Posted on Jun 8, 2014
Col Squadron Commander
Hillaryclinton for president1
Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good President, if you vote yes, why? Who do you think would be the best, front running candidate?

Note: Image added by RP staff of past Hillary campaign
Edited 11 y ago
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Responses: 264
PO1 Master-at-Arms
Edited 11 y ago
If Hillary becomes president I'm pulling sgt Bergdahl card until her term(s) is/are up. Not wishing anyone to die in trying to find me
Capt Sro2
Capt (Join to see)
11 y
Hey at least you'll get a POW ribbon...
PO1 Master-at-Arms
PO1 (Join to see)
11 y
Thanks buddy, make sure you tie a ribbon on your cruiser's antenna as well heh heh
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PO2 Phillip Bearden
She's tough. Maybe she get us back in the black again.
MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
11 y
Leather can be tough but I think tough works better as shoe material than as the primary qualification for leader of the free World...World.
PO2 Phillip Bearden
PO2 Phillip Bearden
11 y
The President is not the major problem with Washington. It's all the behind the scene backscratching and hook ups. We need Term limits on all Politicians on all levels of the Fed. give the lawmakers social security and medicare. The majority of companies (probably donated to thier re-election) have done away with retirement, why should they get it.
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
>1 y
Between the back-door "events" that have occurred during the "Clinton machine," I whole heartedly disagree. They are bought and paid for just like the career politicians in Congress.
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
I've got to say that in my military and civilian careers I've enjoyed working for female superiors. Now before take a wrong turn down COL Nathan Jessup Boulevard (if you don't know the reference, you can't handle the truth), let me continue.

I've found a woman boss to be less politically motivated (ok, not so much in this case but ...) more to the point, more direct, more willing to buck the system and less likely to take sh!t. Again from my experience. The current occupant needs to retire and open a Waffle House franchise - those of you who have served south of the Mason-Dixon line know the place - great hash browns!

I think this country needs a little motherly TLC, from someone who knows how give someone like Russia a good paddling with the back of a wooden spoon! Not 100% committed to Hillary yet. I was in favor of the Mondale/Ferraro ticket but too young to vote on that one. Would have gone for the McCain/Palin except for only teeny-tiny thing - Sarah Palin. Would have definitely voted for a McCain/Fey ticket though. :-)
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CPL Jay Strickland
The Russian reset button fiasco. Seriously I know Obama was young and trying to be more diplomatic but Hillary was supposedly experienced and should have know to follow GWB's harder line with Russia. All we have learned is reset button is Russian for yes you can invade another country.
CW3 Maintenance Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
11 y
I could be wrong but didn't Russia invade the country of Georgia when Pres Bush was in office?
CPL Jay Strickland
CPL Jay Strickland
11 y
Yes I was alluding to that with the invade another country. I believe the phrase fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me would be applicable.
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