Posted on Apr 20, 2015
CMSgt Senior Enlisted Leader
E9a lrg
Good morning, RP!
As some know, I am drawing closer to my promotion to Chief (E-9) on 1 June. I am so truly honored and humbled.

I have written about 2 pages of ideas for my speech (not my speech, just random thought jotted down), but wanted to work towards fine-tuning it. I turn to you all for your pearls of wisdom and suggestions. I do not like the spotlight, so I would love to keep it genuine, effective, a little fun (that's my battle rhythm), and pointed. Start with thanking the endless people that truly own that stripe that I am honored to receive, then hit some Chiefly nuggets and bow out gracefully. :)

In addition to those I tagged, please, ALL are more than welcome to share thoughts on speeches that they have given or enjoyed.

Thank you in advance!

CSM (Join to see) , CSM Michael J. Uhlig Uhlig, SGM (Join to see) , 1LT Scott Doyle , MSG (Join to see) , CMSgt Robert Gates , CMSgt (Join to see) , CSM Charles Hayden , MAJ (Join to see) , CPT (Join to see), CSM (Join to see) , 1LT John Martin , CSM (Join to see) , Lt Col (Join to see) l, CCMSgt (Join to see) , SFC Mark Merino , CSM Michael Evans , SMSgt Minister Gerald A. Thomas Thomas, CMSgt (Join to see)


EDIT: (5/25/2015) Thank you so much for all the replies! If I didn't get to respond directly, I apologize.

I am one week from promoting (6/1); Ceremony to follow (6/4). I have drilled my speech down to three short paragraphs. First, thanks to the DVs and mostly family. Second, my anecdotal journey "here", paved with graveled road and razor ribbon. Third, what I will bring back to the troops. Oh, and an invite to local joint for plenty of food on me. (Drinks are not my thing.) :)


EDIT: (6/5/2015)

The speech went incredibly well! I was super nervous, but there wasn't a dry eye in the room. I got rave reviews. I would post the speech, but I won't bore you all. :)

Thank you all again!! I am so grateful to you.
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 87
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COL Charles Williams
First, Congratulations!!!

- Be brief and be gone.

- I have always focused on thanking my family, and the those great NCOs and Soldiers who made me successful.
SFC Jeff Gurchinoff
SFC Jeff Gurchinoff
10 y
It takes teamwork to make things happen. You are merely the facilitator of said teamwork. Thank those who have stood beside you and supported you on your journey and respect those that have comprised the team you have been privileged to lead... oh and have cookies and stuff, troops love cookies
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
10 y
CMSgt Renee Miller Yes... Recognize those who helped you get there!
LTC Special Operations Response Team (Sort)
LTC (Join to see)
10 y
Lt Col Larry Gamble
Lt Col Larry Gamble
10 y
Brevity and from the ranks. This is a team sport and you have reached an incredible milestone with their support. Congrats, Chief!
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CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
Coming to america sexual chocolate slpr
I Double Dog Dare ya!!!!
CMSgt Senior Enlisted Leader
CMSgt (Join to see)
10 y
CSM (Join to see)
That's it. Speech wrote itself. I am done.
SSG Richard Reilly
SSG Richard Reilly
10 y
Sensual Chocolate!
CMSgt Senior Enlisted Leader
CMSgt (Join to see)
10 y
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Sexual Chocolate"... ((drops mike))
LMAO!! Great movie :)
CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
CSM (Join to see)
10 y
Aint lyin
"Damn that boy's good"..."yeah, good and trbl"
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SGM Erik Marquez
I was last promoted while in Iraq on a small fire base we built from nothing, next to the embattled Sadr City. RPG strikes on the towers common, mortars daily.

My "Speech" was about the same as it was for SFC, 1SG,
I thanked those who were there.
Those who were not
The commander for the chance to lead his men.
and was done.

Just a few days after that picture, COL Karcher lost both legs in a multi array EFP IED attack on his vehicle.
The next morning we lost another coming back from the hospital dropping off COL Karcher.
Puts my promotion "Speech" and event in perspective ... Be polite, be professional, be quick, shut up and get to work...folks really are dying out there..Do your job.
CMSgt Senior Enlisted Leader
CMSgt (Join to see)
10 y
Roger that, SGM. That is truly motivational. Thank you for that. And that you for your service.
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