Posted on Apr 5, 2015
Cpl Anthony Pearson
It's no secret, many American gun owners are feeling pressure from the government (local, state, and federal) when it comes to the laws associated with gun ownership and the right to carry openly or concealed.

In a discussion I recently read, someone mentioned that the next war will be against gun-owning American citizens. It was a powerful statement, and one that I'm not sure I can disagree with.

What are your thoughts, everyone? Do you feel this claim has merit? Or do you feel it is more paranoia?
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Responses: 73
Sgt Lauren Weigand
I can assume that there are many people out there who claim that another war on American soil is not plausible, but I will say that nothing is impossible. Our streets have been flooded with an increasing brutal police force. I am not saying that the police are bad and I respect their service to our communities, but I am saying they are increasingly gaining new weapons and materials. I would also like to note that there has become many cases of police officers around the states who used lethal force as their means of containing a situation rather then using the necessary force that could have been used. On another had our top political officials have become rather careless in the laws they propose on our citizens and many don't even recognize our constitution anymore. With that being said, is there any politician out there that will stand up for the American people? With our economy hurling downward at an alarming speed and many citizens committing atrocious offense our country has become quite chaotic in recent years or even months. I think in the near future a war could be possible. I am not sure yet who the enemy might be or even if it will start due to the gun issues. I personally think if the war starts it will stem from a major scale riot and go completely out of control. I also think a possible enemy may be of foreigners invited in by our own politicians to fight of our patriots of the modern era.
1LT Platoon Leader
1LT (Join to see)
>1 y
My father has been a police officer for 30 years and he says that police brutality is waaayyyyyy down. They are much more careful in today's PC environment. The difference now is that there is always a camera somewhere.
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SP5 Michael Rathbun
Edited >1 y ago
So far all the "wars" of this type have been "by", not "against", going way back to the decades following the founding of this nation.

I have yet to find any significant sentiment in favor of conducting domestic military or LEO campaigns of any description against persons possessing firearms in the USA. My universe is probably a lot different from yours: a lot of my friends, acquaintances and associates (and perhaps even myself) would be classified by many participants here as "frothing left-wing liberal loonies".

Better control (along the lines that the NRA used to urge before they were re-purposed and I canceled my membership*) is a good idea; attempts at confiscation, even if there were any possible positive outcome, are right out.

* My Dad and I periodically have vociferous discussions of this issue, after which we may go out to his range up country and expend a few rounds in the usual "who can get the tightest group with this weapon and that stance" competition. I'm starting to win a lot, but then he is 95.
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SSG John Erny
I think this is not the time nor place to have this discussion. Join the NRA or other Gun rights group and let them speak on your behalf. Their are people watching what we say and you do not want to have a label placed upon you. Anti 2A zealots will use anything to people say to attack them. For those of you who do not have a V or R on your rally point title do not touch this thread with a 10 foot pole.
Cpl Anthony Pearson
Cpl Anthony Pearson
>1 y
I didn't see the harm in discussing it, but maybe you have a point. Seems like a great place to discuss such a thing. Thank you for the warning, John!
SSG John Erny
SSG John Erny
>1 y
Cpl Anthony Pearson,
For you and I there is no harm, but if some one on active duty said something to offend the powers that be they could end up in front of the CO.
Cpl Anthony Pearson
Cpl Anthony Pearson
>1 y
True, very true. I get it now. I agree.
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Cpl Tou Lee Yang
I'm sure people with their gun is really going to make a significant difference when the tanks, drones, and bomb starts. Good luck trying to kill them.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
>1 y
You guys are resorting to guerrilla warfare as if it is going to work. One thing you guys failed to realize is that most of the country you guys mention such as Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan are counties we occupied. Prolonging a war through method such as guerrilla war is practical because it would bleed the occupying nation dry. If there is a war here in the U.S., your enemy is basically over yonder and it will be consider a civil war. By the results of most if not all Civil War, the victor has always been the side with the best weapon, most money, and more people.

Guerrilla warfare will not overpower or make an impact on a government determined to win at all cost. People will take side, regardless of what you guys may think. There will be someone controlling the tank, drones, and the bomb. Do not for one second believe that another person in a military uniform would switch side and help you fight against their best interest. If there is a DMZ line and the military personnel has family living on the side of the government, you really think he’s going to defect?
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
>1 y
Cpl Tou Lee Yang The only civil war I can think of that that is the case has been the Civil War. The French Revolution, Libya, and most every country in Africa have all been won by the people not the government. They have all had outside influences, but when the rubber meets the road it had been the people that have won.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
>1 y
Hunter, what does my time in service have to do with this discussion? Just to satisfy your curiosity, I'm 41, was a Marine for 4 years and spent the last 10 years in the Navy.

What is the point of your comment?
PO2 Robert Cuminale
PO2 Robert Cuminale
>1 y
Get your head out of the past CPL. Civil War charges, WW1 trench warfare, WW2 artillery bombardments are old hat. Try looking at the Viet Minh, Viet Cong, Khmer Rouge, Sandinistas, Irgun Zvi Leumi, Shining Path, The IRA, Mao's Long March and others. Imagine the effect of a Black Friday with 25 car bombs exploding at the 25 largest shopping malls.
Take a read of The Federalist Paper #46 written by Madison, Jay and Hamilton and what they thought of the chances of 500,000 armed citizens against 3,000 Army. Now think about fighting 25,000,000 armed civilians with a 1.8 million man army many of whom are out of country and trying to make sure outsiders don't take advantage of the situation, when the citizens are veterans and know your tactics and your armaments.
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SFC Collection Manager
No, there are too many of us.
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CW4 Brian Haas
Even if the government wanted to do this, I do not know of a single person in the Services that would turn a weapon on our own citizens. Hell, most I know would be part of the "other side" that owns guns. Come and take it...
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MAJ Matthew Arnold
Look to history to understand the complexity of such an unfortunate event. The years before and the American Civil War is a text book study in how to arrive at such an event. The war was not simply about states rights or slavery. The war was a result of complex and varied issues with everything at stake for some. Any such belligerence today will also be a result of complex issues, not just about gun control.

Yes gun control would be one of the issues, but at the heart of the conflict is the belief that one is standing up for the constitution, in essence standing up for the USA, defending the USA, a patriot, while the other is wrong. And, with people on both sides of the conflict believing that. Then there will be declarations of cessation possibly followed by civil war.
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MSgt Michael Smith
The only pressure these gunowners are feeling is from their own paranoia, and I'm not so sure that anyone is actually feeling pressure, but conservative media and the gun lobby wants people to believe that. Its called spin.
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Dalton Nichols
I don't believe it'll be the next war, but I'm sure it's coming, at least of Hillary gets elected.
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1stSgt Eugene Harless
Absolutely not. There is a lunatic fringe that swears that the "gubmint" is coming for their guns. They tend to attach themselves to the conservative side, but they are so far gone that they are generally shunned. Individual gun owners, and even these flake militias are not capable of conducting warfare against the US. Any type of war would be a result of a conflict between States that break off from the country to form their own nation. Eventually this will happen, I dont know trhwe timetable but I would say trhat withing 150 years this country will be fractured.
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