Posted on Aug 18, 2016
Hillary Clinton seems like a good choice but I honestly don't know who to vote for. Can someone help me with my voting decision?
This will be the very first time for me to vote and I try to not listen to bad media about each of the candidates but it's so much to the point to where I am lost not knowing who to choose. I feel as if I choose Hillary basically her husband will be back in the office and he will be running stuff on the sly. Than on the other hand if I choose Trump I would be ok with the end of the United States as we know it, we would literally just go to World War 5 skipping all the other wars in between. Can anyone help me with my decision?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 70
Here is some information on Hillary Clinton:
In a recent article Hillary was quoted as having said
“I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault: Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed, and we’re with you.”
She paints herself as a feminist to gain your vote…. But she is the same person that defended the rapist of a 12 year old girl. She is the same person that in court blamed the girl for how she was dressed and accused her of trying to get with older guys. That girl was so violently raped and beaten she ended up in coma for 5 days and lost the ability to ever have children… Hillary was interviewed about the case a few years back and laughed about getting the rapist off. Hillary knew he was guilty and still laughed about it. She was not an appointed defender, she took on this client voluntarily.
On the subject of feminism if that one doesn’t sway you how about the fact she has received over 280 Million dollars from 7 Middle East Countries who enforce Sharia law. The law that says Women are property. They cannot drive, they cannot be in public without a male of the family, if they are raped it is their fault and they will be punished up to and including being stoned to death, this is but a few of their “laws”. If you are Gay… all 7 require you to be executed.
This is who she does business with, who she is funding her….
People keep saying she should be elected because she is a women, …. Why? What has gender got to do with running the country? Why can’t she run on her “accomplishments” When you go to her web site she has 7 of her greatest Accomplishments let’s look at them and add some critic.
1. Fought for Children and Families for 40 years.
When? She has no record of this, defending rapists yes, defending children no.
2. Helped provide millions of children health care
This was the CHIP program that was passed with bi-partisan support and pushed by (Dem)Ted Kennedy and (Rep) Orin Hatch. Hillary was not even an elected official she was the First lady when this happened. The most she did was vote to continue the program in 2007.
3. Helped get 9/11 first responders the health care they needed.
This is True… if by supporting Obama care in a non-voting capacity counts. Nope let’s face it she lied again.
4. Told the world that “women’s rights are human rights”
That’s kind of awkward when your taking over 280 Million from some of the biggest abusers of women. Or defend Child rapists and laugh about it, or cover up your own husband’s rapes and sexual assaults.
5. Stood up for LGBT rights at home and abroad.
Hum again we have that awkward moment filled with 280 million bucks… or how about her 2002 speech where she was against gay marriage…. Yet now she is for it? Must need some votes.
6. Helped expand health care and leave for military families.
After reviewing her voting record I find no bills she sponsored or co-wrote that addressed the needs of military members, leave or their families. I did find her voting for Iraq war, For Gitmo, and then several votes for the drawdown.
7. Negotiated a cease fire between Hamas and Israel.
Yep she did do that… though it lasted less than 2 months and they were all right back at it. Oh and while they we not shooting at each other there was a few bombings by Hamas in Israel. Sooo not really a success now was it.
On the subject for voting by Hillary lets look at a few of her less than stellar votes (by less than stellar I mean depending on your point of view)
First we have Amdt 47 (Violent Protester Amendment). To be honest I agree with her on this. The short vs of this is “Vote to adopt an amendment to S 256 that would prevent violent protestors from filing for bankruptcy to avoid paying court-awarded civil damages or criminal penalties.” In short burn a city block down get caught file bankruptcy and never pay a dime. If you are a member of the BLM and a few others this could be a point of contention.
How about voting against Class Action Fairness Act of 2005. A bill that would amend the federal judicial code in regards to the jurisdictional guidelines and award calculations applied to class action lawsuits. Requires that all class action settlement proposals include estimates of lawyers' fees if plaintiffs receive damages in the form of coupons.
