Posted on Jun 8, 2014
Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good President? If so, why?
Responses: 264
Cpl Brett Wagner I am not sure why people dislike her. After all, she is a Christian. Why do people hate Christians so much? Or they hate women? OMG! They hate Christian women! I can't believe it!
In memory of Socks...
In memory of Socks...
I think that we should go for something new in the white house. I'm thinking there should be a rule if you had a family member in the white house in the last 24 years you cant run weather it is a spouse or blood relative.
Any retiring general or admiral would do better than Mrs. Clinton, as long as he/she doesn't turn this country into a dictatorship. If George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant or Dwight D. Eisenhower can do it, why not some of our generals and admirals?
COL Ted Mc
PFC Zanie Young Private; You ask "If George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant or Dwight D. Eisenhower can do it, why not some of our generals and admirals?" which is a very good question.
George Washington ran (read as "administered") a nation which was the national equivalent of a neighborhood 7-11 in today's economy.
Ulysses S. Grant was a disaster as a president and allowed more graft and corruption (to say nothing of inefficiencies) to flourish during his administration than any other known (remember, his administration was a long time ago and well before 'executive privilege' or easily erasable records) president.
Dwight D. Eisenhower had the advantage of actually having been asked to be their candidate for president by BOTH the Republicans and the Democrats. With that as a starting point neither of them could really oppose him. [Mind you, FOX News hadn't been invented yet so Americans weren't being constantly regaled with tales of the "White House Secret Mistress" or how Mamie Eisenhower had stopped sleeping with him.]
Generals and Admirals are not necessarily used to working WITH people who don't do what the General or Admiral tells them to do.
George Washington ran (read as "administered") a nation which was the national equivalent of a neighborhood 7-11 in today's economy.
Ulysses S. Grant was a disaster as a president and allowed more graft and corruption (to say nothing of inefficiencies) to flourish during his administration than any other known (remember, his administration was a long time ago and well before 'executive privilege' or easily erasable records) president.
Dwight D. Eisenhower had the advantage of actually having been asked to be their candidate for president by BOTH the Republicans and the Democrats. With that as a starting point neither of them could really oppose him. [Mind you, FOX News hadn't been invented yet so Americans weren't being constantly regaled with tales of the "White House Secret Mistress" or how Mamie Eisenhower had stopped sleeping with him.]
Generals and Admirals are not necessarily used to working WITH people who don't do what the General or Admiral tells them to do.
I agree with SSgt George Brown nobody can claim one single accomplishment in her career, but that did not stop the last 6 years.
I'd usually say it couldn't get any worse but... yeah.
I concur with MSG Wade Huffman of Dayton, OH....I hope we NEVER have to find out!!!
I couldn't imagine what it would be like after 8 years of another clinton in office! With her history and the baggage she brings with her, "NO BODY IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD VOTE FOR HER!" She has lied about a lot of things like whitewater, that she was fired as a lawyer, she hired a group of detectives to get dirt on the women Bill had affairs with to shut them up. Her lies about Benghazi! The war on women starts with Hillary! I feel sorry for her because she said they where dead broke when they left the whitehouse because they had to pay for their daughter's education and had two different mortgages to pay! Hell, she should try making it on what the average joe makes! With Bill's and then Hillary's book deals,her being a senator as well, they should have been living well indeed! I would also like to know how their daughter got a 6 figure job as an consultant working part time just out of school? She wants everyone to think they are just like the average joe out there!
The butcher of benghazi will not get elected...............
SGT James Hastings
Although I don't think America is that stupid to elect her I was slightly surprised when they elected Obama. I have read about her life before, during and after her marriage to Bill Clinton and have no respect for her.
The ironic thing is I initially voted for her. Then later on when someone from another country asked her something about her husband, she spassed out on him. To him it was a natural question. We do not need a president that gets bent out of shape because it got them upset
the talent pool of candidates is terrible. Hilary Clinton would probably be a mediocre POTUS. Most of the ones publicly mentioned as possibles for POTUS either were failures or criminals.
I'm not hopeful for post 2016.
I'm not hopeful for post 2016.
SGT Wayne Gains
we need to cancel that law whereas bill Clinton can run again so we can give the republican another surplus to blow
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