Posted on Jan 3, 2025
Empowering Healing: Peer Support and Resiliency Coaching
22Zero is a nonprofit organization who's goal is to stop the statisical twenty two veterans and first responders who commit suicide daily. The organization was created by two men who served, one moving into the first responder realm. It's no secret that our veterans and first responders personally experience and witness traumatic events during their service. These experiences take their toll and affect our long term mental and physical health. This in turn can cause Post Traumatic Stress and the elevated level of cortisol (stress hormone) because of that stress.
The long term effects of trauma could rear its ugly head in many ways such as individuals having repeated disturbing memories, a lack of sleep and nightmares, feelings of isolation, negative beliefs about themselves and/or others, having strong negative feelings such as fear, horror, guilt, shame and anger to name just a few. At times individuals may have strong physical reactions when something reminds them of a traumatic event, this can also happen if the memory is suppressed because our subconscious has it stored. There are many more symptoms of PTS that not only affect the individual suffering from its affects but also those around them. Think in terms of our families, children, spouses and/or our parents. In many cases causing our loved ones to walk on eggshells around us.
22Zero understands all of this and we' re here to help with our peer to peer support coaches, all of whom have been trained as resiliency coaches. We are healing post traumatic stress. It's no longer a life sentence. Our coaches utilize two techniques: the Trauma Resiliency Protocol (TRP) and the Emotional Management Process (EMP). TRP is a visualization process that allows our brain to release traumatic memories from the region of our brain called the amygdala. This is where the traumatic event(s) are stored. This is also where our emotions attach to traumatic memories. During these processes there is little if any content that needs to be shared unlike other modalities. We also don't need to be triggered in order to heal. Our coaches utilize "break states" in order to assist our clients if they do get triggered. The EMP is the second technique utilized to help our clients release residual negative emotions that in many cases have been lingering since childhood. Arizona State University has completed the first independent study for 22zero and has recently submitted the 2nd study for peer review. ASU will be doing an additional three studies in 2025, to prove the process works, therefore, validating the process as "evidence- based".
Our coaches work remotely with clients nationwide. Everything is confidential and no one has to know an individual when through the process unless they choose to share it themselves. This is also free service for our veterans and first responder community. Now remember I had mentioned how our loved ones can be affected by our behavior when we're struggling? 22Zero also works with the spouses, and dependent children of our veterans and first responders along with gold star families at no charge.
Many men and women who choose to go into our military and/or other helping professions such as law enforcement, fire, EMS, dispatch tend to pay a heavy price and suffer in silence hence the suicides. Folks, we aren't meant to suffer. 22Zero has proven techniques to assist in healing. We're just a phone call away, feel free to call [login to see] and speak to Dr. Arnell.
Are you looking for a way to pay it forward? Our mission clients do not pay for any sessions, nor do we report to the VA or your employer. 22ZERO relies on donations and fundraisers to fund the mission. If you would like to sponsor a veteran or first responder and receive a tax deduction visit (
The long term effects of trauma could rear its ugly head in many ways such as individuals having repeated disturbing memories, a lack of sleep and nightmares, feelings of isolation, negative beliefs about themselves and/or others, having strong negative feelings such as fear, horror, guilt, shame and anger to name just a few. At times individuals may have strong physical reactions when something reminds them of a traumatic event, this can also happen if the memory is suppressed because our subconscious has it stored. There are many more symptoms of PTS that not only affect the individual suffering from its affects but also those around them. Think in terms of our families, children, spouses and/or our parents. In many cases causing our loved ones to walk on eggshells around us.
22Zero understands all of this and we' re here to help with our peer to peer support coaches, all of whom have been trained as resiliency coaches. We are healing post traumatic stress. It's no longer a life sentence. Our coaches utilize two techniques: the Trauma Resiliency Protocol (TRP) and the Emotional Management Process (EMP). TRP is a visualization process that allows our brain to release traumatic memories from the region of our brain called the amygdala. This is where the traumatic event(s) are stored. This is also where our emotions attach to traumatic memories. During these processes there is little if any content that needs to be shared unlike other modalities. We also don't need to be triggered in order to heal. Our coaches utilize "break states" in order to assist our clients if they do get triggered. The EMP is the second technique utilized to help our clients release residual negative emotions that in many cases have been lingering since childhood. Arizona State University has completed the first independent study for 22zero and has recently submitted the 2nd study for peer review. ASU will be doing an additional three studies in 2025, to prove the process works, therefore, validating the process as "evidence- based".
