Posted on Jan 16, 2016
SPC(P) Doug Moxley
Is the Army MOS 25C Radio Operator-Maintainer still an active position? When I joined the Army back in 1982 it was MOS 05C, switching to 31C before I got out.
Posted in these groups: Inside ratt rig with ugc 74 31C: Radio Operator-Maintainer
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Responses: 9
SPC(P) Doug Moxley
Here's an updated photo of Brem's Barracks at Fort Gordon, GA. They're no longer being used but the photo takes me back to 1982-1983.
SPC Tactical Communications Systems Operator
SPC (Join to see)
7 y
I was Delta company Feb-May 1982..!
CPT James Corr
CPT James Corr
>1 y
I was there Sept-Nov 84, Charlie Company if I remember correctly.
SPC Charlton Makanui
SPC Charlton Makanui
>1 y
I started my AIT at Ft Gordon in early 1982(Jan/Feb). 05C was Radio Teletype Operator/Maintenance or RATT rig operators. We were housed in the brick city side of Barton Field where we did PT and crossed Barton Field everyday for classes on the opposite side of the field but bordering it. There was a quad in the middle and the surrounding buildings had the different classes we did in phases in a “go”-“no go” schedule, like generators, antennas, morse code, typing, PRC77’s and the other radios and RATT rig’s that we powered up and down and had to troubleshoot.
I returned a year later in 1983 for 31C training which was, at that time, Tactical Satellite school or TacSat. That’s when I had the pleasure of being in Brem’s Barracks. There were three different class schedules, days, swings and mids. I just so happen to get the mids/midnight classes. The whole barracks was on different schedules, so some of us were sleeping while others were awake and that sucked! Slept in the early evenings (or days if I was wiped out), hit the chow halls at 9pm-10pm, went to classes till morning then hit the chow halls for breakfast, changed to civvies and hit Augusta and Augusta Mall all day, then repeat.
I forgot what company I was in, but we had a special forces E-5 in our barracks, taking a different MOS (cross training). He and I were the only ones in OD green fatigues in that barracks, everyone else were just out of boot and in BDU’s. I may have still had my Class-B khakis too, not sure. I was a E-3/E-4 with a Jungle Expert patch on my fatigues and field jacket(PCSed from a light infantry division). I remember one guy, whose last name was Chadwick in the barracks and people usually called me Mak. It snowed that year and closed down the base and Augusta for a few days. If anyone remembers me, say hello! Also, if I remember correctly, both times were self-paced classes, so the faster you had a “go” or tested out, the sooner you were done, so people were coming and going all the time.
So I guess 05C is 31C and 31C is 25S now? Yet my 214 will always say 05C Radio Teletype Operator and 31C Tactical Satellite Operator.
SGM Infantryman
SGM (Join to see)
2 y
SPC (Join to see) - I was in D co as well, my name is Terry Baumann, I retired as a SGM after switching to Infantry later in my career. I started out at Fort Hood in a MI BN. I remember having to put baby oil on the black line on the floor of the barracks. I was happy to get my O5 qualified. Great memories, and I actually served with Doug Moxley who is mentioned above with the 269th Signal Company in Karlsruhe Germany, 85-88.
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SPC Paul Tillson
Edited >1 y ago
SPC(P) Doug Moxley I was 05B, then PCSed from my 1st unit, and found out that my MOS no longer existed, was offered 31K or 31C, I asked them "what is a 31K?" he responded wire dog, I told I would take 31C, after troop school, they put me in as team leader, but we were Ratt. Hard to find on RallyPoint drop down lists.
SPC(P) Doug Moxley
SPC(P) Doug Moxley
>1 y
When I went to AIT we were 05B's or 05C's at Brems Barracks (60 man open bays), where you probably went as well. When I got out after 5 years I went Reserves in a 31K company :-). By then I was a 31C but still got to climb poles and do what they did. As a 31C I spent 3 years as promotable and never made the 998 cutoff score :-). Thanks for the comment!
SPC Paul Tillson
SPC Paul Tillson
>1 y
SPC(P) Doug Moxley - I was catty corner from the Tiger's cage. 1983.
I hated the damn cut off score 998 besides acting jack could not get past E-4 and with almost 8 years in, was make more that a new E-6
SPC Jeff Hogan, M.S., M.P.S.
SPC Jeff Hogan, M.S., M.P.S.
7 y
I was a 31C also; but, yea, I coudln't find that MOS here
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CPT Aaron Kletzing
I am not 100% sure on this, but I did a search here and I am seeing several actively serving SMs who are 25C Radio Operator Maintainer MOS. If the first link below doesn't clarify for you, pls try the second one.

SPC(P) Doug Moxley
SPC(P) Doug Moxley
>1 y
Thank you, Sir!
SGM Infantryman
SGM (Join to see)
2 y
I enjoyed being a Signal Soldier, however like Doug Moxley said, it was too difficult to get promoted so I changed over to Infantry after being in a LRS unit in Germany and on jump status. I was motivated and wanted to go to the Ranger Regiment, I was selected to PCS to Fort Ritchie MD, and decided I would be an Infantryman, it worked out because I retired as a SGM with over 30 years..
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
I was O5C in Brems in Jul/Aug 1985. After 4.5 years Enlisted with cuttoff at 998 I took a Green to Gold scholarship and came back in the Army as an Infantry LT in 1994, branch detailed from the Signal Corps. Years later I transitioned back to the Signal Corps and served 32 years. And wouldn't you know it...I even command the brigade that trains ALL Signal and Cyber Soldiers at Fort Gordon. RATT has been long gone but the memories are still fresh for me. Brems hasn't been an AIT barracks area for decades now, but I never missed an opportunity to tell anyone about the place when I was a young E2.
SGT Steven Demczyk
SGT Steven Demczyk
3 mo
I was 05C back in 1976-79. AIT of course was at Ft. Gordon where I had done Basic there as well. Got stationed in Wertheim, Germany. I then got out after that tour. Mistake. 3 years later went back in in '82-'86 and was stationed at Ft. Bragg where the MOS transitioned to 31C. Dear Lord, why didn't I stay in?! Ha!
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