56% Complete
0 Endorsements
4 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,348
18,179 out of 868,041 Veterans
18,179 out of 868,041 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
(2 years, 4 months)Feb 2010 - Feb 2011

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
11B10 M240 Machine Gunner w/ 2nd Sqd. 2nd Plt., Bulldog Co. 1-187th In., 3BCT., 101st Airborne Division. M203 Grenadier Team Leader, M249 SAW Gunner.
COP Munoz, Gayan District, Paktika Province, South Eastern Afghanistan/ FOB Tillman/ FOB Salerno/ FOB Warrior/ FOB Salerno.
COP Munoz, Gayan District, Paktika Province, South Eastern Afghanistan/ FOB Tillman/ FOB Salerno/ FOB Warrior/ FOB Salerno.
Sep 2007 - Nov 2008

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
56M Chaplains Assistant--Camp Stryker (Interpreter Escort-2-3 months), Chaplain Security/ Platoon Outreach (out with patrols 2-3 months), COS Meade ( Chaplain Security/ Platoon Outreach --5 months), Camp Stryker (Interpreter Escort--remainder of 14 months)
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees