Recent Activity -
Air frame and powerplant Liscense, Airframe and power plant part 147 instructor, APU tech Red Garret, level II vibration analyst, Level I ultrasound analyst, currently retired diasabled
Airframe a powerplant cert.
leve l1 andII vibration analyst
level 1 ultra sound technicial specialist
trained in thermography,
Airframe a powerplant cert.
leve l1 andII vibration analyst
level 1 ultra sound technicial specialist
trained in thermography,
(6 years)Nov 1973 - Feb 1975
335th Assult helicopter company Ft. Riley Kansass
UH-1h crewchief
Jan 1969 - Jul 1970
1st Cav
Oh-6a crewchief gunner
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Apr 1975 - Jan 1979
Northrop university, aerospace engineering technologies
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Mar 1976 - Apr 1982
Northrop university , Airframe and powerplant Liscense
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character

Army | Radio Operator-Maintainer
PEO EIS Technology Applications Office (TAO) - Network/Systems Administrator at US Army (Military Industry)
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character