Posted on May 24, 2014
CMDCM Gene Treants
Do you believe the bill of rights is outdated and should be either dropped in its entirety or at least rewritten
My Goddaughter seems to be very representative of many people in her generation in believing that the Second Amendment is totally outdated and needs to be eliminated. As with many on the left, she feels that no individual has any need for a handgun.

Additionally, do we really need the First Amendment since one of its previsions deals with religion and seems to discriminate against atheists and agnostics?

So, how many down votes will I get for even posting a controversial question like this?
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Responses: 241
MSG Usarec Liason At Nrpc/Nara
The awesome thing about the Bill of Rights is that it is a living document. It can and does change with the times! Getting rid of the Bill of Rights would be a mistake beyond belief as would removing parts of it. The 1st amendment says I can say what I wish...not that you have to listen to it. The 2nd says I CAN have a firearm not that anyone else has to have a firearm. Giving up the rights that we fought so hard for would undermine everything this country was founded on.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
11 y
And because it is a living document, just like the Constitution, we can and should examine it often to see if it is still what we need. And I believe it is still pertinent today.
SSG William Patton
SSG William Patton
11 y
Master Chief, where do you change it and where do you draw the line on changing it. Do we allow the fringe to dictate changing the first and second amendments because some people do not like what others say or do we remove fire arms from law abiding citizens because criminals do not obey the laws? I for one will never give up my guns, nor will I succumb to cultural marxism and be politically correct. Once we start messing with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution to satisfy the kooks on the fringe, we enter a very slippery slope that may have no end in sight. Currently, the democrats in the Senate want to restrict free speech, including freedom of the press, not including MSM. That is not the America I, or you risked our neck for. Just my thoughts. Don't mean to step on anyone's toes, but I am very passionate about leaving the Constitution which defines this nation, alone.
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SFC Operations Sergeant
No disrespect, but I can't help assessing that people who feel this way are either uneducated, unintelligent or just completely disregard common sense. As far as the second amendment, I'm shocked that anyone can comfortably say there is no need for anyone to possess small arms without feeling completely stupid. Regarding the 1st amendment, it actually protects and encourages atheists and agnostics, doesn't discriminate against anyone. The bill of rights was written with the intent of protecting against persecution of religion, opinion, free thought, etc. It is just silly that in America, atheists claim to be discriminated against by our constitution. These kids you refer to are often stupid because we as parents have set bad examples, allowed government to run wild and failed to educate them.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
11 y
SSG A. could not agree more about the 1st. It really does offer as much, if not more, protection to atheists than people with religions. However the biggest debate in the country right now does seem to center on the 2nd. Every time there is any firearm violence of any type, the media jumps all over it and screams, "WOLF." As long as the headlines sell papers and Time, we will have this going on.
SFC Operations Sergeant
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
Yes, absolutely, the MSM has held free thought hostage for some time. Unfortunately, it is still our fault for not better educating each other against an abrasive and manipulative media. If I can see through their B.S., then my kids should have my same talent. The media promotes a submissive mindset, one of fear and dependency, that urges the individual to adopt a false sense of security from the collective. The problem is these media types, like most of the left, have never faced down a tough situation or someone who would do harm to them or their family. They have spent their lives avoiding confrontation and conflict, running from the fist fight and apologizing to those who wronged them, before they are in a position where they might have to defend themselves or stand up for something. They claim to be the bigger person or the intellectual, but really they are the sheep, the weak and faint-hearted. They are the reason that men and women like those who occupy this site must exist. The left swallows the "everything will be okay" kool-aid because it just feels good to them to believe that they are safe. And should they become threatened, BIG statist government and it's security blanket will swoop in and save them. Their stupidity comes into play when you realize that the BIG statist government doesn't have a security blanket, it has guns. And it rarely saves anyone. If and when these peace loving, individual disarming leftists run into the wrong end of the gun, they change their mind immediately I am sure. The bias is so clear it blows my mind that people fall for it. The sense of being an armed citizen able to defend myself is so clear it blows my mind that people don't see it. The funny thing is, the anti-gun idiots aren't anti-gun at all. They still want their security blanket, they just dont have the fortitude or the courage to provide it. And they don't trust you to provide it. They are very pro-gun, they just only want the trustworthy Government to have the guns. When you have a citizenry in THIS COUNTRY of all the countries, who believes only the Government should have guns and that we are all safe as long as we are unarmed...well that is an epic failure of generations of parents and Americans who are already ignoring the lessons of fewer than 300 years ago. Idiocracy is real.
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
11 y
SSG A, MCPO Treants mentioned in an earlier post the key to freeing our thoughts from the stronghold the media and politicians have on them. Critical thinking, I believe is the key to sifting through all the rhetoric, hype, and propaganda.