Requires that notification of proposed settlement agreements be provided to all class members of a suit, as well as the appropriate state and federal officials. Grants federal courts original jurisdiction of any civil action in which the matter exceeds $5 million, concerns a plaintiff of one state and a defendant of another, or involves a foreign state or its citizens. (In short this gives the little guy a better edge over the corporate world)
All you Minimum wage drones guess who voted against a minimum wage hike in 2005… yep your girl Hillary, she voted against raising the minimum wage from 5.25 to 6.25.
Here is one closer to home she voted FOR Amd 1222 Disclosure of Classified Information act. Sadly it did not pass or it could have been used it to put her in jail… bet she is happy now.
She voted against HR 4297 Tax Relief Extension, part of that bill had this “Repeals the requirements that a veteran must have served before 1977 in order to receive the benefits of qualified veterans' mortgage bond programs in Alaska, Oregon, and Wisconsin.” Humm guess vets don’t matter. Also “Continues to allow taxpayers to claim personal tax credits for disabled or dependent care, the HOPE college expenses, certain home mortgages and Life Learning Credits against the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) in order to decrease the number of people that will be required to pay the AMT.” just two of the many useful items for vets and middle America.
Immigration…. Ya she voted against that too. Amd 3965 “Vote to adopt an amendment that specifies how an individual can petition for legal residence after being employed as a guest worker and after having maintained nonimmigrant status for four consecutive years.”
Lets move on to the He said / She said section.
1. She said she tried to join the Marines… Does ANYONE really believe that in the 60’s she wanted to join the Core? Hillary’s friends back then said that they remembered her talking to a recruiter, but only to test whether the military had patriarchal leanings.
2. She said she tried to join NASA in 1962… they have no record of this.
3. She is the Granddaughter of Immigrants and that "ALL" of her Grandparents immigrated to America… Nope only one grandparent ever immigrated, two were from Illinois and one from Pennsylvania. More lies.
4. Dead Broke after they left the White House… Lie.
5. Braved Sniper Fire when visiting Sarajevo… The Video proves that too was a Lie.
6. Turned over all Emails while at the State Department…. Nope again proven to be a Lie.
7. Had no Classified information on her private Server.. Again LIE’S!!!
She Donated One Hundred Thousand dollars to Charity….. The Charity was the Clinton Foundation. She Donated One Hundred Thousand Dollars to herself and it was Tax Deductible.
She speaks of income inequality while dressed in a 12,495.00 dollar Armani Jacket. At least Trump employs Millions of people of all backgrounds, ethnic, religion, gender, and orientation. His Wife and Daughter both spent less than 3 thousand dollars total for their evening ware at a similar event.
She calls Trump Racist while having kissed a KKK Klegal on the cheek and referred to him as a mentor.
She has changed her position on every major subject during her Political career.
Look up and watch Clinton Cash (still think all those missing Emails weren't important?)
Look up the 153 People who had dealings with the Clintons that went south and ended up dead. Some by "Suicide" with a double tap to the back of the head.
At the end of all of it when presented with actual facts then make up your voting choice.
I Personally am voting meteor 2016 at this point.
In a recent article Hillary was quoted as having said
“I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault: Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed, and we’re with you.”
She paints herself as a feminist to gain your vote…. But she is the same person that defended the rapist of a 12 year old girl. She is the same person that in court blamed the girl for how she was dressed and accused her of trying to get with older guys. That girl was so violently raped and beaten she ended up in coma for 5 days and lost the ability to ever have children… Hillary was interviewed about the case a few years back and laughed about getting the rapist off. Hillary knew he was guilty and still laughed about it. She was not an appointed defender, she took on this client voluntarily.
On the subject of feminism if that one doesn’t sway you how about the fact she has received over 280 Million dollars from 7 Middle East Countries who enforce Sharia law. The law that says Women are property. They cannot drive, they cannot be in public without a male of the family, if they are raped it is their fault and they will be punished up to and including being stoned to death, this is but a few of their “laws”. If you are Gay… all 7 require you to be executed.
This is who she does business with, who she is funding her….
