Responses: 56
I think maybe the question should have been... can you wear CIB and CAB at the same time? Wearing an EIB, and a CIB is like wearing Airborne wings along with Master Airborne wings, or Aviator wings and Senior Aviator wings at the same time. Granted you earned both, but you should always wear the one that denotes higher achievement or accomplishment. Being that CIB and CAB are different awards - they should be allowed to be worn simultaneously. However the CIB should be worn over the top of the CAB since it has been in service longer, and to give respect that is earned to those who serve in our Infrantry forces and take the fight to the enemy - often within eyesight of those hellbent on killing you. That doesn't mean other troops don't engage in close quarter combat... we all know Iraq and Afghanistan have been anything other than a conventional war - where even support MOS troops are sometimes on the front lines engaged in battle... however, the EIB and CIB are definitely reserved for those who dedicate their lives to the rigors of serving and sacrificing ones life as an Infantry Soldier. So, as a former 19K (Armor enlisted), 13B (Artillery enlisted), 14E (ADA officer), 35D (MI officer), 35E (CI Special Agent / officer)... I certainly have much respect for my 11B brothers! Thanks for all you guys do!
I would have to say no ,at least back in my day that would not be a proper way to display these awards,what I've said on similar posts is that the individual wearing these devices knows their true meaning and recognition by others is superficial by comparison .
Negative, Ghost Rider. One or the other. I know guys that have both that choose to wear the EIB, though it has lower precedence, and I know guys that wear the CIB because they say it proves that they know how to do their job. But you cannot wear both at the same time.
However, quick side not, there is rumor of a MIB (Master Infantry Badge) being talked into production and policy for those who have earned both. Perhaps it will come to pass? Who's to say anymore. The Army has so many different chest candies, it gets really difficult to keep up with.
However, quick side not, there is rumor of a MIB (Master Infantry Badge) being talked into production and policy for those who have earned both. Perhaps it will come to pass? Who's to say anymore. The Army has so many different chest candies, it gets really difficult to keep up with.
CPT William Jones
Actually young troop. The EIBShows you know your job. The CIB says you had the 11 series mos when the convoy you were riding in was attacked and the soldier beside you and pulled you out of the line of fire was s cook didn’t get one. Wrong mos.
Iwhen I was a SPC I had the same question posed to me when I went looking for a job at a LRSD unit. I was embarrassed to not know the answer. AR 670-1. Look it up.
One or the other. You can't wear both at the same time. I have both but am most proud of the CIB because you know when the bullets are hitting the concrete blocks all around you-you probably deserve it.
Both are tier 1 awards. Along with combat medic and CAB only one authorized at a time.
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