Posted on Jun 8, 2014
Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good President? If so, why?
Responses: 264
I tried to compare her to a well-accomplished Margaret Thatcher. I failed in my quest.
I even tried to size her up against Angela Merkel. Still no-go! How did we end up so low and so liberal??
I even tried to size her up against Angela Merkel. Still no-go! How did we end up so low and so liberal??
Honestly, I can't even imagine what America would be like after 8 years of a Hillary Clinton Administration, and that's saying a lot since I have a pretty healthy imagination.
My expectations of the Obama Administration have been fairly accurate. He came to the position with no credentials - no leadership experience - and we have been wandering as a nation rudderless. However, we know much more about Hillary and her leadership style. Remember Travelgate? That was the result of her vindictive nature. Remember Hillarycare? That initiative failed because she blatantly excluded healthcare providers from any public discussion of the healthcare industry. It would be the same as having a panel of drill press operators mapping the diplomatic strategy of the nation.
Still, the future of such a government is cloudy. Would the states finally rise up and put a halt to it? Would the people finally rebel? Maybe Hillary is just the kind of President we need to get the ball rolling...
My expectations of the Obama Administration have been fairly accurate. He came to the position with no credentials - no leadership experience - and we have been wandering as a nation rudderless. However, we know much more about Hillary and her leadership style. Remember Travelgate? That was the result of her vindictive nature. Remember Hillarycare? That initiative failed because she blatantly excluded healthcare providers from any public discussion of the healthcare industry. It would be the same as having a panel of drill press operators mapping the diplomatic strategy of the nation.
Still, the future of such a government is cloudy. Would the states finally rise up and put a halt to it? Would the people finally rebel? Maybe Hillary is just the kind of President we need to get the ball rolling...
i believe we will be close to becoming a 3rd world country by then we will look like tijuana hehehehehehehehehe tijuana of the early 60's with only 1 traffic light hehehehehehehehehe...people living in tin huts no real infrastructure for waste removal or clean water and sanitation...
SSgt James Stanley
I'm afraid I'll have to agree with you SSG Pownall. I've seen some of those Mexican villages with tin huts and no sanitation and I don't look forward to our country in that situation.
SSG Maurice P.
I feel that Hilary Clinton would NOT be a good President. My feelings are that she has showed a consistant lack of responsibility in roles she has already held. IF she runs, I will probably not vote for her...however, with that being said, I must also look to see who is on the other side. Personally, I think that NONE of the current politicians are worth much...except in their pocketbook. In golf, we would be allowed a "do-over/Mulligan". Term limits would be a nice start.
I think she will do many things better than President Obama, for one she and the former President Clinton are schmoozers, they tend to be able to work deals. This is something that I feel President Obama has lacked, not that he has not tried, but at this point I think is Administration is opting to avoid the repeated ball kicking that is talking with the TEA Party.
On the other hand if you look on the comments here the general consensus is that the she is going to be good or the worst thing ever. I think everybody is being a bit dramatic, and in the end it is her biggest flaw; she is divisive, whether she is attempting to be or not. This is one of the reasons I wonder if Vice President Biden would not make a better POTUS for this time in the American story. He talks straight, people who listen to him tend to like him, and he has long history of working out compromise especially in the Senate (Remember the 2011 Debt Ceiling).
My biggest issue is that the Republican Party is not offering anybody who is as credible as Secretary Clinton, nor are they really offering a counterpoint to her ideas. I think the U.S. Public is tired of politics that exist only to thwart one another, and really that is all the Republican party has accomplished over the course of this Administration. I think a lot of people are interested in Senator Rand Paul until they really study his positions (I am kind of going off of his father's books to fill the blanks with the Senator). Senator Cruz is more divisive than Secretary Clinton, and Governors Walker, and Christie I am not sure aren't a lot corrupt. Senator Rubio has never stood for anything, as we can see by him coming out against his own bills. I would listen to what Governor Huntsman has to say, but he will never make it through a Primary. Eh my $0.02
On the other hand if you look on the comments here the general consensus is that the she is going to be good or the worst thing ever. I think everybody is being a bit dramatic, and in the end it is her biggest flaw; she is divisive, whether she is attempting to be or not. This is one of the reasons I wonder if Vice President Biden would not make a better POTUS for this time in the American story. He talks straight, people who listen to him tend to like him, and he has long history of working out compromise especially in the Senate (Remember the 2011 Debt Ceiling).
