Posted on Sep 22, 2015
SPC Mathew Brady
I've heard several people of the "younger generation" that haven't served say it's time to clean house on congress because they're so out of touch with the people or those slogans you always see that "Politicians should wear nascar jackets so you know who bought them" while I try and find the good in everyone, what are your thoughts on our current state on politicians? Is it time to clean house and get the millionaires and billionaires out and get veterans and working class people in? Seems complicated I know but what do you think would be best for our country?
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Responses: 13
CSM Carl Cunningham
I don't think they are too corrupt. Don't get me wrong though, they are not angels. I just think there is way more going on than the American public knows or even cares about. Until we get put hollywood on the back burner and put patriotism up front in our media, not much will change.
SPC Mathew Brady
SPC Mathew Brady
9 y
By far my favorite answer and couldn't agree more. Now days you can't believe half of of the news reports if that. None of us really knows what goes on beyond closed doors to keep the country rolling. Part of why I kind of miss the army. It was just stay in your lane and do your job and accomplish the mission. Farming is much of the same way and its peaceful as long as you follow all the EPA and USDA rules and guidelines
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SSG Warren Swan
I'm offended someone said for them to wear NASCAR jackets. I'm a NASCAR fan. Beyond that, yes they are bought. You don't see the politician during their beginning phases of election looking for the common American, but you'll see them getting cozy with the billionaires looking for funding to further their campaigns. After they've gotten their "backing", then they go out and stump talking about "American" values. Maybe we should start with actual campaign laws that have teeth and severe consequences, see who fights them, and go after them? Those with the loudest voices would probably have the most to loose. Do away with all PACS and "anonymous donors". Anything past .02 cents has a name and verified address attached to it. And no PO boxes don't count. No foreign donations. And all campaigns get audited without warning to enforce conformity.
SPC Mathew Brady
SPC Mathew Brady
9 y
That's amazing idea! That could really change the game and get some really deserving people in that genuinely want to do good for the country
1SG Charles Hunter
1SG Charles Hunter
6 y
Wonderful concept. Only problem is, the politicians who are the beneficiaries of campaign finance laws would have to invoke the changes.
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CW3 Kevin Storm
Define corrupt, accept huge donations from corporations then vote in favor of bills that aid those companies? Vote to give foreign government economic aid that they have to spend on US made goods (see first comment). Vote to strip our federally protected lands for corporate use (see first comment). Use their political clout to influence votes so they can make millions for themselves and their cronies. Indirectly or overtly support terrorism (Iran Contra, reinstalling the Shah of Iran, supporting Sadam Hussein), eroding the US Constitution. No I don't they do any of those things, said no one.
SPC Mathew Brady
SPC Mathew Brady
9 y
Kind of like dick Cheney owning haleburton and all the contracts in Iraq went to them just about
SGM Steve Wettstein
SGM Steve Wettstein
9 y
SPC Mathew Brady - People voted into office cannot own stake in a company because someone might do what you are accusing Cheney of. Don't get me wrong, he is a turd but your facts suck.
SPC Mathew Brady
SPC Mathew Brady
9 y
Cheney was the CEO of Halliburton from 1995-2000 before becoming VP. Sorry for incorrect wording but don't think for a minute he wasn't double dipping with all due respect SGM with them also owning KBR.
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