Posted on Oct 14, 2019
Step-son received a shadow box and we are trying to identify one of the ribbons. Has anyone seen this ribbon before?
Responses: 11
What do the National Archives Records say about his service? You have sent for a copy of the service record?
Rudy Suyat
He received the gift last night, his dad didnt know any information so we are trying to get all the info now.
The chevrons indicate the type worn 1955-2007ish as they are gold on green background. Not a WWII item. The ribbon to the right in the photo appears to be an Army Good Conduct Medal. This ribbon is most likely a service/campaign, state, or foreign award.
WWII ERA ribbons fade in all kinds of funky colors. It is a long shot, but if it were red with thre green stripes symmetrically on each side, it could be a Belgian Croix de Guerrero.
I can tell you it is not a WWII campaign Medal: asiatic-pacific, Africa, American campaign, etc as there are no center stripes or the three sets of stripes do not align with others.
There is a high likelihood the ribbon rack is upside down.
WWII ERA ribbons fade in all kinds of funky colors. It is a long shot, but if it were red with thre green stripes symmetrically on each side, it could be a Belgian Croix de Guerrero.
I can tell you it is not a WWII campaign Medal: asiatic-pacific, Africa, American campaign, etc as there are no center stripes or the three sets of stripes do not align with others.
There is a high likelihood the ribbon rack is upside down.

Croix de guerre (Belgium) - Wikipedia
The Croix de guerre (French) or Oorlogskruis (Dutch), both literally translating as "Cross of War", is a military decoration of the Kingdom of Belgium established by royal decree on 25 October 1915.[1] It was primarily awarded for bravery or other military virtue on the battlefield. The award was reestablished on 20 July 1940 by the Belgian government in exile for recognition of bravery and military virtue during World War II.[2] The post-1940...
LTC Jason Mackay
MSG Gary Eckert I believe the ribbon rack is upside down. I didn’t really see anything else it could be other than a WWII era faded Belgian Croix de Guerre unless it’s some funky state things that’s no longer used. State decorations that have these stripes are white and either have stripes centered or stars printed on.
LTC Jason Mackay
SFC Michael Hasbun - are you looking at the WWI Croix de Guerre or the WWII Croix de Guerre? The WWI does not match that pattern, but the WWII one does.
LTC Jason Mackay
SFC Michael Hasbun - not if it faded to that color. I know the serviceable ribbon is red with symmetrical green stripes. But if I try fades to that tan color and the stripes fade you could end up with that.
Possible Nevada National Guard Recruiting Ribbon. It's the only one I found that comes close.
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