Posted on Jun 8, 2014
Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good President? If so, why?
Responses: 264
But unfortunately I don't know who I would pick... Perhaps someone with a business mind and actually knows how to balance his/her checkbook and manage/coordinate with other departments/agencies.
I do think that as a nation it would be hard for us to stomach another 4-8 years of the same political party sitting in the White House, I also don't think that we want to see another Clinton, or Bush in there either. We need a fresh face with new ideas, and not the same old rhetoric.
I'm not convinced she will run, and just because she's the expected favorite right now doesn't mean it's inevitable that she will receive the nomination if she does run. In 2008, she ran and well the supposed favorite then was dead in the water against a junior Senator from Illinois. If the front runner won the election by being the favorite before the first primary, we'd have had a President Guliani.
I am not convinced that she will run due to her health, and the recent change in her status as being one of the two creepiest looking new grandparents in the country. I just don't think she'll run but she'll have some sway in shaping who has the nomination and who gets the money while promoting her and Bil's Clinton Global Initiative.
I am not convinced that she will run due to her health, and the recent change in her status as being one of the two creepiest looking new grandparents in the country. I just don't think she'll run but she'll have some sway in shaping who has the nomination and who gets the money while promoting her and Bil's Clinton Global Initiative.
Cpl Brett Wagner
I think she will run, maybe she will not get the nom. but any other dem is just as bad as Hilary or Christie, Paul Rand, Paul Ryan, Romney etc.
Cpl Ray Fernandez
I won't pay serious attention until the end of next year when you have the logistics in place, funds donated, and the campaign actually kicks off. There may be some one who comes out of nowhere that takes the nomination in each party. At this point it's all based on name recognition alone.
I think over the last 6...22...years we have proven we can survive anything the Nation drops into the White House. I actually think Hillary would have been better than Barry, but I think we have already slid too far to the Left over the last 6...22 years and America is not in the mood for Hillary.
SFC Charles S.
Oh Dear God... Please say you are joking..... When I was in recruiting we had a term for people of his caliber.... ROCKS with Lips.
The majority says no just because of her last name. But the truth is, what constitutes being a good President? President Obama passed Obamacare and everyone hates him for it, but he did get OBL. Judging by his work in office will we say 10/15 years from now he was a good President? What about President Bush? Remember everybody hated him when Iraq was spinning out of control while we were headed towards another Great Depression. Will we say he was bad president or a good president. What about James Polk or Franklin Pierce? Do you even know who they are? They might have President when mail was still delivered by house and you had to take the train to get from state to state, but we're they good Presidents?
It's too difficult to judge if someone is going to be a good President because you don't know what's going to happen in that Presidency. All you can do is speculate. So the leader of the free world is a woman, will the world's so called dictators & hardliners [North Korea, Iran] and terrorists group [ISIS] step up the pressure? We don't know that yet. Whose to say Hilary won't adopt a form of the Bush Doctrine and redefine the term preemptive? You just don't know because there are too many variables you have to take into consideration in how an event occurs and how it makes other countries react.
But back to the question at hand and I would probably say maybe Hilary would be a good President.
It's too difficult to judge if someone is going to be a good President because you don't know what's going to happen in that Presidency. All you can do is speculate. So the leader of the free world is a woman, will the world's so called dictators & hardliners [North Korea, Iran] and terrorists group [ISIS] step up the pressure? We don't know that yet. Whose to say Hilary won't adopt a form of the Bush Doctrine and redefine the term preemptive? You just don't know because there are too many variables you have to take into consideration in how an event occurs and how it makes other countries react.
But back to the question at hand and I would probably say maybe Hilary would be a good President.
About the same as it was after 8 years of "W", and 8 years of Obama, and 8 years of Bill....Nothing changes only the people. Read a poem title the Indispensable Man and think of it this way, The USA is the bucket, and the POTUS is the hand.
Cpl Brett Wagner
1SG (P) Erik Whitman - No disrespect but in my 50+ years on this planet I have seen my country go through monumental changes, politically, socially, economically & religiously. When I was in grade school none of my friends had ever heard of a Muslim. Growing up anyone of us could tell you, in detail, about WW II, especially December 7th 1941. Most of my teachers were veterans of WW II and Korea.
Today JFK would be too conservative for his own party. I have gone from using rotary dial phones that you could not own to the day when you can buy one at wall Walmart. It was a federal offense to touch the telephone wires in the jack inside your own house. No 911 service, no caller ID.
President Nixon was going to be impeached because people on his staff committed crimes he was unaware of them being involved in. Then we had Iran-Contra (not going to debate this one) then oral sex in the oval office, the beginning of a sharp decline in our country thanks to the "Patriot Act". Now it is totally acceptable for the U.S. government to spy on it's citizens without warrants or just cause.
I do not understand your analogy of the USA being the bucket and POTUS being the hand. I do know our government was designed on a checks and balances of three distinct branches and it is not working as designed. NOT because it is not a good design but because corrupt men have wrestled that great design away from "We the people" and we all stood by watching it because life was too easy for us.
Today JFK would be too conservative for his own party. I have gone from using rotary dial phones that you could not own to the day when you can buy one at wall Walmart. It was a federal offense to touch the telephone wires in the jack inside your own house. No 911 service, no caller ID.
President Nixon was going to be impeached because people on his staff committed crimes he was unaware of them being involved in. Then we had Iran-Contra (not going to debate this one) then oral sex in the oval office, the beginning of a sharp decline in our country thanks to the "Patriot Act". Now it is totally acceptable for the U.S. government to spy on it's citizens without warrants or just cause.
I do not understand your analogy of the USA being the bucket and POTUS being the hand. I do know our government was designed on a checks and balances of three distinct branches and it is not working as designed. NOT because it is not a good design but because corrupt men have wrestled that great design away from "We the people" and we all stood by watching it because life was too easy for us.
1SG (Join to see)
Cpl Brett Wagner Now that was very well said, and i know both of us could add more to where you left off!
Cpl Brett Wagner
1SG Randall Mcpherson - Thank you sir or mam, don't know which of you is the 1SG. If you read any of my other posts you will see I have said more on this subject. I just do not think either party represents the people any more. It is very sad.
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Lord Action
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Lord Action
I want to see Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton as her VP. There is no constitutional law saying he can't be president if she dies, it only says you can't have three consecutive terms.
If we keep electing the Bush and Clinton families to the White House we might as well become a monarchy instead of a democracy. You can't tell me we don't have any other possible candidates except for these two families (I say that knowing Jeb Bush is a possible candidate so we could end up seeing a Jeb Bush vs Hillary Clinton in the general election).
This question is really tough especially considering the fact that there haven't been anyone confirmed to be running yet. My top contenders for the 2016 election at this time would be Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, or Paul Ryan. Who knows, there may be someone who would make one of the greatest presidents that we don't even know yet!
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