Posted on Sep 15, 2015
Why are so many people "Dissatisfied" with the Performance of President Obama?
I'm a HUGE Admirer of our President! I Personally Love the job he has done! Especially with what he had to tell with when he took over the Office! Many people seem to Disregard that fact! Why? I don't know! However, many of you seem Dissatisfied! Why? He hasn't done anything for this Country in terms of Moving it Forward? The Country hasn't Progressed under him? What are your Thoughts!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 147
I would ask what actions has he taken, using the Constitutional process to advance our society. If I were to rate him for redistribution of wealth and driving up the National Debt to a point that will eventually bankrupt us, He definitely would get a double thumbs up.
The future of our youth is at risk and I lay the primary responsibility of that at his and Democrats doorsteps. With a good share to the Republicans for not being able to counter the bypassing of Congress or using legitimate powers. I can understand how the current , "I want mine now attitude" is so prevalent and they don't care who pays for the government largesse', but the kids will rue the day he was elected at some point in the future. JMHO
The future of our youth is at risk and I lay the primary responsibility of that at his and Democrats doorsteps. With a good share to the Republicans for not being able to counter the bypassing of Congress or using legitimate powers. I can understand how the current , "I want mine now attitude" is so prevalent and they don't care who pays for the government largesse', but the kids will rue the day he was elected at some point in the future. JMHO
SPC Andrew Griffin
You are Absolutely Right! The Children will have to eat most of this and that's my Concern!
During the Bush administration, things were actually doing fairly well until the democrats took congress in 2006. Most democrats refuse to look at that fact. Spending was sub-trillion until then. The US Constitution does not grant spending at the administrative level, it's given to the congress. Yes bush signed the laws, but they had to originate in the congress. Yes spending under the bush administration doubled the national public debt, but the left conveniently leaves out that BO is doing the exact same thing.
Debt is exponentially increasing and the left conveniently leaves out that little factoid. BO called bush unpatriotic for increasing the debt ceiling and raising public debt, but that is conveniently left out of the rhetoric from the left as BO does the exact same thing. It's also convenient that the stock market is increasing while they are borrowing money from the fed, making it easy for businesses to pad their wallets with low interest loans while the people will be footing the interest in the future. You can bet they fed may hold off on interest rate increases. As soon as they do, the fiat currency bubble will burst and it's going to be bad. And guess what it will be BOTH bush and BOs fault for not reigning in spending by vetoing those overly large spending bills.
BO complained about haliburton and no-bid contracts and one of the very first contracts up after BO was elected went to halliburton. BO said no lobbiests in his cabinet and who does he consult, lobbiests and big business, Jeff Immelt being his "big-business" czar who is the CEO for GE a company which paid no taxes several years running due to subsidies that benefit big-business. Let's not forget Warren Buffet who has a large stake ensuring that the Keystone Pipeline isn't created because it's his trains that are running that oil right now.
Government creates nothing, it's a consumer. It doesn't have factories, it's not providing B2B services, and it's damn sure not creating an environment that benefits everyone. It creates burdensome regulations, it taxes and it redistributes our money under the guise of the greater good to large businesses like GE, solindra,
And don't get me started on BO care, i know plenty of people who are paying much more out-of-pocket expenses, so much so that their nest eggs are depleting at an unsuitable rate, including my own. Him and his democrat congress with the RINOs are destroying the economy for us as well as future generations while some people sit around saying, "I got mine." I have to wonder, are you really paying attention?
Debt is exponentially increasing and the left conveniently leaves out that little factoid. BO called bush unpatriotic for increasing the debt ceiling and raising public debt, but that is conveniently left out of the rhetoric from the left as BO does the exact same thing. It's also convenient that the stock market is increasing while they are borrowing money from the fed, making it easy for businesses to pad their wallets with low interest loans while the people will be footing the interest in the future. You can bet they fed may hold off on interest rate increases. As soon as they do, the fiat currency bubble will burst and it's going to be bad. And guess what it will be BOTH bush and BOs fault for not reigning in spending by vetoing those overly large spending bills.
BO complained about haliburton and no-bid contracts and one of the very first contracts up after BO was elected went to halliburton. BO said no lobbiests in his cabinet and who does he consult, lobbiests and big business, Jeff Immelt being his "big-business" czar who is the CEO for GE a company which paid no taxes several years running due to subsidies that benefit big-business. Let's not forget Warren Buffet who has a large stake ensuring that the Keystone Pipeline isn't created because it's his trains that are running that oil right now.
Government creates nothing, it's a consumer. It doesn't have factories, it's not providing B2B services, and it's damn sure not creating an environment that benefits everyone. It creates burdensome regulations, it taxes and it redistributes our money under the guise of the greater good to large businesses like GE, solindra,
And don't get me started on BO care, i know plenty of people who are paying much more out-of-pocket expenses, so much so that their nest eggs are depleting at an unsuitable rate, including my own. Him and his democrat congress with the RINOs are destroying the economy for us as well as future generations while some people sit around saying, "I got mine." I have to wonder, are you really paying attention?
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
SSG John Thornton - Most of what he just said comes directly out of past news headlines. Factual headlines. Don't belittle people for saying things you are uncomfortable with hearing.
Cpl (Join to see)
It's not my fault you don't have the courage to look it up on the website, john. Are you afraid to find out the truth? Why do you trust your party's media sources without question? If the media you trusted actually shared the truth, you would know it's more than opinion. I'm done here. I can't educate you, you have to learn it for yourself.
"If Obama cannot rise to the challenge of leadership in this historic crisis, then, for the good of humanity, he should resign. Those are the only options and it is his duty to decide."
