Posted on Aug 16, 2021
SSG Carlos Madden
I can't say I'm surprised that this is all happening. Right now I'm just sad and frustrated.
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Responses: 535
PO1 Denny Elimon
Done with total disregard for citizens, current administration should have phased war down, once again we refuse to let military minds make decisions. Mr President watch as citizens are executed.
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Sgt Vance Bonds
Makes me very mad. I had foreign nationals who died helping us in ISAF.
Every time politicians are involved it goes FUBAR. Dept of State was a politically correct, hog wash spewing bunch of know nothing egg heads.
It takes 3 generations at least to re-teach and change a culture. We stayed so long we might as well have finished it. McCarthy helped the Japanese people to change and achieve world recognition and peace.
We put a lot of effort into Bagram. I did two there and one in Kabul with a six month extension to KAF.
What a bunch of cowards we have in upper leadership. They damned well knew this was much more than a possibility if not done correctly and in a metered fashion.
Now, how many citizens and friendlies will die.
Follow the money. I have a suspicion that not enough was being made to make it worth while….maybe the money to support was needed for hotels for illegal immigration, hire more IRS agents to audit Americans, elections are coming. Need to claim the politicians made s miracle happen.
This isn’t Saigon, worse. Saigon was more a withdrawal under Fire. Poorly organized but not like this. No causalities for 18 months. No running battles until the President surrendered
Hang in there 10th and Marines!
Can I go to the VA now and bitch about the war I thought I would win?
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
3 y
Thank you my friend and brother-in-Christ Sgt Vance Bonds for weighing in with an excellent response.
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CW3 Kevin Storm
If we fail to learn the lessons of history, we are bound to repeat them. How long have we propped crooked governments who stole countless US Dollars and allowed them to stay in office? While we may hate current administration, let us not forget who set the withdrawal in motion. So since Jan 1, 2021 we have seen an attack on the nations capitol, and collapse of another nation both incidents are tied to two men. Lets not put these two in any office again.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
3 y
Thank you my friend and brother-in-Christ CW3 Kevin Storm for weighing in with an excellent response.
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SGT Mary G.
Edited 3 y ago
No feelings about it. Can't afford them. IMO, the avoidance of ignoring support of the bad guys from Pakistan remains a glaring problem and has been the entire time U.S. has been in Afghanistan. Why? Because Pakistan is a nuclear power . . . so Pakistan gets a pass for aiding and abetting the bad guys in Afghanistan? The fluidity of movement in the mountainous border region has never been a problem and is as unstoppable apparently as the fluidity of movement across the Bering Strait. And what about Iran? No mention of aiding and abetting in Afghanistan, but claims that Iran dictates to Lebanon? Talk about a hypocritical double/triple standard that does not accommodate reality, while it also does not engender trust . . .
We need to give it up with trying to play on the heart strings of those who still have feelings. It is not the job of our nation to insure that the basic needs of people in other nations are met. I'm sorry to have to point that out from a necessary and practical point of view, given that we have a huge mess in our own nation in that respect and many others. When we won't clean up our own messes in our own nation from years of neglect, we have no business overextending our efforts imagining it is our nation's job to clean up messes in other nations.
The U.S. seriously needs to wind down from decades of agreeing to volunteer to task our military to be "the policeman of the world", including when called on by other nations to be. Is doing so the empire building colonizing effort some claim is the primary U.S. motive? If we the people had a vote about that I doubt that "colonize the world" would get more "yes" votes than "no" votes.
Recall that we, the people were not enthused about vague reasons to send our military to Afghanistan after 9/11 - so almost immediately the public focus changed to "protecting women and girls" in Afghanistan. That was not well played. Nice hat trick when it is possible to get away with it though.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
3 y
Thank you my friend and sister-in-Christ SGT Mary G. for weighing in with a cogent response.
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PO2 Jamye Sarah Pankiw Wagner
Like I said in my previous post, I knew that withdrawal was inevitable, but not this way. And not leaving our people and munitions behind.

