Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 53
I don't think that I would honestly ask him anything. I would, respectfully, decline the chance to ask him anything.

Suspended Profile
Really? It is your right. Please do. Problems are never solved with out talking about them.
CPO (Join to see)
I only say this because I don't think there is any reasoning that would sink in with that man. I wouldn't want to risk being disrespectful just to fail to get my point across.
Sgt (Join to see)
CPO (Join to see) SSG John Lisby check my questions for Barack H Obama ; there is much much more to this agent that meets the eye but it’s finally slowly being uncovered (2020)
Why has the racial gap been pushed back by 50 yrs since you have come in to office?
SSG Michael Hartsfield
So you are going to put the racial divide on the President?
What about FOX News's commentators willingness to frame EVERYTHING in a racial light, especially when it comes to Obama?
What about Republican politicians that chose to place the woes of the world at the feet of Obama?
What about the Republican commentators (Limbaugh, Coulter, to name just a few) that get paid to spew divisiveness among Americans?
How about the explosion of extremist groups in AMERICA since the president was elected AND
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's proclamation that racism in America is over?
But of course, it's all Obama's fault, right?
What about FOX News's commentators willingness to frame EVERYTHING in a racial light, especially when it comes to Obama?
What about Republican politicians that chose to place the woes of the world at the feet of Obama?
What about the Republican commentators (Limbaugh, Coulter, to name just a few) that get paid to spew divisiveness among Americans?
How about the explosion of extremist groups in AMERICA since the president was elected AND
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's proclamation that racism in America is over?
But of course, it's all Obama's fault, right?
SSG Michael Hartsfield
Capt Jeff S. - So you would have rather had the train wreck of a presidency that would have been McCain-Palin?
Or the out of touch, 43% of Americans won't vote for me, Mitt Romney?
People did vote for Obama (primarily) because of his skin color but because they didn't want to go with the McCain-Palin in the first term and we all went with the devil we knew in the second. That poster only speaks to the racial intolerance that we are still facing in our nation and how even if Obama's administration discovered the cure for cancer, people would accuse him of trying to destroy the pharmaceutical industry
Or the out of touch, 43% of Americans won't vote for me, Mitt Romney?
People did vote for Obama (primarily) because of his skin color but because they didn't want to go with the McCain-Palin in the first term and we all went with the devil we knew in the second. That poster only speaks to the racial intolerance that we are still facing in our nation and how even if Obama's administration discovered the cure for cancer, people would accuse him of trying to destroy the pharmaceutical industry
Capt Jeff S.
By your own admission, "People did vote for Obama (primarily) because of his skin color." His character clearly wasn't a concern of yours. Never mind that he lied about his eligibility and produced computer generated forgeries as proof of his identity. Never mind that his campaign forged signatures to get his name on the ballots of States where he would have been a write-in candidate and most certainly would have lost the nomination to Hillary Clinton. Never mind his sketchy associations with radicals like Frank Marshall Davis Jr., Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Derrick Bell, Bill Ayers, etc. Never mind that he never obtained political office based on his merits but rather by casting doubt about his opponents, never managed a payroll, lied about being a Constitutional professor, and voted present more than any other Senator.
It would have been far worse to elect RINO John McCain, a Navy War pilot and Vietnam POW that votes with Democrats much of the time... or Mitt Romney, another Establishment GOP RINO who had a proven track record of turning failing companies around. Romney also turned the Salt Lake City Olympics profitable. How's the "Hope and Change" you voted for working out for America?
Well, thanks to folks like you that couldn't vet their candidate, our military has been decimated, national debt has surpassed annual GDP and GNP, and it will take generations to undo the damage done. Not only is this damage economic, but from a national security standpoint, our nation has been compromised. We sponsored international terrorism in the Middle East, opened up our borders to illegal immigration from Mexico, our Executive refused to enforce Federal Immigration Law and even gave illegals incentives to come. We took in Syrian muslim refugees that were beheading Christians back home. Europe has a rape crisis going on, and we're trying to import that here. Great job Democrats. EVERYONE in America is suffering the stupidity of Liberal voters.
It would have been far worse to elect RINO John McCain, a Navy War pilot and Vietnam POW that votes with Democrats much of the time... or Mitt Romney, another Establishment GOP RINO who had a proven track record of turning failing companies around. Romney also turned the Salt Lake City Olympics profitable. How's the "Hope and Change" you voted for working out for America?
Well, thanks to folks like you that couldn't vet their candidate, our military has been decimated, national debt has surpassed annual GDP and GNP, and it will take generations to undo the damage done. Not only is this damage economic, but from a national security standpoint, our nation has been compromised. We sponsored international terrorism in the Middle East, opened up our borders to illegal immigration from Mexico, our Executive refused to enforce Federal Immigration Law and even gave illegals incentives to come. We took in Syrian muslim refugees that were beheading Christians back home. Europe has a rape crisis going on, and we're trying to import that here. Great job Democrats. EVERYONE in America is suffering the stupidity of Liberal voters.
Capt Jeff S.
How do you sleep at night knowing you defrauded the American people and have spent the last eight years living a lie and pretending to be something you are not -- a Constitutionally qualified, legitimately elected President of the United States. Does it bother you to know that the only legacy you will have is a shameful one? History will judge you harshly and corruption will be the hallmark of your legacy... You will forever define the benchmark by which failure is judged.
What words of encouragement do you have for the incoming President? If you could have one do over, what would it be and why?
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
If you get a chance, I believe there's a copy running around the internet of the letter each president gives the next one.
I believe President Bush (the senior) biggest advise was "The press is going to go after you" (he repeated it twice).
I believe President Bush (the senior) biggest advise was "The press is going to go after you" (he repeated it twice).
CSM David Heidke
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS - funny... He wrote this to Clinton, LOL! Willy was probably laughing his ass off at that statement!
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