Posted on Jul 16, 2015
SGT Training Room Ncoic
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SGT Unit Supply Specialist
I just passed the promotion board a few months ago. My best advise to you is remain calm and be confident (be cocky but not too cocky you don't want to come off as a selfish person)! Make sure you study and if it helps get a study buddy. Another important aspect of passing a promotion board is getting a good sponsor who has actually worked with you and knows and has the ability to "sell" you as a outstanding solder to the board members. Lastly if you don't know the answer to a question don't freak out calmly say "1SG (or CSM) I do not know the answer to that question at the moment can I please get back with you with the answer?" Make sure you get back with them too!! There are many other polite ways to say you don't know the answer to a question that was just an example but the important thing is to stay calm when you don't know the answer.
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CSM Charles Hayden
Edited >1 y ago
SPC James Hill, Prepare yourself w/ study/impeccable uniform and seek solid Intel from others in the unit on what they experienced. Build yourself a G-2 network! A good network can last a lifetime!
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1SG Michael Blount
Edited >1 y ago
@SPC James Hill - this advice comes form one whose early military career got a jump start with the Soldier of the Year Boards: (1) Get and memorize one of those study guides. Most board questions from from there. Get to the point where you know the answers backward and forward. (2) Practice, practice, practice - if you can get a study buddy to drill you with questions, say for an hour each night, you'll see your improvement and confidence rise (3) Night before the Board - get a good rest. If you've followed items (1) and (2), (3) will follow. (4) On Board day, be calm, cool and collected in front of the Board, and you'll be fine. Make certain your uniform is squared away. Something I found that worked is to repeat the question so you know which tape recorder to play. It also provides those crucial seconds you need for a clean shot to center mass. Then, speak clearly so all can hear, enunciate so all understand and remain calm. Board members (having been one I can tell you) notice twitchiness and other distractions. Sit with your hands in your lap or on the arms of the chair. If you're reciting something (eg firing functions), SUBTLY and without noticeable movement, press your fingers into something so you can keep track, but not so that Board members will notice. THEN, after all is said and done - RELAX. That round's headed downrange and ain't no calling it back or do-overs.
SFC Davis Privette
SFC Davis Privette
>1 y
1SG I definitely agree know the material from all angles. Confidence is key, never say 1SG I will get back to you with the answer because it will be expected to return with the correct answer. When knocking on the door, know that the room is yours all eyes will be on you its your time to shine. Use the restroom before reporting to the board, have your Squad Leader inspect your uniform, twice once on the hanger and the other time while you are wearing it. Do not use filler words like ummmm. Recite the question back before answering it, it will give you a few seconds to to formulate your response and answer the question entirely. Hope the pointers/ tips help you out and good luck.

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