Posted on Apr 17, 2017
Can the National Guard (Indiana) make you pay for gear out of pocket?
I am being forced to go to an MOSQ course. I was missing tons of stuff(not at my own fault, just didn't have, mostly uniforms). Asked unit supply and they weren't able to get it for me. Yet they were required items. I spent around 800 out of pocket and they don't want to reimburse me. Is there anyway I can seek repayment or do anything about this?
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 4
Are you saying that you were shorted on your initial issue of uniforms? Since most of that is issued at Reception, I would find that odd. While on the Reserve side the uniform allowance sucks, it's supposed to replace any damaged or worn out uniforms. If it's field equipment (TA50 in my day)that you are required for school and isn't on your hand receipt, you are not financially responsible and the unit should accept responsibility to fill your shortages since they are sending you to that school.
SPC (Join to see)
Uniforms were just not serviceable since they are 6 years old now and have never been able to get a replacement, but yes some TA-50 was missing that wasn't issued and I had to get.
SSG Dale London
It is your responsibility to ensure your equipment (including uniforms) is up to snuff. If it doesn't fit any more, or is otherwise unsuitable - it is your job to make it so. I don't know if ARNG soldiers receive a clothing allowance but if you do - then you haven't got a leg to stand on.
SSG Mike Babin
We do not get a clothing allowance. All gear and clothing is issued through CIF in Indy. If the unit doesn't have money, you don't get it, no matter how bad you need it! Fought that fight several times.
You should have your initial issue if those items are unserviceable you need to DX them. Your unit should supply all of your TA50. I would talk to your first line leader and go from there.
LTC Jason Mackay
Many states run "CIF" through the unit supply sergeant and by default their Unit Administrator. What I have seen is they take the sizes and draw from a state CIF menu by unit type. The SM signs for the equipment. I imagine this requires extensive lead time.
SPC (Join to see) which NCO inspected you and your stuff before you were cut orders for school and departed? On the AD side, your first line leader, PSG and usually someone from S3 confirms your packing list, APFT score (APFT the day before you leave in most cases), and HT/WT before you are handed orders. Additional CIF items are coordinated through unit supply based on the ATRS reservation. As an example, a unit might not have certain items issued, but AASLT or Ranger may require them. Certainly someone on the AGR side is running schools and training at BN or BDE level.
I don't think you will see any reimbursement unless it was directed in your orders, then the unit should have issued a fund cite on your orders for the reimbursement. Don't even know how you would reconcile that on a 1351-2. I would certainly avail myself of the chain of command under the open door policy to get help on this. Unless your unit or state have a stand alone policy on this I can't even think of a funding method to do this...I'm a career logistician. I used unit funds to by deploying equipment for OIF I because I was on a Tradoc post with no CIF...way different. I got O&M dollars to cover it, but had a tough time with DSCP and DLA obtaining the gear.
SPC (Join to see) which NCO inspected you and your stuff before you were cut orders for school and departed? On the AD side, your first line leader, PSG and usually someone from S3 confirms your packing list, APFT score (APFT the day before you leave in most cases), and HT/WT before you are handed orders. Additional CIF items are coordinated through unit supply based on the ATRS reservation. As an example, a unit might not have certain items issued, but AASLT or Ranger may require them. Certainly someone on the AGR side is running schools and training at BN or BDE level.
I don't think you will see any reimbursement unless it was directed in your orders, then the unit should have issued a fund cite on your orders for the reimbursement. Don't even know how you would reconcile that on a 1351-2. I would certainly avail myself of the chain of command under the open door policy to get help on this. Unless your unit or state have a stand alone policy on this I can't even think of a funding method to do this...I'm a career logistician. I used unit funds to by deploying equipment for OIF I because I was on a Tradoc post with no CIF...way different. I got O&M dollars to cover it, but had a tough time with DSCP and DLA obtaining the gear.
SPC (Join to see)
LTC, absolutely no one checked that I had everything. Was very surprised by this as my last unit when I was with Indiana LRS checked and triple checked everything. I definitely like "big boy" rules, but at the same time that may have addressed my issues. I told my supply SGT (which is our reediness NCO acting supply SGT) about the deficiencies but he said he could no get them. I told the Admin NCO since the supply is out of town this week and I leave Saturday. He said he would send it up the chain but I have nothing on paper or email, so who knows.
MSG (Join to see)
when you talk about reserves and guard this is not uncommon, SM"s sent without required TA 50, from my experience though the training unit or facility has already anticipated this and would issue the short fall, with full knowledge that RC/NG units are not issued the same as AD, you have to turn this in at the end, its been 4 yrs since I retired, has it changed, of course uniforms are on you, ie maintenance and upkeep, if its unserviceable you go to supply turn it in and in the perfect world you get it replaced, it may take time, and yes even in the RC/NG your unit should be checking that you are ready, setting you up for success, as well as theirs, again from my experience the 1
SG and CO had to sign off that you are ready, HT/WT, APFT and equipment/clothing. if your nco's were doing their job they should've been able to provide you with shortage items, their own, beg, or borrow, your success is also theirs
SG and CO had to sign off that you are ready, HT/WT, APFT and equipment/clothing. if your nco's were doing their job they should've been able to provide you with shortage items, their own, beg, or borrow, your success is also theirs
MSG (Join to see)
One step forward in your career and leadership progression. Be grateful that you GOING to school. No one should be forcing you to go to school. You enlisted and the decisions that you make and the opportunities that you take early in your career make a big difference at the end of your career. I have seen times when the money levels were too low for many Soldiers to attend courses. IN fact, I have an SSG that has been waiting on a seat for almost two years. Maintenance of your gear and uniform is ultimately up to you. It is always good to have spare items, just in case of this very reason. Many ARNG and USAR units run on a skeleton crew, although the ability to ensure that you were properly geared was foreseeable and hopefully beyond their control to obtain it for you and not just some excuse because someone didn't want to take the time to prepare you. I agree with MSG Cafaro in that usually the schools understand that there may be unobtainable gear that, even if used, should be able to be made up by them. Some schools have a mandatory list and some items are never used. I've been to many schools that required mucho TA50, but in the end, most of it stayed in a bag in the corner. Take this as a learning experience. Are you going to let your Soldiers go unchecked when preparing for school. It seems that you learned something important at your last unit that you may now understand a little more clearly. Hopefully that important lesson that you have learned early in your career, will help you become a better leader in the future.
Most likely, you will not be able to be reimbursed for those items. The good news is that you can write those items off on your taxes, if you itemize deductions.
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