People keep saying she should be elected because she is a women, …. Why? What has gender got to do with running the country? Why can’t she run on her “accomplishments” When you go to her web site she has 7 of her greatest Accomplishments let’s look at them and add some critic.
1. Fought for Children and Families for 40 years.
When? She has no record of this, defending rapists yes, defending children no.
2. Helped provide millions of children health care
This was the CHIP program that was passed with bi-partisan support and pushed by (Dem)Ted Kennedy and (Rep) Orin Hatch. Hillary was not even an elected official she was the First lady when this happened. The most she did was vote to continue the program in 2007.
3. Helped get 9/11 first responders the health care they needed.
This is True… if by supporting Obama care in a non-voting capacity counts. Nope let’s face it she lied again.
4. Told the world that “women’s rights are human rights”
That’s kind of awkward when your taking over 280 Million from some of the biggest abusers of women. Or defend Child rapists and laugh about it, or cover up your own husband’s rapes and sexual assaults.
5. Stood up for LGBT rights at home and abroad.
Hum again we have that awkward moment filled with 280 million bucks… or how about her 2002 speech where she was against gay marriage…. Yet now she is for it? Must need some votes.
6. Helped expand health care and leave for military families.
After reviewing her voting record I find no bills she sponsored or co-wrote that addressed the needs of military members, leave or their families. I did find her voting for Iraq war, For Gitmo, and then several votes for the drawdown.
7. Negotiated a cease fire between Hamas and Israel.
Yep she did do that… though it lasted less than 2 months and they were all right back at it. Oh and while they we not shooting at each other there was a few bombings by Hamas in Israel. Sooo not really a success now was it.
On the subject for voting by Hillary lets look at a few of her less than stellar votes (by less than stellar I mean depending on your point of view)
First we have Amdt 47 (Violent Protester Amendment). To be honest I agree with her on this. The short vs of this is “Vote to adopt an amendment to S 256 that would prevent violent protestors from filing for bankruptcy to avoid paying court-awarded civil damages or criminal penalties.” In short burn a city block down get caught file bankruptcy and never pay a dime. If you are a member of the BLM and a few others this could be a point of contention.
How about voting against Class Action Fairness Act of 2005. A bill that would amend the federal judicial code in regards to the jurisdictional guidelines and award calculations applied to class action lawsuits. Requires that all class action settlement proposals include estimates of lawyers' fees if plaintiffs receive damages in the form of coupons.
Requires that notification of proposed settlement agreements be provided to all class members of a suit, as well as the appropriate state and federal officials. Grants federal courts original jurisdiction of any civil action in which the matter exceeds $5 million, concerns a plaintiff of one state and a defendant of another, or involves a foreign state or its citizens. (In short this gives the little guy a better edge over the corporate world)
All you Minimum wage drones guess who voted against a minimum wage hike in 2005… yep your girl Hillary, she voted against raising the minimum wage from 5.25 to 6.25.
Here is one closer to home she voted FOR Amd 1222 Disclosure of Classified Information act. Sadly it did not pass or it could have been used it to put her in jail… bet she is happy now.
She voted against HR 4297 Tax Relief Extension, part of that bill had this “Repeals the requirements that a veteran must have served before 1977 in order to receive the benefits of qualified veterans' mortgage bond programs in Alaska, Oregon, and Wisconsin.” Humm guess vets don’t matter. Also “Continues to allow taxpayers to claim personal tax credits for disabled or dependent care, the HOPE college expenses, certain home mortgages and Life Learning Credits against the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) in order to decrease the number of people that will be required to pay the AMT.” just two of the many useful items for vets and middle America.
Immigration…. Ya she voted against that too. Amd 3965 “Vote to adopt an amendment that specifies how an individual can petition for legal residence after being employed as a guest worker and after having maintained nonimmigrant status for four consecutive years.”
Lets move on to the He said / She said section.
1. She said she tried to join the Marines… Does ANYONE really believe that in the 60’s she wanted to join the Core? Hillary’s friends back then said that they remembered her talking to a recruiter, but only to test whether the military had patriarchal leanings.