My biggest issue is that the Republican Party is not offering anybody who is as credible as Secretary Clinton, nor are they really offering a counterpoint to her ideas. I think the U.S. Public is tired of politics that exist only to thwart one another, and really that is all the Republican party has accomplished over the course of this Administration. I think a lot of people are interested in Senator Rand Paul until they really study his positions (I am kind of going off of his father's books to fill the blanks with the Senator). Senator Cruz is more divisive than Secretary Clinton, and Governors Walker, and Christie I am not sure aren't a lot corrupt. Senator Rubio has never stood for anything, as we can see by him coming out against his own bills. I would listen to what Governor Huntsman has to say, but he will never make it through a Primary. Eh my $0.02
SGT Tyler G.
Right now Jon Huntsman is the only Republican currently in office that I'd even consider voting for. The obstructionist behavior of the Republican party during this past administration is completely unacceptable behavior for our Congress in my opinion, and something I don't want to see rewarded. But yeah, pretty spot on with your comment.
Killery is going down. After the hits she is finally going to take for Benghazi she will probably not even be on the ticket. However the libs are demented and would want her anyway. We have a bigger issue people. The rise of islam in the USA. Take a look at England and France. They have tried multiculturalism and it is failing there big time. We need to take a bigger stand against this evil and nonsense ideology, because when it either their religion or our Country, their choice is not the later!
Really? Then explain why Congress hasn't passed a budget in 6 years with the Republicans in charge of the House of Representatives. By the way, I am neither a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or member of any political party. Political party affiliation is for people who don't know how, or want to, think independently.
As for the WMD's in Iraq, I served with more than a few Marines who were there and said there were no WMD's in country. I suppose they are all liars. Additionally, if there had been WMD's on the ground we would have heard a hell of a lot of crowing from Bush's administration about how they were right. Instead were heard nothing but deflection, subterfuge, and obfuscation when the topic was brought up.
As for the WMD's in Iraq, I served with more than a few Marines who were there and said there were no WMD's in country. I suppose they are all liars. Additionally, if there had been WMD's on the ground we would have heard a hell of a lot of crowing from Bush's administration about how they were right. Instead were heard nothing but deflection, subterfuge, and obfuscation when the topic was brought up.
Cpl Brett Wagner
SCPO Burt Crapo You started out your response with disrespect and under my post. I had no idea that a Senior Chief Petty Officer would not know where to post. I did start out by saying you must not be addressing me or you had a mental breakdown which referred to your logic which still does not stand the test.
As far as my being a Corporal I haven't been a Corporal since 1983. As a veteran I get to enjoy the full benefits of the 1st Amendment, at least until it is totally taken away. A point I would like to make before ending my comments is this one. In the military you can demand someone refer to you in a certain manner but you cannot demand respect. Respect must be earned, then it is given. The difference between a leader and a boss is that the leader has people that will follow him without question to places they would never have gone. A boss forces people to do something and usually those people do just enough to get by.
All due respect to you Senior Chief and I thank you for your service to our great nation.
As far as my being a Corporal I haven't been a Corporal since 1983. As a veteran I get to enjoy the full benefits of the 1st Amendment, at least until it is totally taken away. A point I would like to make before ending my comments is this one. In the military you can demand someone refer to you in a certain manner but you cannot demand respect. Respect must be earned, then it is given. The difference between a leader and a boss is that the leader has people that will follow him without question to places they would never have gone. A boss forces people to do something and usually those people do just enough to get by.
All due respect to you Senior Chief and I thank you for your service to our great nation.
Sgt S.P. Woodke
i KNOW FIRST HAND several who were there and did INDEED Witness the extraction of and investigated to conclusion the whereabouts of many WMD's
SPC Charles Griffith
SCPO Crapo you are on a forum on the internet NOT in Formation. you DID notice the V identifier of CPL Wagner so I submit that it is YOU who needs to take a breath and reassess your position as he DOES now outrank you. Now that that is clear please try re-joining the conversation as a productive member of this community and respect your place in said conversation.
Free... the country will be free like it's been since 1776. Hooyah America!
CWO4 (Join to see)
Yes, I've studied history. Political discussions within RallyPoint have escalated recently. Just calm down, everything will be ok. Sometimes the president is the person you voted for and sometimes they're not.
Sgt S.P. Woodke
UNDERSTAND THIS: SCPO gets off on starting s***...don't even comment on his stuff as he is ONLY trying to get a rise out of you...he derives great pleasure on creating dissension and obfuscation.
CWO4 (Join to see)
That's your opinion, we'll see if the country agrees with you in 2016. Either way, I'll be behind whomever is elected. Hooyah America!
SPC Charles Griffith
Oh damn I was thinking the SCPO was saying if she is elected we will have a second revolution??????
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