Posted on Jun 8, 2014
Col Squadron Commander
Hillaryclinton for president1
Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good President, if you vote yes, why? Who do you think would be the best, front running candidate?

Note: Image added by RP staff of past Hillary campaign
Edited 11 y ago
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SPC William Scissom
I have read a lot of these comments and it seems like everyone that voted no did so because of Benghazi. In the 2008 democratic primaries I told my friends and family that Hillary Clinton will never be president based on a remark she said during the debate about being under sniper fire in Bosnia with her daughter. When I heard that obvious lie I was furious because, while she meant that she had some experience with hostile foreign government's, what she was saying is that our military is so chewed up that they would allow the first lady and her daughter to land in a hostile area. How can a person hope to become Commander in Chief when they don't respect the military at all?
The sad fact of the matter is that Washington D.C. is broken. It has become a playground for the wealthy and entitled to pretend to be lawmakers so that they can get their lifetime pensions, while veterans sleep under bridges and are forgotten. There are very few, if any, people in D.C. that deserve their positions. These people didn't get into politics to help America or uphold the constitution, they got into politics to help themselves and uphold their trust funds.
I know that neither party will put up anyone worth voting for in 2016, so I will just hope that a third party will emerge that will actually defend the constitution and do what is right for America. I don't know maybe I'm asking too much.
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No!!!!!!!!! To the millionth degree, NO! And if any of MY Sailors say she would, I would have to give them my opinion so they would be onboard with me! All joking aside, with all the lies and deception when it comes to ANYTHING this woman has done during her time in Secretary of State, that should be a clear reason why she would NOT make a good President. Besides, she already had her shot at it from 1993 to 2001 for two terms, didn't she? LoL.
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Col Joseph Lenertz
Her actions, and reactions to scandal, as SECSTATE, where for the first time she led a large organization, indicate she thinks the rules don't apply to her and that she may even be above the law. I want a leader who puts the people before self, and I do not see it there.
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SSG Paralegal
Where's the Hell No button?
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PO2 Mark Arnold
We leave no man behind. She will never live up to that level of loyalty. She's already left 4 behind, and I don't believe she should be allowed to add more to her score.
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LTC Stephen C.
My response, Col (Join to see), is no.
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SGT Rick Ash
Too much bad baggage including Benghazi.
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MSgt Leonard Fletcher
Edited 10 y ago
Answer - No. Why?

If we can all agree that historical facts become future tendencies then let’s discuss that for a moment. If we cannot agree at least on that premise, wait a few years and your idiocy will be repeated anyway despite your denial.

That being said, I submit to you this question: Are you pleased with all past president’s performance? 

My guess is that you, because grandpa didn’t like this or that one, or dad, or even through your own American History report you did in the 9th grade, you aren’t satisfied with all the presidents and you probably have a favorite but can’t really nail down the reason why.  Here are some points to ponder:

Over 50% of presidents were lawyers and even more than that were politicians.

18 Presidents previously served as U.S. Representatives; 6 of 18 held this office prior to the four 'previous positions'. Only one - James A. Garfield - was a Representative immediately before election as President. Only one ex-president, John Quincy Adams, ever served as a U.S. Representative.

17 Presidents previously served as state Governors; 9 of 17 were Governors immediately before election as President.

16 Presidents previously served as U.S. Senators; only 3 immediately before election as President.

14 Presidents previously served as Vice-President. All except Nixon were VP immediately before election as President; 9 of the 14 succeeded to the Presidency because of the death or resignation of the elected President; 5 of those 9 were not re-elected.

8 Presidents previously served as Cabinet Secretaries; 6 as Secretary of State; 5 of the 8 served immediately before election as President.

So, with all that being said, I think we should give an American, NON-politician (yet with political savvy), and NON-lawyer the opportunity to bring a perspective to the Oval Office that is actually from the people. 

I digress a little to say this; The media is a well-trained tool for sparking interest in trivial things and harping on dead horses. It’s the quintessential virtual barber shop and salon parlor that serves well to stupefy an uninformed and lazy society into drinking the cool-aide flavor of the day. All that to say, don't be lazy!

I believe the KISS method serves best in any situation hence this is my recommendation. In a couple months there will be more relevant sites that do a “decent” job of allowing you to answer questions about issues in politics and the algorithms will do a comparative association to help you narrow your field of potential candidates of whom you would vote. Until then, this should get you started:

Step 1: Learn about yourself and where you stand generally go to 

Step 2: Understanding that not all candidates are yet in this questionnaire and therefore it only serves to show you whose answers you are most matched with go to and answer from your heart and use the slide bar to best represent how important that issue is to you.

Step 3: Research the candidates in a “broad-scope” technique to learn more about the individuals competing for YOUR vote you may start here:

Step 4: Narrow your research now to a hand-full of hopefuls and spend time reading about their life, their stances and beliefs etc.  Now that you have put forth some effort and know more about what you may be discussing (now intelligently) with friends and family, go forth and do your duty, vote.

This is what I believe: the two-party system should be eliminated, campaign expenditures should be capped and equal to the median potential of the group of candidates, donations be only capped and allowed from individuals and never from corporations, voters must show a government issued photo identification, and popular vote determines the winner. Until these things happen, I am tired of choosing between the lesser of two knuckleheads to run my country.

In case you’re curious, personally I believe Dr. Ben Carson (who by the way is not listed yet in step 2) is the greatest ally of “We the People”. He is not a lawyer, not a politician, and reveals his prowess of international affairs in his books. I encourage you to look him up. Although he is a GOP exploratory candidate, I believe if self-proclaimed Democrats and Republicans would put parties aside and look at the individual, they would see their next president.

Discuss ....
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SA Harold Hansmann
I'd run for president, but, I don't want to end up like JFK. Because I would surely piss congress off when I went after their pay, vacation time, and their benefits.
SFC Rollie Hubbard
SFC Rollie Hubbard
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