Andrew, you are delusional. Obama has done nothing but bow down to the Arab countries. They come before the United States. The man has LIED about nearly everything in his life. No Republican could ever get away with ANY of the things he has done. He has ignored the Constitution and amassed enormous wealth at the hands of his conies and the Democratic party. He has presented three birth certificates and every one was counterfeit. WHY? Why does NOBODY ever remember him attending any of the colleges on his resume? Why did a man with mediocre grades get accepted at any college? Why has he NEVER worked at a real job his entire life? Why did he lie on his travel documents when he went to Pakistan? If you can honestly answer any of those questions and still defend him, you both should be either jailed or deported.
CPO William Hughes
Chief, I believe your name should be "DeMented", just like your outrageous statements above. "Lied about nearly everything in his life"? You don't know what you're talking about which renders the sum total of your conversation as nothing with substance, only slander. How do you resolve the contradictions of the oath you took to obey the orders of the Commander-in-Chief with your public statements? Or did you even bother?
CPO Jack De Merit
Show me one thing that he has done for the good of the American people. I did not take an oath to obey the orders of an illegal immigrant. I am thankful that I retired in 1990 after 28 years and 9 months service and was not forced to swear an oath to NOBAMA!
New ISIS manual shows US in crosshairs; FBI has 900 + ISIS-related investigations | Pamela Geller
New ISIS manual shows US in crosshairs; FBI has 900 ongoing ISIS-related investigations | Pamela...
“You should make sure to not look particularly attached to religion. A man who works on a secret operation should meddle in the general population. If you can avoid having a beard, wearing qamis (Islamic clothes), using miswak (a sort of toothbrush recommended in the hadiths), and have a booklet of dhikr (Islamic devotional booklet) with you, it’s better. Also, you shouldn’t be going to often to places like mosques, Islamic institutes or...
He succeeds because no one in Washington has the guts to stand up to him and see him removed. For those who can't understand why, you are the problem. This man has taken us back decades in the division between the races and is doing everything he can to create the USSA while sheep sit back and blindly support the king. But remember, you can keep your doctor until you can't! Are you kidding me?
It doesn't matter who occupies the position, they become the nation's whipping boy.
MSgt Daniel Attilio
SPC Andrew Griffin - each POTUS looks haggered upon their departure from that position.
Let me start with ObamaCare - If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor - lie. Cost will go down - lie. Red Line in Syria - lost of all credibility with enemies of this nation. Burgdahl - a traitor traded for 5 top Taliban 'heroes' - stupid. Unemployment much worse when measured against work force availability, and full time converted to part time. IRS directed to target conservative groups. Benghazi - lied to American people, let an Ambassador and 3 other brave men die, it was too 'dangerous' to try and save them, really? Fast and Furious, gun running to Mexican drug lords results in death of American law enforcement - illegal. Several incidences of 'going off half cocked' about police actions and then having the 'beer conference'. He has done more than Nixon ever thought about and does not have the sense of conscience to resign. Now, let me give the man credit - he told America that he was a Marxist and that Rules for Radicals was his guide post, God Damn America as his minister said and we didn't believe him.....he has done what he said he was going to do, either with a Democratic majority in both house and senate, or with a phone and a pen - the latter smack of tyranny.
because they are ignorant. (Republicans) I think he has done a lot for us and i wish he could stay for another term.
SSG John Caples
Are you fucking kidding me are you eating burn pit waste? He is a traitor a liar and a race mongor
He has shredded the Constitution in terms of his executive orders. He bypasses congress by implementing new regulation through govt. like the EPA. He has divided the nation racially more than any other President. He has fired top military commanders that disagree with him so that is why we now have people altering intelligence to make policy on ISIS look like it is working. He is destroying American jobs, the middle class and the coal industry for some fable called global warming, oh they changed the name because it came out that the data was false so now they call it climate change. His administration has given billions to alternative energy companies just to see them fail. He has opened his mouth about issues before all the evidence is in and has looked foolish because he was wrong. His TPP trade agreement is going destroy more jobs in America and threaten our sovereignty as a nation. He signed a nuclear treaty with Iran giving them billions of dollars to continue to support terror around the world, and lifting sanctions and did not get anything tangible back but a promise, in my opinion. Any deal with Iran that does not include getting our citizens back from captivity is a horrible deal and a wasted opportunity.
President Obama is the most unpresidential President in history and I thought there would never be anyone worse the Jimmy Carter, I was wrong.
Obama care is a disaster, during the supreme court hearing they change the penalty fee for not having insurance to a tax in order to get a decision in their favor, up to that point it was always meant to be a penalty fee. So now premiums are continuing to go up, so what he has done is forced Americans who work and pay taxes buy this insurance and pay higher and higher premiums to offset the premiums the poorer Americans pay so the insurance companies do not loose any money but the poor still receive the same level of care as the ones paying higher premiums.
All of his so called accomplishments are in reality disasters.
President Obama is the most unpresidential President in history and I thought there would never be anyone worse the Jimmy Carter, I was wrong.
Obama care is a disaster, during the supreme court hearing they change the penalty fee for not having insurance to a tax in order to get a decision in their favor, up to that point it was always meant to be a penalty fee. So now premiums are continuing to go up, so what he has done is forced Americans who work and pay taxes buy this insurance and pay higher and higher premiums to offset the premiums the poorer Americans pay so the insurance companies do not loose any money but the poor still receive the same level of care as the ones paying higher premiums.
All of his so called accomplishments are in reality disasters.
CPO William Hughes
So much of your argument is erroneous and/or ignores the facts that other POTUS's have done the same things but no one complains about their behavior.
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