Posted on Sep 8, 2016
MAJ(P) Brigade Communications Officer (S6)
Can anyone tell me why the process takes so long for RC officer/warrant promotions to run through the FedRec cycle? I'm an ARNG officer and I've had my state promotion orders for CPT since the middle of April. I've been tracking my packet on the ARNG-G1 website and it was awaiting addition to a scroll until a month ago and last week the scroll was ready to start the approval DoD cycle. Thoughts?
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 419
SSG Lonny Self
Edited >1 y ago
do you have a clearance if so that could hold up things , and then there is a matter of pay and they have budget issues they hold up on that as well only so many slots
SSG Lonny Self
SSG Lonny Self
>1 y
was regular army got forced out in 92 went to the gard and found getting promoted in the gard is a real tasks ,
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COL David Turk
In past, there was no delay for Reserve Officers. This must be a NG issue (or new within the last 10+ years).
CW3 Special Forces Warrant Officer
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I think for many of us, the 10+ years is an adequate timeline for our scrolls to make it through the FedRec process.
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CPT Engineer Officer
I am tracking from historical data on this post, that 3-17 and 7-17 scrolls published over 3 months ago. No other scrolls have published in that time that are being tracked on this thread. So my question is, did they wipe their brows, slaps some high fives and take the rest of the fiscal year off.
CPT Quartermaster Officer
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
P08-17 is still waiting. I know P03,4,5,6, and 7 have published.
1LT Platoon Leader
1LT (Join to see)
>1 y
Just checked the G1 Gateway. There is is now "Awaiting Asst Sec Army, Man, Res Affairs appr; P08-17; 183 Days in DoD Approval cycle."
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
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CW3 Special Forces Warrant Officer
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1LT (Join to see) - Indeed, this should be interesting because U06-17 has been in that same office for over 6-freaking weeks!!!!! As such, I would like to know if P08-17 leaps past our scroll. Hell, at this point, the scrolls ending in -18, -19, and -infinity will leap past U6-17.
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CW3 Kevin Storm
Sir, I think the process would move faster if promotions were tied to the various levels of approval to their advancements.
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1LT Medical Logistics Officer
I am in L03-17 the clock stopped ticking at 140 days and says awaiting Sec Def. Does anyone else have this issue or has it not been updated and anyone from L03-17 receive a published FedRec?
1LT Medical Logistics Officer
1LT (Join to see)
>1 y
CW3 (Join to see) - Today it is at 160 Days, I am at 268 Days since my State Order. I just left our State Rep who submits packets to NGB. According to DPRO it was kicked back by SecDef on the 28th of AUG and will have to be submitted once the issue which was caught is checked estimated 2 more months. This kind of reminds me of punishment of the masses for the mistakes of the few but that is just me I guess. Since Compo 1 and 2 do not have to go through this process I ask myself why are we not bringing our promotion processes in line with that of COMPO 1/2 so that COMPO 3 is not scrutinized and put through this process. I know the back pay is a blessing for me and I cant imagine what agony will exist when I am waiting on CPT and further. I would probably be making waves if I was in your shoes Chief. All and all, I don't agree with this process one bit and never want to hear another individual tell me " Well, it is what it is sir. At least you get back pay." There are devastating 3rd and 4rth order effects that this process has on all Officers at all ranks. I've been mentored by enough Warrants to know that, and after 12 years of service come next month I can say this isn't right. I could go on but I think I am going to stop for now, less I get diagnosed for high blood pressure and hypertension at my next PHA.
CPT Quartermaster Officer
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MAJ (Join to see) - we received an update today!
MAJ Battalion Pa
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) - Now let's see how long it takes to get through the last couple offices when there is also U06-17 sitting as a backlog.
CPT Quartermaster Officer
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I see fedrec happening after the new year
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CW2 Rotary Wing Aviator (Aircraft Nonspecific)
Anyone know the status of scroll U06-17? I am currently tracking it on G1 portal at "Awaiting Asst Sec Army, Man, Res Affairs appr; U06-17; 202 Days in DoD Approval cycle. State orders published since Dec 2016.
CPT All Source Intelligence
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>1 y
State orders Dec 2016? Sweet jesus
CW2 Rotary Wing Aviator (Aircraft Nonspecific)
CW2 (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes Sir, and when I talked to Renea she had no info. She said wants it starts the scroll she can no longer track it and that is taken 6-9 months once it shows up as a scroll; which U06-17 didn't show up until 2Mar17. So maybe by fall 2018.....
CPT All Source Intelligence
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>1 y
I got my state orders 27 June, and it showed up with a scroll two weeks later. Then September 1 I get an update that it is at 32 days and at JAG. I didn't expect to be a day 1 for another couple months so they have made a huge leap forward it terms of efficiency since they reduced the number of personnel on a scroll.
CPT Infantry Officer
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>1 y
Is there anyone we can complaint or get more information?
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MAJ Operations Officer (S3)
Either G1 site is down or my laptop is disagreeing with government sites (again). Does anyone have ability to see current status of P09-17? Thanks!
CPT Quartermaster Officer
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>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - I'm 08-17, I have not heard anything. My unit won't request an update, I'm too scared to email anyone at I just wait in misery.
MAJ Operations Officer (S3)
MAJ (Join to see)
7 y
We're up to day 253 and still no movement. This is getting impressive.
CW4(P) Training Officer
CW4(P) (Join to see)
7 y
I could be wrong, but I don't think a scroll has been approved since August 2017...
CPT Quartermaster Officer
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7 y
276 days!
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1LT Financial Manager
Anyone else on scroll P08-17 and has received any kind of update
CPT Quartermaster Officer
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7 y
MAJ (Join to see) - so probably another three months. LOL
1LT Financial Manager
1LT (Join to see)
7 y
Talking to Ms. Marshall the FEDREC section chief, of course she did not give a timeline or any valuable information of when P08-17 would be signed but she did confirm that the scroll was at OSD and pending signature....Just hoping it is signed before I redeploy, smh. Would hate to go an entire deployment waiting on a promotion.
CPT Quartermaster Officer
CPT (Join to see)
7 y
1LT (Join to see) - its been there for over a freakin month.
1LT Financial Manager
1LT (Join to see)
7 y
I am showing that P08-17 finally published in my G1 portal screen. Can anyone confirm?
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MAJ Protection Chief, G34
I have a question for you, did you receive your commission through your state or were you federally commissioned through ROTC or OCS at Fort Benning be. I believe if you are state Commissioned there's some extra steps that may be required for federal recognition. Since all reservists receive federal commissions we do not go through a recognition process.
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
All officers (NG, Reserves, Active) are federally recognized officers sir.
MAJ Protection Chief, G34
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Really? Thanks for clearing that up for me.
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - Sir, that is why its easier for officers to move between active, reserves, and NG. You may have heard of "state orders" being cut for officer promotions. This is just the initial process before NGB starts the FEDREC.
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
Update on L02-17, Day 209, now says "Awaiting selection for publication of order; L02-17"

Sounds like this could either be a quick step, or an indefinite one.

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