Posted on Feb 27, 2015
SFC(P) Eac Operator
Been hearing about the new CMF 17 and how it is going to be opened up to personnel who are interested, but I have not heard squat else. Anyone know anything about what needs to be done in order to apply? I am by no means a HRC guru, so any help is welcomed.
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I have been fortunate to be able to read a pre-decisional brief for the new 17C MOS. There is scheduled to be a MILPER message released 1 June with more details.

From what I read in the brief, it will be open to all MOS's, all ranks, and even open for new recruits. There are currently 2 phases of training planned. Phase 1 is 6.5 months at Corry Station, FL. Phase 2 will be another 6.5 months and will be at Ft. Gordon, GA.,, but the facility has not been completed yet and is expected to be ready with the first class starting in 2017. The last part to training includes the professional development schools, ALC and SLC, eventually there may be a school for MSG (depending on whether the MSG school is MOS specific or more generalized, like the First Sergeant's Course or SGM Academy).

Conversion packets will begin to be accepted after the MILPER message is released with the approved convertee's being notified within the next 3 months. The first Phase 1 school date starts mid-January. Upon completion of the school and award of the 17C MOS, service members will incur an additional 3 year service obligation.

There are several priority assignments which will be filled first. Most are at Fort Gordon and Ft. Meade, and a few small detachments in Hawaii, Texas, Washington, and other locations.

There are intended both Defensive and Offensive (think deployment) assignments.

I hope this helps. If I hear more, I'll post it here.
SSG Recruiter
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>1 y
Have you heard anything about when they will announce the results? I submitted my packet and have only got vague answers about when I should be notified if I was selected.
SPC(P) Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
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9 y
Does reserve qualify to reclass to 17c ?
SGM Matthew Quick
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