Posted on Sep 8, 2016
Why is there such a long wait for reserve component officer and warrant federal recognition/promotion?
Can anyone tell me why the process takes so long for RC officer/warrant promotions to run through the FedRec cycle? I'm an ARNG officer and I've had my state promotion orders for CPT since the middle of April. I've been tracking my packet on the ARNG-G1 website and it was awaiting addition to a scroll until a month ago and last week the scroll was ready to start the approval DoD cycle. Thoughts?
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 419
Just think, that in the time that it takes to complete the FEDREC process for U06-17, it is equal to or more than:
1. A deployment, complete with PMT, DEMOB, and leave
2. A full year of college, to include summer session
3. A full-term pregnancy, followed by maternity leave
4. The time it takes to train a fighter pilot (average is 8-9 months)
5. An adjudicated TS clearance, complete with full scope poly
6. The Special Forces Qualification Course, minus language school (and that seemed forever)
7. Six(6) Ranger School Classes, possibly seven (7). Heck, a Ranger School student could recycle each phase twice and still graduate before U06-17 is completed
8. Lastly, I could watch my child grow from birth to that one-year mark when they are walking. Or in my case my child reached the age to graduate college, and then started to have a family of his own, thus beginning #1 all over again in an infinite cycle, much like Groundhog Day.
It kind of puts things in perspective!
1. A deployment, complete with PMT, DEMOB, and leave
2. A full year of college, to include summer session
3. A full-term pregnancy, followed by maternity leave
4. The time it takes to train a fighter pilot (average is 8-9 months)
5. An adjudicated TS clearance, complete with full scope poly
6. The Special Forces Qualification Course, minus language school (and that seemed forever)
7. Six(6) Ranger School Classes, possibly seven (7). Heck, a Ranger School student could recycle each phase twice and still graduate before U06-17 is completed
8. Lastly, I could watch my child grow from birth to that one-year mark when they are walking. Or in my case my child reached the age to graduate college, and then started to have a family of his own, thus beginning #1 all over again in an infinite cycle, much like Groundhog Day.
It kind of puts things in perspective!
Sgt Charles Welling
Where did you get that fighter pilot nonsense? Two years generally of flight training of all levels, another two years of combat flight training in an operating unit to become dangerous to the enemy. In 8 months a candidate can scratch his rear and knows general flight theory, maybe what the stick and relief tube are.
CW3 (Join to see)
Thank you all for the thumbs up votes for my tongue in cheek post; although there was one error, namely the timeline to train a pilot. I owe that correction to SGT Welling, so I apologize for being presumptuous. Nevertheless, from what I heard recently the FEDREC process has improved somewhat. In government speak, however, 'improved' is a relative term. That is, I liken it to a county road crew 'improving' a road by filling in potholes with poorly mixed asphalt, thereby resulting in the pothole to reappear that next year. Seriously, how is the FEDREC process these days? I hope our brethren today are not subject to the frustration that your predecessors had to undergo.
MAJ (Join to see)
Chief, do you think you can get one for June? We're missing 29th May, and coming up 6 June. I find that so far this tracker is more accurate and up to date than what's showing in my "ORB/Soldier Data" section.
1LT (Join to see)
Yes Chief I we all appreciate your help and are hanging on the wire with this report.
MAJ (Join to see)
Good Morning Chief! Do you have an updated version of this report? I find this to be very helpful.
CW5 (Join to see)
Good point, sir. Didnt realize, but its been a while since I got an update, so I dont have anything. However, hopefully get one this week....
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