Posted on Jul 26, 2015
Clinton claims that she "did not send or receive classified information" on private account. Do you believe her? Why or why not?
U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Saturday that she did not use a private email account to send or receive classified information while she was secretary of state, in response to a government inspector's letter this week.
"I did not send nor receive anything that was classified at the time," Clinton said at a campaign stop in Iowa.
The email controversy has dogged Clinton's bid for the presidency, fuelling worries that the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination has tried to sidestep transparency and record-keeping laws.
At least four emails from the private email account that Clinton used while secretary of state contained classified information, Inspector General Charles McCullough, who oversees U.S. intelligence agencies, told members of Congress in a letter on Thursday.
Clinton said on Saturday she had "no idea" what were the emails mentioned in the letter.
McCullough's letter said a sampling of 40 of about 30,000 emails sent or received by Clinton found at least four that contained information the government had classified as secret.
The information was classified at the time that the emails were sent, McCullough said.
The use of her private email account, linked to a server in her New York home for work, has drawn fire from political opponents since coming to light in March.
Republicans have accused Clinton of trying to avoid disclosure laws through her use of private systems.
The frontrunner to represent the Democratic Party in the November 2016 election, Clinton has repeatedly said she broke no laws or rules by eschewing a standard government email account.
While Clinton faces little competition for the Democratic Party's nomination, several recent polls have found a majority of voters find her untrustworthy, a perception potentially exacerbated by controversy over her emails.
"I did not send nor receive anything that was classified at the time," Clinton said at a campaign stop in Iowa.
The email controversy has dogged Clinton's bid for the presidency, fuelling worries that the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination has tried to sidestep transparency and record-keeping laws.
At least four emails from the private email account that Clinton used while secretary of state contained classified information, Inspector General Charles McCullough, who oversees U.S. intelligence agencies, told members of Congress in a letter on Thursday.
Clinton said on Saturday she had "no idea" what were the emails mentioned in the letter.
McCullough's letter said a sampling of 40 of about 30,000 emails sent or received by Clinton found at least four that contained information the government had classified as secret.
The information was classified at the time that the emails were sent, McCullough said.
The use of her private email account, linked to a server in her New York home for work, has drawn fire from political opponents since coming to light in March.
Republicans have accused Clinton of trying to avoid disclosure laws through her use of private systems.
The frontrunner to represent the Democratic Party in the November 2016 election, Clinton has repeatedly said she broke no laws or rules by eschewing a standard government email account.
While Clinton faces little competition for the Democratic Party's nomination, several recent polls have found a majority of voters find her untrustworthy, a perception potentially exacerbated by controversy over her emails.
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 31
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad - Gunny; Considering the extent to which the US government "classifies" material (including classifying documents which have been published, sold, and are sitting on library shelves as "Secret") I suspect that it is impossible for her NOT to have sent SOMETHING that was "classified" using that eMail account.
Whether the material SHOULD HAVE been "classified" is a totally different matter.
Whether the material SHOULD HAVE been "classified" is a totally different matter.
She is a habitual liar and we now know that the comment is false. She needs to face the music for her acts.
No I do not believe her, Ms. Clinton did not have a government email during her four year stint at the State Dept.. "Under federal law, letters and emails written and received by federal officials, such as the secretary of state, are considered government records and are supposed to be retained so that congressional committees, historians and members of the news media can find them. There are exceptions to the law for certain classified and sensitive materials." You can bet her legal counsel will monitor which emails are released and which are not. They are not going to allow any email to be released which will incriminate Ms. Clinton or implicate her in any manner and they will site the fifth amendment as a reason to withhold emails they do not approve of. Being that there is always more than one way around things, if someone were interested in seeing said emails they could request them from the receiving party.

First set of Hillary Clinton emails published online - BBC News
State Department releases hundreds of emails - many relating to the attack in Benghazi, Libya - from Hillary Clinton's private email account.
Y'all are just ageist, sexist mysogonists. Just kidding. She's used to lying and getting away with it. I don't and won't trust her, and I can say I feel the same way about a majority of politicians of any political party.
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad, I personally believe this woman to be one of the least trustworthy people in the public eye.
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
I am in total agreement with you LTC Stephen C.. Moreover, I am absolutely amazed that she is still in the public eye or, for that matter, a contender for the highest elected office in our country. I think that the American people need to WAKE UP!!!
LTC Stephen C.
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad, I heard this from an old friend a long time ago and it seems like it applies here as well. "She'd rather shinny up a greased flagpole and tell a lie, rather than stand on her own two feet on the ground and tell the truth!"
Yeah, just remember this is the woman married to the guy who said, "I did not have sex with that woman!" And let's not forget the " depends on what your definition of is, is!" Besides, give her a break, because the Clintons were "broke" when they left the Whitehouse! Of course if I had a measly $3 million, I might consider myself broke too...I am willing to give it a try though!
If she says that she didn't and it is proven that she did she's in big trouble. She has turned over the server so time will tell.
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
Gunny, the emails more than likely didn't have a classification header so in her mind they were not classified. How stupid does she think we are to think that in four years as SoS, she never received or sent classified material?
Gunny, the emails more than likely didn't have a classification header so in her mind they were not classified. How stupid does she think we are to think that in four years as SoS, she never received or sent classified material?
Of course she didn't receive classified documents across her private server. The different networks are encrypted at different levels. She used a thumb drive to move files and removed the markings.
She would destroy this country more than it is being destroyed now.
She would destroy this country more than it is being destroyed now.
Whats the old joke...How do you know when a politician is lying? When their lips are moving.
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