I am very comforted to know that there are many others that feel the same way I do.
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SP5 Dennis Loberger
History repeats itself. We just don't seem to learn
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
3 y
Thank you my friend and brother-in-Christ SP5 Dennis Loberger for weighing in with an excellent response.
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MAJ Gerald Richards
I am tempted to say "I told you so" except that no one paid attention to my statements at the time. It was a mistake to do more than strike the terrorist base of those who planned and executed the 9/11 attacks on the USA. It makes me both sad and angry because of the thousands of American men and women who trusted their lives to an ill-advised US Government that wasted many of those lives and bodies trying to justify the bad decisions made early on. It seems that so many people can't admit to making a mistake and taking immediate steps to correct the mistake. That explains both the War in Iraq and the War in Afghanistan.
MAJ Gerald Richards
MAJ Gerald Richards
3 y
As to what I feel about the Taliban taking over Afghanistan, it was predictable just from the information the international reporters, especially those of Sky News, BBC World News and The Guardian Newspaper, it seemed clear that there was no loyalty to an Afghan Nation by the Afghan Army. The same problem that occurred in Vietnam, there was no sense of nationhood among the South Vietnam Army and the people. While things were building up in South Vietnam, I was in South Korea taking a correspondence course in Counter Insurgency Warfare in my off duty time. A prominent principal that stood out to me from that training was the need to have the time to grow a new generation of young men and women with a sense of nationhood to which they could willingly pledge their lives. That means having a nation-state with a generally peaceful existence where a school system can be created to slowly create a new generation that breaks with the past and has enough sense of loyalty to the nation and not to their local tribes.
When Secretary Robert S. McNamara and his advisors visited South Vietnam and decided the strategy of keeping the peace while the low ranking officers and enlisted members of the Vietnamese Armed Forces were reoriented their loyalties. In the good old American way, Secretary McNamara decided to send in a large US Military Force and get it over with. That was the decision that doomed the effort from the beginning and played a large part in my decision to resign my commission. What was that maxim of Philosopher George Santayana? “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” We seem to be doing that far too often.
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LCpl Justin Russell
I have to say I am conflicted. As a Marine Vet I lost a lot of brothers to the fight in Afghanistan. However, this was never a war we could “win” and a withdraw was inevitable. The biggest point of frustration for me is how it was handled. We essentially just armed the Taliban with advanced military weaponry and an air force thanks to the Afghan army running away like a bunch of cowards. It definitely feels like trillions of dollars, countless lives of young men and women and the scars many of us still carry were all for naught. I feel a deep sense of regret and disappointment. With the flick of a pen we may have just created a horrible situation for the entire globe for years to come.
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COL Thomas McGrath
Disgusted. Biden has single handily collapsed the USA's counter terrorism program in the region. The world is much less safe and we will see the rise of AQ again. However, we never understood the Afghans or how they operate. We paid too little attention to the tribes and instead tried to build a western style democracy which we knew was foreign to them. We poured way too money into the Afghanistan which was promptly stolen and wasted. We should have kept a small force as a backstop for the government, controlled the Ring road and district centers and maintained the airfields and set platforms for comms, intel, training and security and oh yeah paid off the tribes to maintain order. 400k army was never going to happen! I feel horrible for my 24 men who were KIA and the hundreds who were wounded but I know they fought well and always went towards the sound of the gun!
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SGT Tomas Lopez
I am so angry and devastated about what has happened in Afghanistan. As a soldier I feel that all the efforts and accomplishments that we did overseas in Afghanistan and let's not forget the soldiers that died all was done for nothing. I can't believe what is happening under the Biden administration. And the Biden administration is trying to put the blame on Trump when he is the one in charge. If we as Americans don't do something I fear the worst for our beloved America. I love my country and will always be willing to die for it. I just hope and pray "we the people" do what is best for the country as a whole. Because obviously the government is not doing their job to help America be at its best.
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