Posted on May 24, 2014
Do you believe the Bill of Rights is outdated and should be either dropped in its entirety or at least rewritten?
My Goddaughter seems to be very representative of many people in her generation in believing that the Second Amendment is totally outdated and needs to be eliminated. As with many on the left, she feels that no individual has any need for a handgun.
Additionally, do we really need the First Amendment since one of its previsions deals with religion and seems to discriminate against atheists and agnostics?
So, how many down votes will I get for even posting a controversial question like this?
Additionally, do we really need the First Amendment since one of its previsions deals with religion and seems to discriminate against atheists and agnostics?
So, how many down votes will I get for even posting a controversial question like this?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 241
My opinion on this topic is in the specific wording of each of these amendments. First, in the 1st Amendment, it says freedom OF religion (emphasis mine), not freedom from religion. It has been interpreted that atheists and agnostics are a group of protected individuals who are exercising the freedom not to have religion, thereby freedom OF religion. When one reads the Bill of Rights, the Constitution of the United States, and the Declaration of Independence, one cannot ignore that this country was founded on Christian principles and as such necessitated the inclusion of the 1st Amendment in order to prevent the government from imposing a specific religion on the people of this country. Therefore, atheists and agnostics are protected from the government's imposition of Christian (or any other religious affiliation) belief systems.
Concerning the 2nd Amendment, I personally believe that everyone in this country has "the right to keep and bear arms." I do not see how our right to keep a handgun, rifle, or shotgun is any different than us allowing an AK47 in every household in Iraq (and I think we allowed that to happen for security reasons). Just because a few bad apples will always find a way to do bad things, does not mean that those of us who legally abide by the law should be punished. In the military - and I know we have all seen it or enforced it - the concept of "mass punishment" is routinely enforced, because we adhere to an age old belief that peer pressure is a viable way of fixing a problem. We have to dumb down safety briefings and explicitly state what our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines can do on a weekend because some dummy out there said to himself (or his/her buddies), "they didn't tell me I couldn't do [insert stupid idea here]." So instead of trying to take away the guns (whether they are rifles, shotguns, or handguns) from the millions of law-abiding citizens because a few people think handguns are more dangerous in their hands because of the bad apples intent upon causing harm to others, let's make sure that those who have the guns know how to use them to stop those who would do bad with them.
These are my opinions only, and do not reflect the opinions of anyone on the left (that I know of).
Concerning the 2nd Amendment, I personally believe that everyone in this country has "the right to keep and bear arms." I do not see how our right to keep a handgun, rifle, or shotgun is any different than us allowing an AK47 in every household in Iraq (and I think we allowed that to happen for security reasons). Just because a few bad apples will always find a way to do bad things, does not mean that those of us who legally abide by the law should be punished. In the military - and I know we have all seen it or enforced it - the concept of "mass punishment" is routinely enforced, because we adhere to an age old belief that peer pressure is a viable way of fixing a problem. We have to dumb down safety briefings and explicitly state what our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines can do on a weekend because some dummy out there said to himself (or his/her buddies), "they didn't tell me I couldn't do [insert stupid idea here]." So instead of trying to take away the guns (whether they are rifles, shotguns, or handguns) from the millions of law-abiding citizens because a few people think handguns are more dangerous in their hands because of the bad apples intent upon causing harm to others, let's make sure that those who have the guns know how to use them to stop those who would do bad with them.
These are my opinions only, and do not reflect the opinions of anyone on the left (that I know of).
Master Chief, I think it falls to ensuring we do our best to educate our younger generations with the truth of why the Bill of Rights was amended to our Constitution. Our current "public" educational system along with the majority of the mainstream media has become a tool of the progressives to rewrite our history in the image they see as "PC".
CMDCM Gene Treants
Oh I could not agree more PO3 Michael Pierotti. Our education system does not address the BOR in any adequate way today until you are in college, and then only in SOME select classes.
The Constitution is timeless. The genius of our founding fathers is the vision they had of the future.
Well seeing how 97% have voted to leave the Bill of Rights as it is I'd say your lucky they including me didn't all post a down vote also. I didn't down vote because I believe the only stupid question is the one not asked. That being said. We all took a vow to defend it as is. We didn't bow to defend parts of the constitution. We vowed to defend it in entirety. Just wish our Preaident took his oath of office as serious as us Vets take ours.
Leave the Bill of Rights alone. The thought of getting rid of such an important document protecting American liberties is absolutely absurd. It is in no way outdated. If a certain right or Amendment is seen to need changing in order to better protect Americans or better word a particular right then a new amendment is all that is needed as they did when they repealed the prohibition amendment. The Bill of Rights is as important as the Constitution. It represents the beliefs and freedoms upon which our founding fathers built this country into what it is today.
And if we were to have it rewritten who would we trust to do it justice; certainly not congress. No, let it stand as is. We protected this generations rights to says these things but must vote ourselves to ensure it does not happen.
Every time I hear some person make the statement that we should do away with the 2nd Amendment I give heart felt thanks to the drafters of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights who made changing the Constitution so hard. They are normally the same people that cannot comprehend that "the people" identified in the 2nd Amendment are the same people identified/addressed in every other Amendment. There is no reason our children should be so ignorant regarding the Bill Of Rights and why they exist.
What I would really like to see is a mandated age appropriate class/lesson on US Government & Constitution in all public & private K-12 schools, this class/lesson should be identical across the US and developed by cross section of all political parties and economic levels not College Professor elites.
Additionally, there should be a mandatory class on the US Government & the Constitution in every College it would be of greater benefit to the students than Art/Theater/Literature or "Women's Studies".
What I would really like to see is a mandated age appropriate class/lesson on US Government & Constitution in all public & private K-12 schools, this class/lesson should be identical across the US and developed by cross section of all political parties and economic levels not College Professor elites.
Additionally, there should be a mandatory class on the US Government & the Constitution in every College it would be of greater benefit to the students than Art/Theater/Literature or "Women's Studies".
CMDCM Gene Treants
MSgt Denise Smith next you will advocate doing away with Underwater Basket Weaving and invalidate my degree. Seriously i fully agree that we need real courses in CIVICS and not the crap that our kids learn now.
The Bill of Rights are the fundamentals of our nation and make this a beacon for the oppressed around the world. We are a nation if immigrants, most here legally, but that is changing. The current group in power are attacking our Constitution and the values that have made this nation the greatest in the history of the world. While I think the republic will survive these hooligans, they have succeeded in making the road back to where we once were more difficult. The checks and balances have been weakened and it will take a strong Congress and like minded POTUS to right the wrongs that have been done to the American people and the nation. The next presidental election is crucial, along with a Congress of conservative thinkers, to get us back to normalcy. Finally, "we the people" must become more involved and learn the issues and hold those we elect accountable if they fail to meet our expectations.
CMDCM Gene Treants
I believe that the complacency of the people is what caused the current problem in the first place. There is a major difference between Conservative and Religious Right and people seem to have forgotten that too. Now is the time we all need to be aware of what we have gotten because of our lack of involvement is politics and our need t resume control of government. I agree that we need a POTUS who will support the Constitution, but so far there is not one available from any party, lets hope that changes.
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