SSG Dale London

SSG Dale London

Dates of Service: Aug 1980 - Aug 1996
85% Complete
11 Endorsements
44 Contacts
Influence Score: 113,946
768 out of 868,063 Veterans
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  • PVT Aug 80
  • PV2 Dec 81
  • PFC Jun 82
  • SPC Oct 83
  • SGT Jan 87
  • SSG Nov 91

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Aug 2012 - Jul 2016
Officiating Chaplain to HM Forces (MoD Civilian)
Served as adjunct support to the Royal Navy Chaplain assigned to 45 Commando and served in his stead when he was deployed. Provided advice to the Commanding Officer in matters pertaining to religion, morals, morale and welfare. Supported the chaplain by providing religious services, leading workshops, counselling Royal Marines and their families and officiating at regular worship services, sacraments, weddings, funerals and memorials. Led worship and celebration of the sacraments for the Back-Party Marines and the families of Marines while the forward element of 45 Commando, Royal Marines was deployed abroad.
Apr 2011 - Jul 2012
Chaplain to HM Forces, RAChD (Captain - CF4)
Commissioned as Captain (CF4) in the Royal Army Chaplains Department. Provided advice to the Commanding Officer in matters pertaining to religion, morals, morale and welfare. Oversaw and delivered a full programme of religious ministries, including workshops, counselling sessions, religious education and special events. Officiated at regular worship services, formal ceremonies, military functions, funerals and memorials. Led celebration of the sacraments for the soldiers and families of 4th Regt Royal Artillery and associated units both in the UK and while deployed abroad. Served on the Board of Governors for Alanbrooke Primary School, Thirsk, North Yorkshire.
Jan 1993 - Aug 1996
Managed a multi-discipline computer processing and reporting team with emphasis on system support, training, performance counselling, and evaluation of 30 people. Responsible for operation and maintenance of computer processing and communication center employing 120 personnel. Created shift rotas, managed holiday manning shortages, ordered consumables and supervised the upkeep of the facility. Responsible for the security of data processing equipment and a library of classified information in both printed and electronic media. Attended and participated in daily briefing for the Department head and weekly briefing for the Commanding Officer, NSGA Edzell, and his staff. Classified document courier for Command.
Feb 1991 - Dec 1992
NCOIC, I Corps G2 Current Intel Cell
Section Chief of the of the I Corps CTOCSE Current Intel Cell. Directly supervised three soldiers engaged in analyzing information from worldwide tactical and strategic sources. Developed, produced, supervised and delivered intelligence briefings for the I Corps Commanding General and his staff. Collated and prepared special intelligence reports, was responsible for the publication and distribution of the I Corps Weekly Intelligence Summary. Accountable for $2million in section equipment, was Special Security Representative, COMSEC hand-receipt holder and classified document courier for I Corps G2.
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter