Regardless of your true political beliefs or affiliations, if faced with choosing between Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, who would you choose?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 80
I think that I would move to Canada if those were the only two choices that I had!
Hmmmmm.... Let's see..... Who in their right mind would ever vote for Billary? I am a retired Intel professional, and I can tell you that as Secretary of State, Hillary received and sent emails that were classified at least to the Secret level. She (by her own admission) did all of her SoS business on a private server that was not in a secure location. She lied about not having any classified material on that server. Anyone in the Intel community can tell you that. She is covering up for two crimes that would keep her from becoming POTUS. 1) mishandling classified information (possibility of a felony depending on scope of the material and how much) and 2) her deletion of tens of thousands of emails that were subpoena'd that most likely proved her knowledge of the Benghazi Embassy attack as it unfolded that she lied about under oath (known as perjury, which is also a felony). So to answer the question in voting for the lesser of two evils, I'd have to go with Bernie Sanders. However, being that I am a staunch Constitutionalist and liberals are seeking to undermine the Constitution (2nd Amendment ring any bells?), I would never vote for him either.
I would have to be forced to vote for either one of them. If they were the only choices I might start shopping for a nice home in Mexico or Central America. They will all be up here so there should be some real good deals on abandoned houses. The other choice is to just open a beer, relax and be happy that I am old enough that I won't have to live in their socialist hell for too many years.
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