2. She said she tried to join NASA in 1962… they have no record of this.
3. She is the Granddaughter of Immigrants and that "ALL" of her Grandparents immigrated to America… Nope only one grandparent ever immigrated, two were from Illinois and one from Pennsylvania. More lies.
4. Dead Broke after they left the White House… Lie.
5. Braved Sniper Fire when visiting Sarajevo… The Video proves that too was a Lie.
6. Turned over all Emails while at the State Department…. Nope again proven to be a Lie.
7. Had no Classified information on her private Server.. Again LIE’S!!!
She Donated One Hundred Thousand dollars to Charity….. The Charity was the Clinton Foundation. She Donated One Hundred Thousand Dollars to herself and it was Tax Deductible.
She speaks of income inequality while dressed in a 12,495.00 dollar Armani Jacket. At least Trump employs Millions of people of all backgrounds, ethnic, religion, gender, and orientation. His Wife and Daughter both spent less than 3 thousand dollars total for their evening ware at a similar event.
She calls Trump Racist while having kissed a KKK Klegal on the cheek and referred to him as a mentor.
She has changed her position on every major subject during her Political career.
Look up and watch Clinton Cash (still think all those missing Emails weren't important?)
Look up the 153 People who had dealings with the Clintons that went south and ended up dead. Some by "Suicide" with a double tap to the back of the head.
At the end of all of it when presented with actual facts then make up your voting choice.
I Personally am voting meteor 2016 at this point.
Read some honest history. Hillary got thrown off the Watergate investigations by members of her own party for misconduct. That was only the beginning. Scandal follows the Clintons wherever they go...scandal after scandal after scandal. I voted for Bill Clinton ONCE in 1992, because I believed Hillary when she told us all that she believed Bill when he told her he didn't accost Jennifer Flowers. THAT was a bold-faced LIE. Hillary just isn't trustworthy.
There are a few things you have to keep in mind. Some of the most important issues today for the next president are; 1. They will be selecting at minimum one new Supreme Court Judge. With the death of Judge Scalea, the court is down one conservative judge. Keep in mind that the liberal and progressive judges tend to vote against the Bible and Constitution. So, if you feel a balanced Supreme Court is important then you would want to vote Trump as he has already announced who he would select from and they are all conservative judges. Hillary will select a liberal/progressive judge. 2. The second thing to take into account. What would happen to you if you mishandled secure documents? You would probably be charged under the UCMJ. So, ask yourself if you were the Secretary of State what portion of the business that was taken care of could be handled in a non-classified unsecured manner? If your answer is that you would probably look at everything as being classified in some manner, then you will probably know who not to vote for. 3. If your unit was deployed and stuck in a very sticky situation away from others, who would you like to answer that 3am call? The guys in Benghazi wanted someone to answer the call, but everyone who was near and could possibly help were told to stand down. Would you want help to arrive or would you want to be left to fend for yourselves? The answer should be clear. One other thing since it appears that you are rather young and probably do not remember clearly the presidency of Bill Clinton. A couple notes, they did not want the military to stand guard at the White House in uniform. They do not like the military, Bill was a draft dodger who protested the Vietnam while in Russia (during the Cold War). Another thing is although the whole sex thing is between him and Hillary and whoever he is having relations with, it is known that he was being serviced in the Oval Office while talking on secure lines regarding issues that others should not have been privy to. In short, it is not just his wife but Bill has a problem with not just keeping his dick in his pants but also protecting the secrets of the USA
for the love of the mighty flying spaghetti monster DO NOT get help with this decision here. Go to each candidates website and find out more about them. Look at their collective body of work, what they have done over the years and how it has helped or hurt people. Watch them in the upcoming debates and watch them when they are interviewed.
SGM Barry Kindred
Bad advice. They lie. Look at past performances and chose "wisely".
Campaigns lie, they sell lies, some for 30 plus years with zero results of success and or accomplishment. But, people love to get their ears tickled.
Used car salesman advertises too.
Campaigns lie, they sell lies, some for 30 plus years with zero results of success and or accomplishment. But, people love to get their ears tickled.
