Posted on Sep 13, 2015
What or who helped you the most with your transition into civilian life?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
I really did it on my own. I am self motivated and blessed ti be able to think for myself
SPC Margaret Higgins
You really are blessed; SSgt Alex Robinson. CONGRATULATIONS and Good for YOU. :)
Luckily I work with a bunch of guys that retired before I did. The whole group helped. The first 3 months were the worst for me. Smooth sailing after that. Just the occasional desire to stomp someone's face in. Just kidding.
SPC Margaret Higgins
LOL I don't blame you; MSgt Erik Copp. It is tough getting out. And weren't you blessed; such as to have the whole group helping you.
SPC Margaret Higgins what helped me was my peer support, and family. The Soldier For Life Program was instrumental in my success, from jobs, to benefits.
SPC Margaret Higgins
I am so very glad that you had all of those influences to help you with your transition; SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
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