Posted on Sep 21, 2016
Do Soldiers in the Infantry have higher GT scores than all MOS's to exclude Military Intelligence?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 26
Most people join the infantry because they want to go infantry. As a result the majority have higher GT scores than the minimum. You will find other MOSs were went for less admirable reason and more people in the MOS have lower GT scores.
Well, I don't know if it's true, but my Drill Sergeant told me something along these lines. If it is true, it might be skewed by the numbers of 18X's who end up as 11B's.
SFC (Join to see)
Interesting point, 11B1Ps at that.
When I first got to 82D replacement detachment, the ship-out roster was full of 18X converts. No better way to fill an Airborne Infantry battalion I guess.
When I first got to 82D replacement detachment, the ship-out roster was full of 18X converts. No better way to fill an Airborne Infantry battalion I guess.
My GT was 110 when I first enlisted in the ARNG and then 118 when I transferred to Active Duty. In my view like other MOS' cross section of society, full range on the enlisted and NCO side. In 1984 had two NCO's in my unit (Squad Leaders) in the BSEP program and they had problems with basic math. One of them later got booted. 1LT and CPT were usually smarter than most of the Infantry troops though and I think that had something to do with Branch Selection and RANGER school combined. So it was not hard to trust the Officers as 98% of them were smarter than most of the troops by 1LT. Some, only some of the 2LT needed a little work. I shared a room with a guy with 139 GT and he was an idiot in the common sense department (later Chaptered on Alchol abuse) so I would not give too much credence to GT score either.
Are you asking if as a whole the Infantry has a higher GT score than MI or are you asking if Infantry requires a GT score higher than any of the 35 series MOS'?
No, I wouldn't say that is true. 11 Series being the largest CMF probably has an average GT Score close to the Army average which is probably around 108. The ASVAB has 10 different aptitude areas and GT is just one of them. Each MOS requires qualifying scores in one or more of these aptitude areas. Some of the high tech MOS's require high line scores in SC, EL, or ST, which inherently are going to also have a higher GT. There are MOS's that are high priority because there are fewer qualified applicants to fill them, taking into account test scores and TS Clearance eligibility. They are 'steered' towards these MOS's to fill critical vacancies. But they are much smaller CMF's than 11 series, so its not an accurate comparison. 11X is pretty much wide open to anyone who wants it, so there is a wider range of GT scores.
To say the Infantry Enlisted has the highest GT scores is a bold statement. I have met many different people from many MOS's with very high scores. Where could this be verified
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