Posted on Apr 13, 2015
SSG Instructor/Writer
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Edited 5 mo ago
Here is my take on Tatoos...I DON'T GIVE A SNOT!!! They are not harmful and are personal to the individual. What in the world do they have to do with readiness and is the answer...absolutely nothing. I personally don't agree with them and won't ever get one because I don't want anything permanent like that on my body...twenty years from now that eagle will become a buzzard and that angel will become a is a personal choice and not worth spending the millions of dollars we have on telling folks to cover it up or to get them removed or not allowing them to join because more than a 4th of a body part is covered in ink. No telling how many recruits we have lost due to stupid policies. NOW with all that being said I do have an issue with tats that are offensive, sexually, racially, or anything else that could drive a division among the ranks...that does effect readiness, and those should not be allowed or need to be covered or removed. Just my honest opinion.

SFC Bernard Walko Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug CMSgt (Join to see) Cpl Vic Burk SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) Sgt (Join to see) PO1 H Gene Lawrence LTC David Brown SSG Paul Endes LTC Trent Klug SFC John Davis CSM Chuck Stafford
SFC Jo Ann Klawitter
SFC Jo Ann Klawitter
1 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney thank you for your offer, but we are all moving on
Maj Randy Nelson
Maj Randy Nelson
1 mo
"I don't give a snot" is a very peculiar comment coming from an O-5 that has a leadership responsibility to his service and the warfighter. Tattoo's are very significant as they are the sincerest public declaration, a billboard if you will, of a statement the individual holds most dear and passionate about, apparently forever, to inscribe on his body. Each individual's declaration needs to be evaluated as to whether it fits within the norms and ethics of military service. Most highly tattooed bodies I've seen reflect very poorly from a professional perspective and have personality issues that may not be compatible with military service. A simple test for the LTC that doesn't give a snot- do you allow a highly tattooed guy come to your house and take your daughter out? Maybe you should "give a snot."
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
1 mo
Maj Randy Nelson I look at the man and his heart and compassion for service...if you would have read the whole part instead of focusing on one piece you would read that I am against offensive tats that are prejudicial to good order and discipline!
LTC James McElreath
LTC James McElreath
27 d
I have little objection to military having tattoos with exception when wearing the service uniform (covered when wearing a long sleeve shirt).
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A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
GREAT, Just What I Need, One More Way
For The Cops To Identify Me In A Line-Up.
SPC Rick Beatty
SPC Rick Beatty
4 mo
Or if you work in law enforcement easy way to be marked for death.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
4 mo
LMAO ~ I Was In Law Enforcement During My 1st Few Months In The USAF ~~ I Had 2 Friends On The Lansing, MI PD,~ A Lieutenant On The Chicago PD ~ And A Niece On The Austin, Texas PD.... And I Knew Judges In The District Courts In Lansing,MI, And A Few Attorneys As Well. ~~ Met Most Of Them When I Was In Business & They Were A Few Of My Customers When They Had Their Legal Practices ~~ And BTW It Is TRUE Sometimes ~~ "It's Not WHAT You Know ~ But WHO You Know" That Makes A Difference...
Ever Plead "Not Guilty For Reasons Of Insanity"~ For 180 Unpaid Parking Tickets?
No Sh*t I DID ~~But I Also Knew The Judge,....The Entire Courtroom Cracked Up & The Judge Swiveled His Chair Around So He Could Face The Wall, But I Could See His Shoulder Moving Back & Forth , So I knew He Was Laughing Too... I Stood To The Left Of My Podium ~~ Brought Both Hands & Arms Stretched Out From My Sides And Said, Loud Enough So Everyone Could Hear: ~~ "Your Honor, I Must Be Crazy To Have That Many Tickets" ~~ When He Turned Around She Pointed To The Bailiff & Said ~
" Take Mr. DeVaney Out To The Hallway And Discuss This Problem With Him."
End Result: ~ With Late Fees, Penalties & Interest, It Totaled Up To Around $1,500.00+/-; But I Wrote A Check For About $120.00 +/- And We Settled The Case;~~
~~ WITH The Judges Consent.~ Ya THINK?~~
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
5 mo
I Hope You're Referring To Our Dress Uniforms
Because I Absolutely LOVED Mine Too. Although I Received
My DD-214 In 1965 ~~ If I Weren't Such A Lard-Azz,
I Might Be Wearing Them Today.
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