The Main stream media, which I think is a branch of the government propaganda machine, counts on citizens to not think critically. If one thinks, then one can see through the BS.

Politicians also count on the majority to stay ignorant of what is really going on and to take them at their word. This is why mud slinging campaigns are so effective, and can influence polls during elections.

If people would really think, then mudslinging would not be an effective campaign tool.

The only way for this country to get back on track is for more people to become active in what takes place in government, and to get as close to the source itself.

I will use the Bill of Rights as an example. Too many base their knowledge of the Constitution on the rhetoric of the media and politicians. Why not read the document, critically, and then base one's opinion on their own interpretation, instead of other's opinions.
SFC Operations Sergeant
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
I don't disagree at all. Knowledge is power, and as I have indicated education is the only solution to the problem.
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SSG Jeffrey Spencer
He** no! The writers of the papers that borne this country knew enough about what devils plagued monarchies and dictators.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
11 y
Agree SSG Spencer, yet they still argued and discussed for long periods of time before reaching consensus.
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SFC Network Engineer
Edited 11 y ago
I am going to focus on the gun/2nd amendment issue, since without it, all the other rights will fall: I can't believe that anyone would actually consider this, or think that there is no need for citizens to ever be able to defend themselves.

Time and time again, it has been proven that when you restrict people from buying or using guns, crime (especially violent crime) goes up. Criminals do not care for, or respect anyone, and if they can make you a victim, they will.

Here are some statistics and facts about firearms laws, and their affect on murder and violent crime:

Most of these can be verified, and the site gives links for every statistic it posts.

Here are just a few facts:

42% of Americans WILL be the victim of a successful violent crime (rape, sexual assault, assault, robbery, etc.)

83% will be the victim of an ATTEMPTED violent crime!

52% will be the victim of an attempted or successful violent crime MORE THAN ONCE!

34% of criminals who have committed violent crimes have been "scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim"

40% of criminals decided not to commit a crime because they "knew or believed that the victim was carrying a gun"

69% of criminals personally knew other criminals who had been "scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim"

Note: Of those figures, criminals do tend to brag and lie, so they are probably a little high, but the statistics are still shocking nonetheless.

So, do away with the 2nd Amendment? No way. That happens, I'm out of here because I'll be damned if anyone is going to tell me I can't use a gun to protect my wife, my children, myself, or my property!

Here's one other fact for you: 37% of all women in the US have been sexually assaulted!

I have two daughters and I remind them regularly!
SFC Network Engineer
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
Master Chief:

Many kids have this unrealistic expectation that they can change human nature - we see it in our own liberals "If we just love them enough, or leave them alone, they [terrorists] will leave us alone..." or "it's our fault - we should never have been in their country in the first place". The truth is, you can't change the evil that exists in much of the world - you can only fight it.

The first thing to do is have them train with a professional - someone who knows how to explain guns.

My wife used to be afraid of guns. I paid $80 to have her take a shotgun course at a local shooting range. The guy really knew how to get her to relate - explained it's like a sewing machine - a tool.

It's not the people who are legally licensed who are the threat. It's the ones who aren't. Once they grasp that, and once they understand that someone who doesn't care about doing things the legal way isn't going to care about a gun law that prohibits guns, you might have a chance of changing their mind.

Make sure that they understand that the FACTS don't lie. No matter what the media says, they can be a victim (and probably will be) of violent crime, or they can decide NOW not to be a victim. Even if they don't like guns, they should be encouraged to take self defense classes, or learn how to use a knife (a real knife, not the poser crap like a lot of guys think "looks cool"), and if they go the knife route, they will still lose against a gun carrying thug.

Next, take them to several types of shooting events where they can shoot targets. In the case of my wife, after her lessons, she went to the Clay Target center one day. Once she broke her first target, she was hooked.

She then got her CCW, and then bought me a gun for my birthday after I got back from Iraq.

If they are still anti-gun, then fine, you probably can't un-brainwash them - only common sense, or them actually becoming a victim may change their mind - but hopefully, with some education, training, and experience, they will at least let others be and know the real dangers that are lurking out there.
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
11 y
SFC Wayman, great comment. I partially disagree though with the statements "It's not the people who are legally licensed who are the threat. It's the ones who aren't." One doesn't have to be "legally licensed" to no longer be considered a threat. I know of many people who are shooting enthusiasts and who are not threats at all. They just choose to not get licensed. Also, for those few states who allow "open carry" without a license, are the people who do so threats or merely exercising their right to protect themselves? The problem is those who do NOT care for the rule of law as well as valuing human life.

I definitely agree and support the rest of your comment. Taking people to a range and paying for the activity yourself is a great way to introduce them to the wonderful world of shooting.