Used car salesman advertises too.
You ask a valid question, but, for the most part, in a wrong environment. This site is loaded with bias on both sides, with a few exceptions as seen here.
If you truly want to know who you should vote for, do your own research. find out the truth, not opinions, rumors and spin.
Then vote.
If you truly want to know who you should vote for, do your own research. find out the truth, not opinions, rumors and spin.
Then vote.
One is corrupt to the core and is owned by corporations and Wall Street.
The other one has his own money and can't be bought by anyone.
The other one has his own money and can't be bought by anyone.
SFC (Join to see)
why would anyone in the military want TRUMP ? this guy wants to make friends with Putin and hold hands and skip LOL
SSG (Join to see)
SFC (Join to see) - I get why you would not like Trump. He is not a perfect candidate I don't agree with him on everything but he is not a politician and I think that he could do a lot of good in our country with reduction of government activates and waste. He has some of the career Politian's scared and well I like that.
MSG (Join to see)
I'm not voting for either. They are both scandal-ridden liars. And Trump is an idiot. Hillary is a moron.
But as far as military goes, Hillary would help the military far more than Trump...
-isolationist foreign policy means less need for military (ie depleted funding)
-advocates more nukes for other countries is dangerous
-wants to pull out of the pacific. That's where the worlds booming economies and merging threats are. 1/3 of the marine corps and 100,000+ Air Force/Army stationed there. He stated he wants to cut sling load on Asia.
-disrespects POWs, Families of fallen brothers, wounded warriors, etc
-fraudulently denies funds raised for veterans organizations
-in the private sector, rank and file employees were low paid, treated like commodities, and replaced by foreigners (I don't yet know what that will equate for his new federal employees like Soldiers)
-no positive record what so ever toward military or veterans
-1st NY Senator to serve on the Senate Armed Services Committee
-Increased military survivor benefit from $12,000 to $100,000. (Yes, we all like that for spouses or kids above SGLI... That was actually her bill)
-Sponsored Heroes at Home Act, help families get medical treatment for returning Soldiers with traumatic brain injuries
-co sponsored the Support for Injured Servicemembers Act
-Fought as a NY Senator to keep open the Niagara Falls Air Base and - instead of closing & losing 800 local jobs - increased the number of civilian and military jobs needed at the base
-worked with Sen Lindsey Graham (Republican from the other side of the aisle) to together come up with a plan to get Reservist & National Guardsmen the ability to enroll themselves & dependents in full Tricare, which is now common place
-As Sec of State, pushed for increased drone strikes- stopping excessive boots on the ground but still accomplishing missions (Ghadaffi elimination)
-at State Dept, sat on the council that managed the Bin Laden assassination
-brokered temporary peace deal between Israel & Hamas (creating a year of less violence and U.S. involvement than any in more than a decade)
-She convinced Obama to finally listen to Generals running Afhganistan who did not want to cut sling load but instead wanted a transition out of there
Which record (if I redacted the names) would show a better track record for veterans?
~note: I'm not a Democrat or Republican. I am a hater. I hate Trump for his gross lack of understanding of politics, military, and people as well as his poor ability to plan what he says. I hate Hillary for being the painfully average corrupt establishment status quo politician in the pocket of lobbyists and donors. I whole heartedly believe BOTH will do or say anything to garner support, whether it's an idiotic statement or a bold faced lie.
Besides a hater, I'm also a optimist. They're not all bad as one media outlet or the other claims. Everyone has something they're good at. I'll firmly stand behind which ever one gets elected and support their policies. *Dont drink the cool aid that the conflict building media wants you to drink.
But as far as military goes, Hillary would help the military far more than Trump...
-isolationist foreign policy means less need for military (ie depleted funding)
-advocates more nukes for other countries is dangerous
-wants to pull out of the pacific. That's where the worlds booming economies and merging threats are. 1/3 of the marine corps and 100,000+ Air Force/Army stationed there. He stated he wants to cut sling load on Asia.
