Posted on Jan 2, 2016
SN Greg Wright
RP members, if this isn't eye-opening, I don't know what is!

In 1989 the Pacific fleet conducted PACEX exercises with the Japanese Navy. This evolution had the most amount of ships assembled together since the end of World War II. PacEx had five complete battle groups and a flotilla of Japanese ships aligned in six columns. Watch the video to get a sense of the size of the fleet. Watch the whole thing as he pans to see them all, since his POV is narrow.

That's a LOT of combat power!
Edited 9 y ago
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SN Greg Wright
In an image taken by a Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance Pod System (TARPS) on a U.S. Navy Grumman F-14A Tomcat of Fighter Squadron (VF) 111 flown by the crew of Lieutenant Commander Rice and Lieutenant Old, the aircraft carriers USS Enterprise (CVN-65) and USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), the battleships USS New Jersey (BB-62) and USS Missouri (BB-63), and their escorts pictured underway. Forming the Seventh Fleet Battle Force, the ships were participating in PACEX 1989.
PO1 Brian Austin
PO1 Brian Austin
9 y
SN Greg Wright - Definitely not as big as that PACEX. Some massive firepower there!
PO2 Steven Erickson
PO2 Steven Erickson
9 y
THAT is what we bubbleheads call a "Target Rich Environment"...

All those screws pounding away... ain't no one gonna hear NOTHING until the first KA-BOOOOM!!!!!
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
9 y
I love seeing the Battleships out there. Big Beautiful ladies. That is an awesome picture. Thanks for sharing.
PO3 Robert Collins
PO3 Robert Collins
5 y
I am on one of the Knox class frigates you see in that picture. I am the fat guy by the missile launcher waving at you.
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SSG Warren Swan
Was this a planned photo op? I've seen pics of ships close together for that purpose. But in the end, if our Navy got upset at any point, there would be a lot of scrap metal at the bottom of the sea. Everybody wants to take pics with No1. It sucks when you KNOW you're no1. Go Navy.....cough cough cough......I think Imma be sick saying that.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
9 y
SSG Warren Swan - Lol. It's been a bad NCAA year for you, eh Warren? No worries, it'll come around again. Tell that doc to post-date your prescriptions, though. I suspect you'll need them still after the next Army/Navy game! lol.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
PO2 Ed C. - just HAD to slip in a good one that I cannot come back to.....BZ!!!
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
SN Greg Wright - all they need to win is move the cadets to the cheer leading section, then bring in some hard-nosed cranky, and pissed NCO's. Even those on extra duty. I'll put up $100 that the Army would win hands down. The NCO's wouldn't need a powerpoint presentation, no five paragraph OP order, so sandbox training, just give them a direction and one mission "Destroy everything in your path and win". Consider the game over in the 1st quarter.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
9 y
SSG Warren Swan You wouldn't be sick saying that if that flotilla was providing fire support for you guys. You would just be happy that the firepower was not aimed at you. End of the day, I only dislike Army two days a year A/N Football and A/N Lacrosse.
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SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SN Greg Wright I did not know this. Great post, I learn something new everyday. Sweet! That's a armada!
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