Posted on Dec 31, 2018
CW2 Information Systems Chief
Prior Air Force Master Sergeant (E-7) heading to Army BCT (Ft. Benning) as a Sergeant First Class (E-7) in 3 weeks. What does basic look like as an E-7?
Edited 6 y ago
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Responses: 97
SPC Erich Guenther
Yeah they should pull you aside and brief you before the training starts.....probably when you report in. I will tell you when I went to Air Assault School, we had a SFC complain publicly in front of the PVT, PFC's........the whole class that as a SFC he wasn't going to pull guard duty on everyones equipment while they breaked for lunch and he found it insulting he was on a work detail with Privates. Eh, my advice is never do that because the NCO Cadre tore him a new azzhole publicly in response. Just be very formal and humble at Ft Benning your first priority is to learn. Asserting rank while in an Army school is always a bad idea unless your told otherwise. Let the other NCO's tell you what is OK and not OK when they brief you prior to training.
1SG Eddie Jones
1SG Eddie Jones
>1 y
It was always understood that in school everyone is equal. I went to 1SG Academy my instructor was a MSG, in class he out ranked me.
LTC Anthony Merola
LTC Anthony Merola
>1 y
I'm going to assume that the writer who re-enlisted is presently a slick-sleeve, so whether he got any rank back or not, the trick is to be humble, low-key and eager to learn. His experience and quiet, mature presence will manifest itself later on when he mentors the other younger trainees and encourages everyone to work together.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Well I can say win I went thru basis I was lucky and got put with a bunch of Vietnam vets and they took us who wanted to learn under their wing and thought us after hours how to be a soldier. The drill sergeants were so impressed how learned so fast that we got out of a lot of the details. During the day they let the instructor do their job and never corrected them or shows any disrespect. I learned a lot from those guys. So with that said be humble and help them not disrespect them.
SPC Steven Nihipali
SPC Steven Nihipali
>1 y
That SFC was a dumbass... glad he got tore a new one. If he wasn't willing to pull guard duty and help instruct, might as well demote him to 1 already
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1SG Frank Boynton
I don’t know but Damn you are really going back to basic? God bless you and good luck.
MSgt Scott Barker
MSgt Scott Barker
>1 y
Sgt Robert Shaw - Great rank, wasn't it? I put on buck sergeant on 1 May 91, the last day it was given out.
SSG Supply Technician (Gs 07)
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
As I understand it, An E-4 Buck Sergeant was essentially a Corporal. NCO responsibility without any more pay.
MSgt Scott Barker
MSgt Scott Barker
>1 y
Essentially yes. Promotions to E-4 were automatic. You put on E-4 Senior Airman (at your three year time in service point, could vary through "Below the Zone" competition) for one year, then automatically became an E-4 Sergeant. This simply changed you from airman to NCO status. After that you tested for E-5 and above. After May 1991, buck Sergeant was discontinued and you stay as a Senior Airman until making SSgt (E-5) through testing.***Note - That was then....don't know if it has changed since.***
SrA William Hull
SrA William Hull
>1 y
I entered the Air Force as an E-3 due to prior experience in ROTC. I was in Basic for 11 days and released to my Tech School on what they called, at the time, a Proficiency Advancement. I would expect prior service to have the same option to request the "short run" in Basic.
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SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA
WO1 Dave Middleton
WO1 Dave Middleton
5 y
In 1970 WOC school I was surprised that so many prior NCOs quit because they could not deal with the harassment from the TAC officers. We. Newbies were to dumb to know any thing different. It was like basic on steroids. The couple of Marines who had transferred to the Army to fly, though, laughed at how light the harassment was.
SGM Security Specialist
SGM (Join to see)
>1 y
I was a DS in D 3/10, late 80's early 90's, at FLW (not when this Soldier went through) and then my son was a DS in the same BN but in C Co. Nothing triggered this comment except that I saw the caption of his BCT. He must have gone on to AIT somewhere else, maybe even on post.
CPT Daniel Cox
CPT Daniel Cox
4 y
WO1 Dave Middleton - As a prior enlisted, when I went to West Point they came down on me for "smirking" too much. I could not take Beast Barracks seriously and always wore a sly smile with the games the upperclassmen played.
PFC Clive Heckenberg
PFC Clive Heckenberg
>1 y
Went back into the army reserve (Australia) at 57, no issues if you are fit & can ‘play the game’. Still got chewed out a few times, as expected!
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