Could I do ROTC after being disqualified medically for OCS?
Anyways, I understand that the ROTC medical review process is different. Do I have a chance? I’m going to give it a go anyways, but would love some more advice.
This is a little-known union based program, run by the Seafarers Intl Union (SIU), it's run along quasi-military lines, that can ultimately lead to Merchant Marine licensure by USCG, if taken far enough, for 3rd mate and/or 3rd engineer, my Dad had wanted me to apply to it when I'd been a kid, it'd been called the Harry Lundeberg school back then, it was since renamed, obviously, understand, it's not a military school, per se, it's a union-based training program, however, I mention it purely as a possibility, in case it might perhaps interest you at all....

Paul Hall Center for Maritime Training and Education - Wikipedia
The Paul Hall Center for Maritime Training and Education is a merchant marine educational facility in Piney Point, Maryland which is affiliated with the Seafarers International Union. Founded in 1967 in Brooklyn, New York as "The Seafarers' Harry Lundeberg School of Seamanship",[1] the Paul Hall Center is the largest training facility for deep sea merchant seafarers and inland waterways boatmen in the United States.[2] The school was moved to...
Look at these on ROTC used for grad school, as I'd said, I'm fairly certain the other svc scholarship programs I mentioned all would allow it, as well, though you'd obv need to ask, of course....
rotc%20graduate%20school - AOL Search Results
WAYS TO ATTEND What Does ROTC Stand For? The Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) is a way for young men and women to start strong in life. The college elective for undergraduate and graduate students that provides unrivalled leadership training for success in any career field.
SRCOSTEP at USPHS Commissioned Corps
Financial assistance from USPHS Commissioned Corps: SRCOSTEP.
JRCOSTEP at USPHS Commissioned Corps
PHS internships and externships: JRCOSTEP. USPHS Commissioned Corps.
This is on the USPHS programs, they do also use engineers, comp sci (CS), and IT, not solely clinical fields, however, that obv depends on how short they are at any given time, of course...look specifically at the Jr and Sr COSTEP, it, as well as ROTCs, and also USMC PLC, as well as I think the USCG scholarship programs, can also be used for grad school, not solely undergrad, OK? Which you'd need to do anyway, I can assure you that, if you did go warrant or commissioned, you'd most definitely be expected to get, minimum, a masters, even if you had to do it part-time, as well as all your prof mil educ (PME) nonresident coursework, so trust me, this side could be well worth your time to look at, USPHS also has a much higher age limit, typ 44, I think, their clinical standards might possibly differ, I'm not entirely certain, plus, esp if you'd care to go for a psych-related clinical field, they have an agreement with the other major Federal svcs, Army, Navy, and USAF, to let USPHS psych-related clinicians be assigned to them for 3 yr tours, there's a website about that aspect, I'll try do send it, as well, OK?
Student Opportunities at USPHS Commissioned Corps
USPHS Commissioned Corps: internships, financial assistance, loan repayments, externships, other student opportunies.
This is the Army version for cyber, this is likely one of those programs that'd entail going to an Army direct commission indoc OIS program, as I'd mentioned....

Cyber Direct Commissioning Program
System admin, web developer, programmer. Put your civilian experience to work and become an officer in the Army through the Cyber Direct Commissioning Program.