Posted on Jul 30, 2015
RallyPoint Shared Content
From: ABC News

Fitness Enthusiast John Burk said despite the media's negative portrayal of his online video rant on obesity and healthy living, the public has been singing his praises for his brutal honesty and motivation.

"It's been 95 percent positive and these other news agencies are saying I'm under fire," Burk of Hinesville, Georgia told ABC News. "I have so much overwhelming support for what I said. I see a comment here, a comment there, but mostly I hear 'Thank you for saying that.'

"I've changed thousands of lives daily from people saying that 'This is the blunt-force trauma I needed for me to quit making excuses and lying to myself, and get up and do something.'"

Burk, 31, a former drill sergeant in the United States Army Infantry, said some viewers are portraying his speech as negative, however, he said he posted it on Facebook to encourage people to choose a healthier lifestyle.

"First and foremost, I will not apologize," he said. "I will not retract what I said regardless of what society thinks. There is a difference between anger and passion. That was passion. People are so quick to say 'Oh, he's so angry.'"

Burk uploaded the profanity-laced video on July 5, where it has since received over 3 million views and upwards of 31,000 shares.

In addition, the comments came rolling in — some calling Burk a "mouthy bully" and others saying he's "inspirational."

"What really aggravates me is how society views it that it's perfectly OK to be overweight, as long as you're happy," Burk said. "People keep saying it's not my business and you're right, it's not. I think the blunt truth of it is either making an excuse, or you're going after it. Essentially, that’s what this video was about."

Burk, a father of two, said he feels it's important for adults to adopt positive eating habits for the sake of their children.

"My overall goal, quite honestly, is to start a revolution to stop living so unhealthily," he said. "We can do so much for our lives. For me, it starts with good health and fitness and a good, healthy, mind. The people that work had and go to the gym, they're called obsessed with their body, gym rats, meat heads — but if someone is eating too much or degrading their health and you say one negative thing, you are 'fat shaming.' It’s the hypocrisy that I can't understand.

"Their personality might be beautiful, but your body, in my opinion, is not," Burk added. "Since when did it become beautiful for someone to be obese? It's not. It's unhealthy. People automatically assume that’s fat shaming."

Burk said that he will continue making more videos for Facebook and his site, in hopes to coach viewers on nutrition and basic workout tips.
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Responses: 67
SGT Michael Glenn
I had to have a big "FAT" lol over this one...obviously stuck on himself.Give him a bad deployment or botched field problem and he too will be singing a different tune. during my military career, I had a 29 inch waist, now many operations later to do the best to piece this old body back to normal I can only look at my old class A uniform and have my Gf's 17 year old son wear it to show people how small I was. I am doing better and no longer in a wheel chair and plan on riding a bike by next year and running soon after that. then Ill find this quack and put him to shame!!!! now if you will excuse me I think I pulled a muscle typing this !!!!! MEDIC !!!!!!!!
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Cpl Chris Rice
My family is full of fat guys, who get up and go to work, then pay taxes so he can have his beautiful gym to work out in, and he has a salary to purchase his supplements with. I think at this point most of the middle-aged men I know are quite obese, all have full-time jobs, many of served in the United States military, and more have raised children who have served. Unfortunately for this gentleman the United States of America is built on men and women who could care less about their physical appearance, they have unwisely spent that time on the unimportant aspects of life such as supporting and raising families, running businesses, and basically building our modern economy.

Even when I was in the Marine Corps I often found it silly that we preferred the aircraft mechanic who was lazy, incompetent, but had a good proportional height to weight, over the Marine who proved himself over and over again as a skilled workman, but who stomach may have stuck out a little bit more (The example could Still could pass the PFT, actually he was faster than my skinny ass at the time). I think I can tell you which one Al Qaeda would prefer working on our aircraft.
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SPC George Rudenko
And some flocked to Manson and Koresh as visionaries ( not comparing this guy to either) What is one mans trash is another mans treasure. But, is he saving lives? I don't see him as a MD, RN, EMT. I saw a fit crazed die of flesh eating bacteria because they had too little body fat, weren't a professional athlette being constantly monitored but wanted to look the part.

I guess my question is, can we motivate without insulting, shaming? Because I can explain the universe can I call him stupid? Is there even a point to doing that? I think that Spartan tat got to him. We are no longer kicking the weak babies to die in pits to perpetuate the species.
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SPC Margaret Higgins
There is a lot better way to motivate a person (people) to lose weight. One either gets help for the overweight person (internist, nutritionist, etc.); or one helps the overweight person to lose weight ones self.
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Maj Chris Nelson
He is an official dirt bag in my book. First, while he makes some points, he also can not generalize everyone without knowing their health history and current meds (both of which may impact weight). Also, it appears that he lacks testosterone.... or he shaves his body.... or maybe both. His "art work" is as unimpressive as his physique.... have seen many that are much better. How am I doing so far?? I haven't even gotten to his personality yet....think I will stop. I will live my life and ENJOY it....MY way. He can crawl up under whatever rock he came from.
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
Well he looks 12 years old and everything is easier in your preteens.... and
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CPL(P) Civilian Driver
I'm all for it. His delivery doesn't work well for civilians, but he's completely right. He delivers like a drill sgt. Nothing tastes as good as fit and healthy feels.
CMSgt Senior Enlisted Leader
CPL(P) Civilian Driver
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9 y
In honor of this video I took politely told army medical that they can kiss my backside as I violated their inane P3 profile written by a Med O6 with a hard-on for me and ran 3 miles without any issues, knocked out 60 pushups and did 45 sit ups hanging upside down by my ankles. It's not Currahee but a damn good start.
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