I find it interesting the part of becoming a victim. I definitely agree with that since sometimes it takes a serious emotional event for a person's eyes and mind to open up to the truth. Sadly, there are some who take it to the further extreme left even after becoming a victim. I don't remember where I read this from but many years ago a thug with a knife decided to assault some people in a grocery store. As he had a victim on the ground and about to stab and kill her, a man presented his concealed firearm, stuck it to the back of the thug's head and told him to stop or he would die. The man prevented the woman from being murdered. Shortly afterward, another woman who was nearby during the assault loudly complained "Why did he have to have a gun?" I was flabbergasted at the ignorance of the woman in thinking a firearm is something bad.
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
11 y
Just to add to this. See this article regarding the father of one of the victims of the recent shooting in California. While my heart aches for the victims and their families, I find this man's interview very disturbing. It's not stated in this particular article but he blames "irresponsible and craven politicians as well as the NRA." Seriously? I can probably bet I know which politicians he's referring to but he's absolutely wrong. Sadly, too many are willing to blame the innocent and the law-abiding instead of the criminal themselves. The fact is the vast majority of these shootings occur in GUN FREE ZONES, the areas that liberals like to say are now safe. Totally ridiculous. The areas are MORE unsafe now.
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
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SFC Stephen P.
I have seen violations of all but the 7th amendment.

What use is the bill of rights if it is not observed?
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
11 y
SFC Pate, very good point.
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
It often troubles me when I hear young people talk about the bill of rights being outdated. I think that some of our history and social studies classed in HS are failing miserably. Eliminating any of the rights is dangerous to our Democracy and were written to prevent tyranny.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
10 y
I have to agree that many of our HS and College classes as well are failing miserably.
CPT Jack Durish
I am writing in my own weblog this week on the subject of the Constitution and this posting relates directly to the one I will post tomorrow asking the question "Is the Constitution obsolete?" It follows on two others already posted regarding slavery and women's suffrage as they relate to the Constitution. There will be others next week.

In summary, I argue that the Constitution is obsolete only if we wish to abandon self-government and our individual rights. If that is the case, let's scrap it and accept tyranny. Otherwise, no...
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
10 y
that's a good time to scrap it Captain Jack
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
10 y
Seriously CMDCM Gene Treants ? Tell me either I'm misunderstanding you or you're misunderstanding me, please. You're ready to surrender self-governance and individual liberty? I sure as hell am not...
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
10 y
CPT Jack Durish I do believe you misunderstood me sir. I agreed with you that the only time to scrap the BOR and abandon the Constitution is IF "we wish to abandon self-government and our individual rights." NO,I am not ready to do that either.
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1SG Scott MacGregor
The Bill of Rights set clear definitions on government intrusion on our lives as citizens. For that matter, is the 4th Amendment also outdated? Lets take away our freedoms from unreasonable government search and seizure, Miranda. The Supreme Court is there to help define and guide the Constitution and Bill of Rights as it pertains in todays society. If we do away with the either then lets do away with he Supreme Court as well, they would be out of a job. The absense of either of these documents will allow the government to come in and have complete control of its citizenry much like communist China or mother Russia in the 80s.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
10 y
Of course since the SCOUS has become part of the problem lately that might be a solution to that part of the problem.
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CW2 Eric Scott
Why would we get rid of the Bill of Rights. That's like saying 'hey lets all enslave ourselves'.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
10 y
You say that like it is a bad thing. Obviously you are not a liberal.
CW2 Eric Scott
CW2 Eric Scott
10 y
I'm nothing related to either of the parties brother. I'm from the Veteran party; I believe in global warming, gun rights, freedom of choice, less government, and America...not parties.
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Cpl Mark McMiller
Edited 10 y ago
No; I won't vote you down, but I don't agree with your goddaughter because she is wrong. She believes what she believes because our country's education system, along with our media and entertainment industries have been inundated with leftists.

The people who wrote the Bill of Rights were very intelligent men who actually suffered under tyranny. Hardly anyone born in the U.S. has ever suffered under real tyranny, and that is why a lot of people, mostly ignorant people, don't understand the need for all of the amendments to our Constitution laid out in our Bill of Rights. These amendments were put in place not to give us any rights but to remind the government that we already have these rights that we were born with and that the government has no business messing with them.

So, you see, if the government were to remove the 2nd Amendment from the Bill of Rights, it would not diminish our right to own and carry weapons because the 2nd Amendment didn't give us the right in the first place; we were born with the right.

As far as the 1st Amendment and religion; most people are ignorant about what the amendment actually says. All it says is that you are born with the right to believe what you want and the government shall not interfere with that. To me, that means that if you want to pray in school or anywhere, the government cannot stop you from doing so. Likewise, if you don't want to pray or believe in any religion at all, the government cannot stop you from doing that. So how does the 1st Amendment seem to discriminate against atheists and agnostics?
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
10 y
I fully agree Cpl Mark McMiller
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