Our coaches work remotely with clients nationwide. Everything is confidential and no one has to know an individual when through the process unless they choose to share it themselves. This is also free service for our veterans and first responder community. Now remember I had mentioned how our loved ones can be affected by our behavior when we're struggling? 22Zero also works with the spouses, and dependent children of our veterans and first responders along with gold star families at no charge.
Many men and women who choose to go into our military and/or other helping professions such as law enforcement, fire, EMS, dispatch tend to pay a heavy price and suffer in silence hence the suicides. Folks, we aren't meant to suffer. 22Zero has proven techniques to assist in healing. We're just a phone call away, feel free to call [login to see] and speak to Dr. Arnell.
Are you looking for a way to pay it forward? Our mission clients do not pay for any sessions, nor do we report to the VA or your employer. 22ZERO relies on donations and fundraisers to fund the mission. If you would like to sponsor a veteran or first responder and receive a tax deduction visit (
Posted 2 mo ago
Responses: 5
It's heartbreaking to hear about the struggles of veterans and first responders, but it's inspiring to see people stepping up to help.
Good afternoon Dr. Pamela Arnell. Excellent post. Thank you for sharing this Dr. Arnell. :->
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
CPT David Gowel -
I Wish You Could Access My Medical Records Just To See
What The VA Did To Me.... Just To Give You An Idea,
When I Was Out There Not Long Ago One Of The PA's
Was Reading Through My Records As I Was Telling Him What
Had Happened To Me Over The Years As I'm Sitting There In My Wheel Chair..
He Turned Around From The Computer Screen, Looked At Me And Said:
" I Can't Believe All These Thing Happened To You Out Here." It Was One Screw-Up, Followed By Errors Causing Illness & Even The Loss Of ALL Of My Teeth... And, Get This: Causing Me To Have Diabetes Which Further Creating Nephropathy To My Feet.
Yup , Surprised The Crap Right Out Of Me Too ... So As You Can See, Contrary To Your Suggestion ~" get connected to someone who may be able to help you stay safe" ~
~~It Sure as "L" AIN'T At The VA Medical Center~ ~ And If You'f Like An Explanation As To HOW I Was Given Diabetes And The Nephropathy Or Have Any Other Questions, Let Me Know & I'll Send The Details To Your Message Area.~~ Go Ahead And Feel Free To Ask Me If I'm Still Pizzed Off, Because You Can Bet Uranus I Am. They STOLE Over 1/2 Of My Adult Life .
I Wish You Could Access My Medical Records Just To See
What The VA Did To Me.... Just To Give You An Idea,
When I Was Out There Not Long Ago One Of The PA's
Was Reading Through My Records As I Was Telling Him What
Had Happened To Me Over The Years As I'm Sitting There In My Wheel Chair..
He Turned Around From The Computer Screen, Looked At Me And Said:
" I Can't Believe All These Thing Happened To You Out Here." It Was One Screw-Up, Followed By Errors Causing Illness & Even The Loss Of ALL Of My Teeth... And, Get This: Causing Me To Have Diabetes Which Further Creating Nephropathy To My Feet.
Yup , Surprised The Crap Right Out Of Me Too ... So As You Can See, Contrary To Your Suggestion ~" get connected to someone who may be able to help you stay safe" ~
~~It Sure as "L" AIN'T At The VA Medical Center~ ~ And If You'f Like An Explanation As To HOW I Was Given Diabetes And The Nephropathy Or Have Any Other Questions, Let Me Know & I'll Send The Details To Your Message Area.~~ Go Ahead And Feel Free To Ask Me If I'm Still Pizzed Off, Because You Can Bet Uranus I Am. They STOLE Over 1/2 Of My Adult Life .
Dr. Pamela Arnell
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - I am so sorry you experienced this and please know you can reach out to me anytime. My number is [login to see] , please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
During a dark time in my life, I considered the importance of being alive and realized that my purpose is to use my military discipline and knowledge to help others. At this stage in my life, I struggle with emotional issues and other challenges, which have hindered my productivity, even under the pressures of my current situation with MHI. Nevertheless, I will continue to persevere until the end of my days.
Dr. Pamela Arnell
SSgt Jose L Amalbert
Thank you for your service. Please feel free to contact me. There is no cost and it’s a peer program, fully remote and no reporting to the VA.
My email is [login to see]
Thank you for your service. Please feel free to contact me. There is no cost and it’s a peer program, fully remote and no reporting to the VA.
My email is [login to see]
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