Posted on Aug 9, 2014
The demise of the OH-58D. What will happen to my beloved Air Cavalry?
No more Kiowas. Air Cavalry is a close knit group. There were just of hand full of places we could go (other than the sandbox) so we practically all knew each other. Seeing a 58D flying overhead is synonymous with being in contact, yet we are putting them out to stud. What a sad time for the ground pounders and convoys. If I were king..........
Edited 10 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 21
They may be going away, but the 82nd CAB is still using theirs. They are actually conducting their Aerial Gunnery. Hell of an airframe. First time we requested air support, Kiowas came. Never have I been so happy to see helicopters.
SFC Mark Merino
Amen! It is a FAST occurring retirement of the airframe. They are sending the unit's pilots -Alaska, Hawaii, Lewis--to Rucker for retraining (the 1/4 that were lucky enough for a reclass slot). I pray they postpone taking down the next unit until they graduate some pilots.
SSG Christopher Freeman
We see daily the stress the pilots are dealing with when it comes to reclassing or getting the boot. Some great aviators are going to call it a day.
I thought it was sad when we did away with the old Blue's Platoons we have in the Air Cav!!!!!
1988, Korea was the last of them and were shutdown then! Was sad to see them go!!!!
1988, Korea was the last of them and were shutdown then! Was sad to see them go!!!!
SFC Mark Merino
It's not the size of the gun SSG (Join to see),it's how long you can keep it the air!
SSG (Join to see)
Well then you're starting to talk about the size of the bags and how far the bags will take you.
The unit I retired from is the first to retire. Very sad times in the air cavalry community. If you loved the OH58D, please send a shout out to the troops. Please share your stories and your opinions of the current restructuring and planned reallocation of aviation assets. AIR CAV!
8 more just flew overhead 30 minutes ago. Either it started to drizzle or the pilots were in tears. This group is heading to the shredders. I have no words.
If it weren't bad enough that a few Squadrons are already in the boneyard, the crews from 3/17 CAV arrived with theirs today and they are en route to the shredder. The SHREDDER!!!!!
The Kiowa is a good airframe, but they are bringing in the Lakotas as a main airframe to replace it. It's good to keep advancing in technology.
LTC Jason Mackay
Lakota is relegated to the Reserve Component and flight school. The Apache is getting the scout and Attack missions.
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