Posted on Jan 15, 2016
Should we get Promotion Points for past deployments again?
Responses: 14
I think that deployments should grant points because the experience is absolutely invaluable. It is proving and validating all that training in the big game.
Schools and medals and PT are great and all, but nothing like the real mc coy.
Schools and medals and PT are great and all, but nothing like the real mc coy.
1SG (Join to see)
SGT David Kristman - You may be getting jobbed on the points. If you're in the Army now, the time at sea does not count. Time in theaters does, however. Do you have TDY/TCS orders or anything else showing that you were in contingency areas?
SGT (Join to see)
I was also in the USMC for eight years. Your SRB/ERB should reflect your awards and deployments. We have access to the MOL for three years after getting out. You can even use the army certificates provided with the CAC to sign in. Access that and give that to your S-1. Mine were updated along with every award on the Army records. My current battle is to have the Marine schools count as promotion far, no luck.
SGT (Join to see)
SGT (Join to see) - Additionally, I have points for NMAM as well as credited for all oversees.
PFC Cedric Powell
Medals, Marksmanship, Awards, Deployments, Funeral detail, PT, schools, I would almost say going on the trail as DS should get some points as well.
This may be an unpopular opinion SSG(P) (Join to see), but I didn't think that promotion points should have been awarded for deployments in the first place. While the vast majority of Soldiers have been deployed and gained points, there were those who were not as "fortunate" and did not deploy. This could have been for a myriad of reasons and I know there are numerous threads dedicated to that topic. My point is that the old promotion point system afforded points that could be attained by all Soldiers (PT, weapons, military education, civilian education, awards, board points and CDRs recommendation). Deployment points could not be attained by all Soldiers and therefore left some at a disadvantage. Again, just my opinion. I do need to caveat though, "Big Army" did not consult me before making any of the changes to the promotion point system. ;)
1SG Steven Stankovich
It was SSG Oliver Mathews. Some even got the best of both worlds too. They were deployed and still found ways to complete college and military correspondence courses.
SGT (Join to see)
Not all have the opportunity to do college while deployed. I have deployed 5 times and only had the opportunity the last time. As for the valuable experience attained on deployments, it shouldn't have been eliminated so quickly. Maybe a message years before for those without college to prepare for the change and/or to give less promotion points for deployments instead of eliminating it altogether. Thankfully, I started college before the change happened. Deployments don't only interfere with college, it also prevents many from attending schools when they have back to back deployments. My first five years consisted of four deployments to Iraq. I did not have the opportunity to do college or attend army schools. The only part I can improve is schools.
SGT Tony Clifford
The problem is that your line units won't have anyone capable of doing coursework while deployed. Engineers like me were out the wire nearly every day conducting route clearance. Other line units are out doing what they do. The people in our TOCs, while not in as demanding of a role are constantly in the TOC monitoring the battlespace as long as troops are on missions. This means that for your average infantry, engineer, scout, or tanker unit isn't going to have personnel that can do correspondence or college on deployment. Why should we se a fully competent soldier with 5 years and 2 or more deployments be a corporal when another soldier that hasn't deployed is a sergeant preparing for the Staff Sergeant promotion board?
SSG(P) (Join to see) I think Soldiers should get promotion points, deployments are hard to come on, with the withdrawal in forces in effect. Deployment points shows devotion to duty in a combat scenario.
SSG Warren Swan
1SG (Join to see) - I remember the change very well. I think I would've made 60 or more from BNCOC and it went down to 16 across the board? Yeah that's fair. You choose your MOS, but I have to live with your inability to make points in your MOS.
1SG (Join to see)
SSG Warren Swan - Well, it went to 90 points across the board, but your point is taken.
SSG Warren Swan
1SG (Join to see) - Top my response wasn't a dig at you. I re read it and it seemed like it could be. It's frustration. I'm a POG and the worst thing ever, but if I am in a position to make rank faster than Joe combat arms super Soldier, I should bend to them. The same way they raised hell about the CAB vs. CIB. Again not a dig on you
1SG (Join to see)
SSG Warren Swan - no slight was perceived, Warren. I do think that this is thought about at echelons above reality, just not always implemented the right way.
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