Posted on Jan 4, 2015
Is it "ok" to go in to a "breastaurant" in uniform?
Responses: 78
You know what? Why not put out a nationwide poll to settle this once and for all? Have we ever asked what the actual public thinks of these? We only ever assume it. I know literally 0% of any civilian population that would judge us negatively for going here in uniform. And then when we get the results, we tailor the rules.
I think this issue really comes in to play with your personal feelings. I don't ever drink in uniform, I think it looks bad and honestly the guys that do drink in uniform get sauced so it looks even worse. It is personal preference here and if you are okay with it, I say more power to ya.
Short answer; no, it is not okay.
Long answer; AR 670-1 Ch 4 para 4-3 c.(2) and most local installation policies will say wearing unifoms in places that do sell primarily alcohol shall not be visited in uniform. In addition, the military is a profession, not a job. Act professional, and change into civilian clothes if you plan on going to such a place.
Taking the example of Hooters, while I understand they are a "restaurant," they are famous of having a staff composed of mainly attractive, well-proportioned women who are flirtacious. To simplify, they are a coft-core strip club. Not acceptible in uniform.
Long answer; AR 670-1 Ch 4 para 4-3 c.(2) and most local installation policies will say wearing unifoms in places that do sell primarily alcohol shall not be visited in uniform. In addition, the military is a profession, not a job. Act professional, and change into civilian clothes if you plan on going to such a place.
Taking the example of Hooters, while I understand they are a "restaurant," they are famous of having a staff composed of mainly attractive, well-proportioned women who are flirtacious. To simplify, they are a coft-core strip club. Not acceptible in uniform.
TSgt Joshua Copeland
Both of those "explanations" are based your opinion of the business not the actual regulation.
SFC (Join to see)
I had a long rant, but I will simply agree to disagree. I have stated my opinion, and I will leave it at that.
Cpl Christopher Bishop
I'm not sure Id that far, to label Hooters as a soft-core strip club. Waitresses all across the nation work for tips, some get more because they are more attractive, some get more because they pour on the flirting. If a guy is in a parking lot where a Hooters is adjacent to a real strip club, and they choose to enter the Hooters over the strip club, its likely because they're hungry. I'm not going to contradict my own prior post however. Take the 60 seconds it takes to change out of uniform first. If you are too lazy for that, then you do not deserve your uniform.
The "old Corps" way was such that the only authorized time to wear a uniform off-base was while traveling to and from work/base, with refueling as the only exception. At least for camouflage anyway.
I have to wonder who is "hiding from whom/what" when wearing cammies "out in town" or what "battles they are fighting".
I also notice that most I see wearing cammies in public often appear to be the least physically-fit in general appearance. I guess these are the least-deployable types.
It should be noted, however, that since our lovely friends at the FDA approve a lot more of what are chemicals and less real food, that if you got the opportunity to go wherever to actually eat real food, that such opportunities should be taken. However I'd still question how much inconvenience is it, really, to change your attire before you go.
I have to wonder who is "hiding from whom/what" when wearing cammies "out in town" or what "battles they are fighting".
I also notice that most I see wearing cammies in public often appear to be the least physically-fit in general appearance. I guess these are the least-deployable types.
It should be noted, however, that since our lovely friends at the FDA approve a lot more of what are chemicals and less real food, that if you got the opportunity to go wherever to actually eat real food, that such opportunities should be taken. However I'd still question how much inconvenience is it, really, to change your attire before you go.
I think political correctness has gotten us all a little uptight. When I was stationed in Germany we had a half day of athletics and recreation every week. One of the most popular things to do was go to the swimming pool or local beach. At the swimming pool most of the Germans just changed into their swim suits pool side publicly because it was cleaner than the locker room and there was an outdoor shower already there. At the beach most everyone changed at the beach and some put nothing back on.
No we should not have anyone going to strip clubs in uniform but let's not get too uptight either.
No we should not have anyone going to strip clubs in uniform but let's not get too uptight either.
Been there for a divisional function, several times, the uniform part was optional for us, but why wear it if ya don't have to?
Come on guys, change out of your uniform before you go in, Its the right thing to do and
you know it.
you know it.
TSgt Joshua Copeland
MGySgt Dale Cutts, for marines it clear cut in cammies. I know I have been by several hooters and seen Marines of all ranks in Charlies. (San Antonio, Jacksonville FL, San Diego specifically)
CPO Raymond Kurtz
I must be getting old. What is a "breastaurant"? Is it a topless bar? If not, and if the military member is conducting themselves in an appropriate manner (not groping the servers, etc) I don't see a problem with it. A Hooters is not the same thing as a strip club. Granted, the Hooters servers are scantily clad, but that can be said of a lot of restaurant.
TSgt Joshua Copeland
CPO Raymond Kurtz, it is a collective category for places like Hooters, Twin Peaks, Bikini's Bar and Grill, etc
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
It is right for Marines where it it mandatory but for the rest of us it is just a matter of personal preference. If I had wanted to follow Marine rules I would have joined the Marines.
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