Vietnam Vets: Filing a Disability Compensation Claim | RallyPoint
Nothing is more frustrating than filing a VA disability compensation claim under the new “Fully Developed Claim (FDC)” system and only receiving a denial letter telling you that the military didn’t cause your disabilities. What do you have to do before filing a VA claim? I would suggest that you first look for a County Veterans Service Officer or National Service Officer that has been properly trained by the VA in disability claims preparation...
What Advice Would You Give To A Veteran Making A Veterans Affairs Disability Claim? | RallyPoint
As I left Active Duty, I thought If its any advice I could share with submitting your Veterans Affairs Disability Claim. Each persons is unique, but similar in the process as stated on your E-Benefits account. To the members on Active duty, please use your last two years wisely, as to get everything medically documented. It will save you a lot of time, with the VA. I have found MRIs/X-Ray/CAT Scans help out tremendously. Be proactive and note...
How long does it take to to process a disability claim after you left the military? | RallyPoint
So i was stupid and waited until I got out to start a disability claim with the VA, how long does it normally take to even get a response from them? Ive been waiting about 2 months now and the only thing I've got back from them is a letter in the mail stating that my paperwork is being processed and that i shouldn't contact them about it. Is that normal? What should I do now?
#3.... ~~ [login to see] ~Hours: 24/7
If you need an interpreter: Call [login to see] and select 0. We’ll connect you with a VA call center agent. Tell the agent that you want a language interpreter to join the call.
These Are A Few I Still Have In My Permanent Files ~ And They AIN'T Been No Help Neither, (;-)>
But What The "L", Give'em A Shot.