We share Sea Stories with fellow veterans who create positive impact and add VALUE to the world!
Cigars and Sea Stories
Smokin' and jokin' since 1775!
Cigars and Sea Stories
Smokin' and jokin' since 1775!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
I'm a member of the Boston College Veterans Network.. & duty driver for the Commanding Officer in this Vietnam Era Jeep with .50 Cal Machine Gun mounted in the back seat:
Sgt Michael Penney
That is fantastic! My wife is an alum of BC, she'll be as proud as I am to see such a wonderful community of vets.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Michael Penney - Come to our Vets Day Memorial on 11/11/2015 at BC It starts at 0900 hrs at Saint Ignatius Loyola Church and then moves to the Memorial Wall of War Heroes... I'll buy you a cup of coffee at the Brunch after the events..
I do it through a few vet centric sites. This being the primary and Warrior Pointe being the secondary. I like this most of all being the sheer diversity of ranks and branches of services, yet WP is more towards the younger, lower ranking generation and it keeps me in tune with what's changing in the services after I've gotten out.
Always looking for some brothers on sites like RP. I have learned through a question by
Sgt Tom Cunnally one of my friends served with Commandant Gray. As a member of Marine Corps League, it has put me together with Marines who have served in some of our most historic battles. And some great sea stories as you say, Sgt Michael Penney.
Sgt Tom Cunnally one of my friends served with Commandant Gray. As a member of Marine Corps League, it has put me together with Marines who have served in some of our most historic battles. And some great sea stories as you say, Sgt Michael Penney.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Michael Penney - I haven't met anyone here on RP who I served with ('53 - '61).. They probably are either guarding the streets of heaven or are still pissed off at me for busting their buns doing PT at Camp Geiger and Vieques..
My Unit's webpage for those who served in Vietnam:
And here's my webpage:
My Unit's webpage for those who served in Vietnam:
And here's my webpage:
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