-disrespects POWs, Families of fallen brothers, wounded warriors, etc
-fraudulently denies funds raised for veterans organizations
-in the private sector, rank and file employees were low paid, treated like commodities, and replaced by foreigners (I don't yet know what that will equate for his new federal employees like Soldiers)
-no positive record what so ever toward military or veterans
-1st NY Senator to serve on the Senate Armed Services Committee
-Increased military survivor benefit from $12,000 to $100,000. (Yes, we all like that for spouses or kids above SGLI... That was actually her bill)
-Sponsored Heroes at Home Act, help families get medical treatment for returning Soldiers with traumatic brain injuries
-co sponsored the Support for Injured Servicemembers Act
-Fought as a NY Senator to keep open the Niagara Falls Air Base and - instead of closing & losing 800 local jobs - increased the number of civilian and military jobs needed at the base
-worked with Sen Lindsey Graham (Republican from the other side of the aisle) to together come up with a plan to get Reservist & National Guardsmen the ability to enroll themselves & dependents in full Tricare, which is now common place
-As Sec of State, pushed for increased drone strikes- stopping excessive boots on the ground but still accomplishing missions (Ghadaffi elimination)
-at State Dept, sat on the council that managed the Bin Laden assassination
-brokered temporary peace deal between Israel & Hamas (creating a year of less violence and U.S. involvement than any in more than a decade)
-She convinced Obama to finally listen to Generals running Afhganistan who did not want to cut sling load but instead wanted a transition out of there
Which record (if I redacted the names) would show a better track record for veterans?
~note: I'm not a Democrat or Republican. I am a hater. I hate Trump for his gross lack of understanding of politics, military, and people as well as his poor ability to plan what he says. I hate Hillary for being the painfully average corrupt establishment status quo politician in the pocket of lobbyists and donors. I whole heartedly believe BOTH will do or say anything to garner support, whether it's an idiotic statement or a bold faced lie.
Besides a hater, I'm also a optimist. They're not all bad as one media outlet or the other claims. Everyone has something they're good at. I'll firmly stand behind which ever one gets elected and support their policies. *Dont drink the cool aid that the conflict building media wants you to drink.
PO1 Joseph Glennon
SFC (Join to see) - "this guy wants to make friends with Putin..."
Do you mean, as opposed to Hillary - who, while Secretary of State, authorized the transfer of 25% of our uranium production to go to Russia via a third party?
Research, man, research!
Do you mean, as opposed to Hillary - who, while Secretary of State, authorized the transfer of 25% of our uranium production to go to Russia via a third party?
Research, man, research!
If you have to ask around to see who YOU want to vote, is a bad clue as why are you voting in the first place. Have you noticed all the rhetoric about Hillary and all the email scandal and how she was "exonerated" of letting 4 US citizens, 3 of those were our brothers in arms.
Trump is a pro military, wants to give you all the tools and the equipment that you need for you to do your job and win.
Use this and all the examples you are given and make your mind, it is ultimately you who decides where your vote goes, down the drain (like Bernie Sanders followers).
Trump is a pro military, wants to give you all the tools and the equipment that you need for you to do your job and win.
Use this and all the examples you are given and make your mind, it is ultimately you who decides where your vote goes, down the drain (like Bernie Sanders followers).
Consider the kind of people that surround them and that will influence their policies.
Neither candidate is ideal by any means, but they are also not the end of the country as we know it.
Did you see this? It is a discussion of Trump's two speeches this week and gives some indication of the policies he advocates and the people that will influence him. [login to see] 14045/
Neither candidate is ideal by any means, but they are also not the end of the country as we know it.
Did you see this? It is a discussion of Trump's two speeches this week and gives some indication of the policies he advocates and the people that will influence him. [login to see] 14045/
For me it is an easy question. We have all taken an oath to the Constitution that is designed to protect our individual freedoms from the abuses of a government that has grown tyrannical. The Democratic Party has gone so far off the reservation towards socialism and statism that I don't know how anyone that has served could cast a vote for them. It's a decision between capitalism and socialism plain and simple. Check out Dinesh Desousa's movie about Hillary Clinton if you still can't decide.
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