SPC Charlton Makanui

SPC Charlton Makanui

Dates of Service: Sep 1981 - Aug 1986
57% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 253
156,745 out of 864,867 Veterans
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Entered service in 1981. Basic at Ft Dix, NJ. 1981, AIT (MOS 05C-Radio Teletype operator/maintenance) at FT Gordon, GA. 1982, 1st duty station at FT Ord, CA. 3bn/32inf regiment. 1982-1983, 2nd AIT (MOS 31C-Tactical Satellite Operator/maintenance. 1983-1986, 2nd duty station, Germany. 1986, ETS at FT. Dix, NJ.

Military Experiences

1982 - 1983
05C-Radio Teletype Operator