Posted on Aug 19, 2015
SSG Richard Reilly
Ok I was at cub scouts and I had this guy claiming to be Artillery. Me being genuinely interested in what he has to say I started to talk to him about it. After saying I was once Army he turned to Ordinance....then to a truck driver....then to a mechanic. I didn't care if he was the worse Private on the goat herding farm but clearly he knew he was lying and started to tap dance. I decide to leave it alone because it was about the boys not him but have you run into one of these guys. I mean have pride in what you did I never fast roped out of a C130 while shooting Bin Laden with my double barrel mortar tube but I am proud of my service why aren't others?
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Responses: 105
SSG Arnie Jones
Of the 500 (?) Navy Seals in Vietnam, I have meet all 10,000 of them. I moved on.
FN George Woodruff
FN George Woodruff
9 y
SGT Craig Northacker - Since my time on this old earth is getting short I gave my book "Just Before Taps" to the Georgia Patriot Guard Riders as a gift of intellectual property. Any revenue will be used for veterans and their families. They had two publishers competing to see who would publish it and Lemon Press got the job. They did a special limited 6"x9"manuscript edition for me so I could autograph it and send it to family and friends and it came out very well. The "for public sale" issue is undergoing the final edit with photos being added and should hit the market in about a month suieor two. Trinka Davis Veterans Village(where I live) is an amazing place and one of a kind in the whole USA. It has service disabled veterans from five wars living here. Each has a private suite. It was built with private money and donated to the VA. Thanks for your offer of help. I appreciate it. George Woodruff
SGT Craig Northacker
SGT Craig Northacker
9 y
FN George Woodruff - Good for you, George. Thanks for your continued service. I take it that it has not been printed yet. I would be happy to help you in whatever aspects of this you may want or need help in. I am a CPA with lots of experience in the area. It might be interesting for you to sign a number of copies, enabling them to be auctioned or sent to a number of folks who might offer a significant donation to help out the groups you designated. We can include a number of opportunities to honor you and those you wrote about in fundraisers.
FN George Woodruff
FN George Woodruff
9 y
SGT Craig Northacker - Because of my failing health, a 6"x9" manuscript version of about 100 copies was printed for me by the publisher. It was not for sale but was sent to my family members and a number of individuals for review. The final version that will contain a number of photos should be on the market in a few weeks. I no longer have any say over the distribution of my book as I made an irrevocable grant of intellectual property to the Georgia Patriot Guard Riders so they could use it as a means of raising money to help veterans and their families. As they have about 330,000 members nationally and connections with veterans organizations they have the opportunity for widespread distribution. But thanks for your offer of help. It was very generous of you.
SGT Craig Northacker
SGT Craig Northacker
9 y
Your welcome - just trying to help the cause. That is incredibly generous of you. FYI, if you have any federal tax you are paying, then you should be able to get a nice deduction for your gift.
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COL Mikel J. Burroughs
SSG Richard Reilly You did the right thing by walking away from the idiot. Most Veterans and combat veterans don't brag about what they've done. They keep it to themselves and only discuss and answer questions that are specifically asked of them. They keep it short and to the point and they never embellish what they have experienced or been through. They are humble and proud of their service. They miss those they have lost and grieve quietly within themselves. When you run across what you have described just walk away and avoid them like the plague. They aren't worth your time and effort. Just by their actions and loud obnoxious behavior they have called themselves out! This is just my opinion and personal advice.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
SGT Rick Ash
SGT Rick Ash
9 y
I can take a little embellishment but at a certain point I am going to ask for detail or just call them on their BS. Three years of my service based out of Frankfurt, Germany were higher than Top Secret, it was "Eyes Only" work that I still can't talk about it nor do I want to! I made E-5 in the first 5 years and I am as proud of that as I am in my Europe/Asia and the rank I held in plainclothes for 3 years. I do try to ignore the BS'ers but it's not always possible!
SSG(P) D. Wright Downs
SSG(P) D. Wright Downs
9 y
i had to know what I could talk about and what I couldn't in my job. I made my 5 in 2 but that was back in the old days in Germany. A few years ago I was asked if I wanted to talk to a person writing a story about Pershing while at an Army meeting. I declined because i did not know what had been declassified even though the system was retired. When the story came out it was very soft. Was glad I had not talked to the writer. i guess it goes with the when they tell you you are debriefed as you sign out, you know you are to keep your mouth shut forever. I do not like it when people are fakers or when they pry.
SGT Glenn E Moody
SGT Glenn E Moody
9 y
good answer i don't tell anyone but the one's i love and my brothers that put on the uniform dosen't matter what branch we serviced as i really did nothing but train here in the States. and went to Germany for Reforger 1985 that is the closest i came to war.
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Cpl Tou Lee Yang
I don't want to brag but I am a....
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
9 y
Sorry Keven, only a few are selected by the United Federation of Planets as an Elite Gunner. However, I heard you can purchase the patch on eBay so you can pretend to be elite.
SSG(P) D. Wright Downs
SSG(P) D. Wright Downs
9 y
SFC Terry Murphy - I knew a lot of those--that is what missile tape was for...that stuff would hold anything and every thing. I was assigned to HQ 56th Bde and then to HQ 1/41 FA Pershing. Loved those people.... Left for a number of years, went back for maneuver rights for another unit and it was old home day. Best people in the World were Pershing...that is where I met Gen Ray Odierno when he was a Very Young Officer.
SFC Oddie Brown
SFC Oddie Brown
7 y
LOL, oh yeah. That says it all right there. Love it.
SGT James (Jimmy) Crone
SGT James (Jimmy) Crone
7 y
I'm an army vet and that's how i got my patch was on ebay just figured the army tanker could do a better job lol
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