Posted on Jun 8, 2014
Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good President? If so, why?
Responses: 264
I feel Clinton or Bush is the same old story. We need a president that will put the US first. We have many critical issues in this country including a crumbling infrastructure, an electric grid that is weak at best from a security stance, etc. We need to take care of our own before we can solve the worlds problems. Just my two cents.
I can't answer the question asked ... I am not a psychic.
What I can do though is ask how it ever got to the point that we are looking at the wife of a former President or the son of another former president (who already has another son who is a former President) as our next President? This is a big country full of lots of capable people . . . and all we can come up with is Bushes and Clintons for President?
There is something very wrong with this whole picture . . . and it certainly does not bode well for our future.
What I can do though is ask how it ever got to the point that we are looking at the wife of a former President or the son of another former president (who already has another son who is a former President) as our next President? This is a big country full of lots of capable people . . . and all we can come up with is Bushes and Clintons for President?
There is something very wrong with this whole picture . . . and it certainly does not bode well for our future.
LCpl Barney Gaumer
I agree completely Gunny! Please - NO more Bushes or Clintons!!! Time to move on! And NO BHO - you don't get a third term :)
Cpl Brett Wagner
I agree Gunny. Unfortunately Anyone who I would vote for will never get the nomination thanks to the likes of Karl Rove & others that control the GOP.
To tell you the truth I think we need a break until the next president come.
I see where some have talked about her learning from her mistakes. That's a nice thought but you don't learn integrity and responsibility from mistakes! You have that or you don't. She does not and never will.
I think that she will be a continuation of the epidemic problems with our federal government. I fear that it no longer represents "We the People". I love my country with all of my heart and would give my life as many have. I believe in honor above all else. Can we say that our government follows any code of honor?
I don't even want to think about it. My hope is that we won't have to find out.
Cpl Brett Wagner
Now we're talking real Americans on real American made bikes. Loud and proud like America should be.
She will continue where obama left off and destroy our military. weaken our country, throw us under the bus, more military on the streets. I can go on and on
3rd world ............dollar worthless...........sharia...........Ied's common................
I honestly find it hard to say whether one will be or has been "good". I've been in the military 9 years and have seen 2 presidents during my service time.
From neither of them have I seen anything that drastically makes my life better as a service member.
From my perspective, outside of the small % increase in our paychecks there hasn't been much but non-stop cuts on our military funds/capabilities.
Luckily we're trained to "shut up and make due" and we have done as well as we could, with what we have gotten/still have left.
I could say maybe for those who were affected by it (not me personally) but maybe the don't ask-don't tell repeal was a positive note.
From neither of them have I seen anything that drastically makes my life better as a service member.
From my perspective, outside of the small % increase in our paychecks there hasn't been much but non-stop cuts on our military funds/capabilities.
Luckily we're trained to "shut up and make due" and we have done as well as we could, with what we have gotten/still have left.
I could say maybe for those who were affected by it (not me personally) but maybe the don't ask-don't tell repeal was a positive note.
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