Posted on Jun 11, 2019
CW4 Russ Hamilton (Ret)
I have a Warrant Officer coming from active duty into the reserves. He has an MOS that doesn't exist in the Army Reserve (150U Drone Operator or similar). We want to make him an MI Warrant (CI specifically) and he is willing and able to attend every school necessary. He is a CW2 and has 6 yrs as a WO and 9 yrs TIS. I KNOW this is VERY rare but it HAS been done in such cases but I can't find anyone who knows how to do this. Been to the Career Management guys, HRC, recruiters, etc. If anyone can help I'd sure appreciate it!
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Responses: 5
CW4 Russ Hamilton (Ret)
Here's the answer! To reclass from Aviation to MI this WO (CW2) will have to go to a recruiter and enlist into the new MI MOS (in this case CI). He will not resign his commission, he will simply "switch" to become enlisted (grade to be determined, likely E6). This prevents a break in service like a resignation would do. He will then attend the MOS school. Once he has sufficient experience and time in the MOS he can apply for a direct commission back to WO and he will resume being a CW2, no WOCS. He will have to attend both WOBC for MI and WOAC MI, even though he has already completed WOAC AV. MI proponent will not lateral WO's into MI but he could have lateraled into being a mobility warrant officer, 882A. This is all confirmed by WO Accessions and MI Proponent.
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SGT Javier Silva
CW4 Russ Hamilton (Ret)

Application Process for Changing MOS
As part of the application to become a warrant officer for a different MOS than their current position, the candidate must have a security clearance of Secret or Top Secret, and he must have 12 months or more remaining on his enlistment contract to be able to proceed with the application. In addition to documented experience within the new MOS, the applicant may be required to complete certain college courses applicable to the new MOS. The application, with any applicable waivers, is submitted to the proponent coordinator for consideration of the candidate. All applications must be submitted by the yearly deadline in order to be considered by the Warrant Officer Appointment Board.

Getting a Waiver
If a warrant officer candidate does not meet all of the listed requirements, particularly the military experience in the specific MOS prerequisites listed for the desired warrant officer position, the candidate may apply for a waiver. He must submit a waiver request for each prerequisite that he does not meet, and he must explain how his experience or knowledge gained in another MOS should be grounds for the waiver. Each waiver request will be reviewed by the military proponent for that MOS, who has the right to grant or reject the waiver request. He must submit a waiver for each prerequisite that he has not completed with the warrant officer application.
CW4 Russ Hamilton (Ret)
CW4 Russ Hamilton (Ret)
5 y
Thanks for the reply, we'll take it up with the MI proponent.
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LTC Jason Mackay
Edited 5 y ago
CW4 Russ Hamilton (Ret) I know it is possible, just haven't seen it done since the late nineties. Our PBO Don Alsbrook was reclassified after the Nuclear Technician program for 8" went away. Don reclassified as a CW4, attending the WOBC. Don had some say in which field he reclassified to, he chose PBO because of the accountability procedures were the same. I am surprised the recruiting guys don't know how to make this happen. It would be rare, but often enough that it is a thing. Can't be any different than if your airframe goes away and you are transferred to another one.

I would also say that a BN CDR will likely have to do a letter of acceptance at some point.

I'd reach out to these guys...notice it says....previously served as a warrant officer.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
5 y
CW4 Russ Hamilton (Ret) - NGR 600-101 para 2-9...I think the MI proponent has to be involved. Once he is on boarded properly, sending him to MOSQ training et al, just follows.

"2-9. Appointment Process
a. A predetermination of the applicant's qualification to enter the DA MOS Proponent certification coursemust be received for any individual seeking initial appointment as a technical service Warrant Officer before any other part of the appointment process is initiated. The DA MOS Proponent approval for entry into the applicable MOS certification course must be a part of the appointment packet submitted to the FRB.
(1) Initial MOS classification occurs upon completion of a three-event appointment process.
(a) Event one is the selection of a WOC by a FRB within two years or other period specified in DA
MOS Proponent memo.
(b) EventtwoisthesatisfactorycompletionofallphasesofWOCSwithintwo-yearsofappointment
as a WOC.
(c) Event three is the receiving, within two-years of appointment as a WO1, the DA MOS Proponent’s
certification of completion of the appropriate WOBC. An extension for up to one year to complete WOBC may be requested through ARNG-HRH when, through no fault of the Soldier, he/she is unable to complete technical and tactical certification within the original two-years of the appointment. An ETP is not required when a WO1 who has completed or attending WOBC at 24 months’ time in grade; or attending the final phase of WOBC. All appointments are contingent on DA MOS Proponent certification or successful completion of WOBC. Applicants who fail to receive DA MOS Proponent certification within the two-year time frame and/or prior to the end of a one year extension will, per chapter 10 and AR 600-8-24 (Officer Transfer and Discharges), have their appointment to Warrant Officer terminated and Federal Recognition withdrawn.
(2) The FRB determines if applicant for an ARNG Warrant Officer appointment meets the medical, moral, and professional qualifications to perform the duties of the grade and position for which examined and is documented on NGB Form 89 (Proceedings of a Federal Recognition Examination Board). Excepting issues relating to physical condition, if an applicant is appointed as a WO1 within two-years of the date of the original FRB designating them as a WOC then Federal Recognition will be granted to them without further examination.
(a) Current or former Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers may not be required to complete WOCS for re-appointment; however, DA MOS Proponent approval for entry into the applicable MOS certification course must be received prior to appointment.
(b) Applicants who successfully complete WOCS or another commissioning course within the last five-years and have not been appointed or commissioned at the time of completion, are not required to repeat WOCS for appointment. The DA MOS Proponent’s approval for entry into an applicable MOS certification course for these applicants must be received prior to being examined by the FRB.
(c) Applicants on an Enlisted Promotion System (EPS) list at the time of entry into the resident portion of an officer-producing course are removed from the EPS and will be reconsidered via EPS if appointment is not accepted."
CW4 Russ Hamilton (Ret)
CW4 Russ Hamilton (Ret)
5 y
While this is a national guard reg I suspect the USAR and Army reg is very similar. I'm positive MI proponent will be required and I think we know whats going on now. This was very helpful. Thanks.
LTC Jason Mackay
CW4 Russ Hamilton (Ret)
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