SFC Owner/Operator

SFC (Join to see)

Dates of Service: no date specified
85% Complete
8 Contacts
Influence Score: 17,682
3,411 out of 868,039 Veterans
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  • SFC Aug 02

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Proud retired Infantryman who managed to spend his entire career in a line company.
I left the Army in 1998 for a military contractor job after losing my wife in a car accident and becoming a single father of 3 children. I returned to service in 2002 after 911 and continued to serve until I retired in 2005.

Military Experiences

2002 - 2005
3-7 IN
Platoon Sergeant/Acting Platoon Leader
Operation Iraqi Freedom
1999 - 2002
1992 - 1998
Squad Leader
3rd Plt, B Co, 2-15 IN, 3 ID Deployed to Operation Desert Shield / Desert Storm.
Assigned to reinforce 3-15 INF, 1-64 AR, 24th ID, 2nd BDE XVIII ABN Corps
1988 - 1992
Squad Leader
USAREUR Infantry Skills Team Competition Leader 1989, 1990, 1991


(2 years)
2003 - 2004
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
INF Platoon Sargeant / Acting Platoon Leader, 3rd ID
1991 - 1992
Southwest asia ribbon
Operation Desert Shield/Storm
INF Squad Leader, 24th ID

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Started in Aug 1981

Arctic, Cold Weather Tng, Fort Wainwright, Alaska

Individual & Special Skill Schools


7th ID (Light) Division Sniper School

Security Clearance
None / Expired

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Low voltage/Alarm technician

Job/Skill Training

Personal Information


SSgt Clare May

Air Force | Security Supervisor

Deming , NM

SFC...Many thanks for your dedicated service.
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
SPC Douglas Bolton

Army | Radio Teletypewriter Operator

Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter