going to the hospital and speaking with my midwife about the stress and anxiety from all the responsibility and pregnancy hormones - she recommended I go "decompress" at a mental health centre for a few days. ***I chose to decline those services since I wasn't in crisis nor do I have any history of mental health issues***

Fast forward approximately four months later. I have a false alarm labour (flu triggered dry contractions, got Tamiflu and sent home, was 37+4) and go to the hospital. They asked about my stress levels - this was after we relocated to a different state so husband can be there for the birth of our first child. I mention feeling anxious about the news of OCONUS to Vilseck, Germany (Grafenwoehr, land in Ramstein). Within five minutes there's a psych assistant who keeps pushing Zoloft on me even after I've explained many times that I'm not depressed or suicidal, just stressed from not having a sponsor and not knowing how to prepare. Needless to say I leave the hospital with my Tamiflu and Zoloft (guy insisted, wrote up a prescription I didn't need and stated, "just in case"). I never took the Zoloft and threw it out. I go to two more appointments after that and both times they offer to top up the Zoloft. Both times I declined and stated I didn't take it.

My question is, will this hinder my ability to go overseas with my husband? There's no suicidal ideation. If they check my records, will them seeing the recommendation to the mental health centre and the one time Zoloft prescription cause a problem? Any advice or insight is greatly appreciated, thank you.
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Responses: 1
LTC Jason Mackay
Edited 6 y ago
Jasmine Henry recommend you look at the links I posted in this discussion. It has a reference guide about how EFMP works.

Page 9 has the process for Family Travel.

You may or may not be enrolled in EFMP. Please remember that this preparation for overseas movement is to ensure the Army can head off hardship for an Army family. It's Part of Command Sponsorship. In general, they don't want to send the family somewhere unless there is adequate medical coverage, schools, housing, etc. it's a one size fits all teeshirt that has tailored outcomes based on the family situation. This process is designed To catch a lot of things. Example: if a family member is wheelchair bound, they'd like to ensure there are ADA accessible quarters and the requisite medical specialties they'll need on a routine basis.

Worst case, they may decide that for one reason or another that you are a candidate for EFMP, it doesn't automaticallymean that you won't go and he'll pull an unaccompanied tour or be deleted from oconus orders. If you aren't enrolled already then you are probably ok. I'm willing to bet the Graf pharmacy formulary has Zoloft on it....if they insist on it.

Has your soldier gotten his orders yet? Has he had his levy brief? Does he have a sponsor yet?

Initial entry soldiers usually don't have hard copy orders until halfway through AIT. You need orders to coordinate the move with JPPSO (called jip-so, joint personal property shipping office) to include your household goods and vehicle.

If he has orders, you both can start working on preparation in earnest. You can start working on deciding what you are moving and what you are leaving in storage. Many Germany locations have 900-1100 SQFT quarters and you do not take everything with you. Your authorization might only be 900 lbs of house hold goods (HHG). There will be a small shipment they will move by air called hold baggage that you can ship first. I put bicycles and a bike trailer in my hold bags along with more clothes, kitchen items and air mattresses. Europe had loan furniture until you got your things. All this will be in a levy brief.

You will have to study and test for a US Army Europe Drivers license so you can drive there. This will take two weeks usually. You can download the book on line off the UsAREUR web site. You'll need this if you have to pick up a car from the shipping center. If you plan on shipping a car, ensure it is maintained and not leaking. It will have to be cleaned for vehicle processing. For the two weeks you're waiting on licenses and your car, you'll absolutely need help from the unit sponsor. This is at the levy brief too.

Are you shipping pets? That's another set of things all together.

When you arrive in Germany, the replacement detachment will pick you up and help you get situated. I believe you'll fly into Munich. Most fly into Frankfurt or Rammestein AB. You'll collect up your bags and family and take you to temporary lodging. I coordinated mine with my sponsor, housing may block out rooms for your family. They pay the temp lodging if you are waiting on quarters...they'll want you in quarters quick, that's why they have loan furniture. Your husband needs to work this with his sponsor.

Head start is a German culture and language class. spouses may go too. If child care is available, I'd recommend going. It removes some of the apprehension from functioning in a foreign land. You'll learn Food German and Travel German.

Living in Germany is a fun adventure that my family loved. There is some prep work to do, but it is all possible and not very difficult.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
6 y
Jasmine Henry - deep cleansing breath, this will eventually be a fun and exciting thing for your family. Living in Germany and Europe in general is great.
Jasmine Henry
Jasmine Henry
6 y
Lt Col Charlie Brown - Thank you for the heads up and advice! One of my good friends (who is overseas and went from AD to spouse) said that a lot of it has to do with your disposition and to not worry. I'm definitely going by what you recommend. It's nice to see others who have experience with these things.
Jasmine Henry
Jasmine Henry
6 y
LTC Jason Mackay - Thank you again for all your insight. It's always an exciting and stressful time. Your recommendation on the overseas banking and USAA transfers helps immensely. All of this information is greatly appreciated.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
6 y
Jasmine Henry you wont likely ever be the first, but you don’t know until you ask
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